Newsline Archives

  • 2018 Summer

    Open or Close
    1. 弊社のeメールアドレス
    2. 6時間の omnibus”英語ビジネススキル集中コース
    3. 専門的なテクニカルライティングのスタイル:DRBFM
    4. 団体とのコラボレーション:一緒に成長!
    5. 大阪エヴェッサバスケットボールチーム
    6. 言葉の起源がわかるウェブサイト
    1. Our current e-mail address:
    2. Six-time ‘omnibus’ English business skills intensives
    3. Specialized tech writing style: DRBFM
    4. Collaboration with associations: Growing together!
    5. Osaka Evessa basketball team
    6. Useful website for word origins

    1. 弊社のeメールアドレス

    すでにお気づきかとは思いますが、弊社のメールアドレスはタイトルに表示しておりますように、去年変更になりました。 現在、旧メールアドレスから一定期間は転送されますが、今後は新しいメールアドレスへご連絡ください。

    1. Our current e-mail address:

    As many of our clients now know, our main Kansai Branch e-mail has changed over the past year (see title). Although our e-mail to our old address will be transferred to the new one for a certain period of time, please start using the new one to ensure that you reach us!

    My own new e-mail address is

    2. 6時間の omnibus”英語ビジネススキル集中コース



    最近、私は6日間の集中セッションの「オムニバス」シリーズを編集しました。一般のビジネススキルに焦点をあて、6ヶ月または1年で受講できます。スキルの内容は、基本的な会話、異文化コミュニケーション、プレゼンテーション(基礎と技術)、および会議&交渉術が含まれます。 ご興味がある方はこちらのサイトをご覧ください:
    2. Six-time ‘omnibus’ English business skills intensives

    For many of our corporate clients, the traditional two-hour evening language class once or twice a week is just not practical, considering the actual work demands on their employees.

    A more feasible solution for many companies is to hold a single intensive session, or a series of intensives, for a whole or half day on specifically designated dates. Such an approach gives the trainees a bit of ‘separation’ from their workaday lives, and they often approach such training with more energy and focus.

    Recently, I assembled an ‘omnibus’ series of six full-day intensive sessions, focusing on common business skills, that can be taken over six months or a year. These skills include basic conversation, cross-cultural management, presentation (principles and training), and meetings & negotiations. Download a general scheme of this series here:

    3. 専門的なテクニカルライティングのスタイル:DRBFM

    工業用資料では、顧客と工場のスタッフに配布される文書は標準化された文書であることは必須です。品質保証(QA)においての一般的なドキュメントはDRBFM:Design Review Based on Failure Mode(FEMA:Failure Mode and Effects Analysisと似ています)です。 簡単に言えば、これは問題点の原因を特定し、対策を提案し、その対策の期待される結果を説明するために使用されます。

    弊社ではグローバル展開で成功されているメーカーの一社であるお客様へこのDRBFMのレッスンを含んだテクニカルライティングの研修を行っております。「DRBFM Style」については下記サイトよりダウンロードできます:
    3. Specialized tech writing style: DRBFM

    In industrial documentation, providing customers and factory staff with good, standard documents is a must. A common document in the quality assurance (QA) field is DRBFM: Design Review Based on Failure Mode (similar to FEMA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis). Briefly, this is used to identify the cause of problems, propose countermeasures, and explain the expected results of the countermeasures.

    Every year we run a technical writing course for one of our great clients, a globally successful Japanese manufacturer, that includes a lesson on DRBFM. You can download a summary of ‘DRBFM Style’ here:

    4. 団体とのコラボレーション:一緒に成長!




    京阪神次世代グローバル研究リーダー育成コンソーシアム (K-CONNEX)は、関西圏の主要大学の若手研究者を中心に、次世代を担う研究室主宰者(PI)にふさわしい成長を支援する活動をされています。K-CONNEX様で今年実施したプレゼンテーションスキルプログラムは、大きなグループで行う講義とワークショップの半日(私は参加者の皆様との交流を非常に楽しみました!)ワークショップでは、数人の研究者に対し、個別のトレーニングを行いました。京阪神次世代グローバル研究リーダー育成コンソーシアム (K-CONNEX)のサイトは:
    4. Collaboration with associations: Growing together!

    In our training programs, we really enjoy partnering with some of the greatest companies and universities throughout Japan. In recent years, however, we are also providing training services to important technical societies and organizations in Japan.

    For the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ, Kansai Branch), we have been holding, over about six years, yearly seminars in Technical Writing Fundamentals and in Presentation Skills for International Conferences. These are generally small-sized seminars that allow extensive interaction and detailed feedback on the trainees’ own writing or presentation efforts. The group atmosphere is always casual but intense. Get more information here:

    The Japan Society of English for Research (J-SER) promotes the study of English in all facets of research (writing, presentation, critical thinking, socializing, etc.) to develop the skills of its participants. The presentation skills program we conducted last year, in both Kobe and Tokyo, has two parts. On the first day, a large group took part in lecture and workshop activities (studies in a very wide field of disciplines were represented). Later, each of a few focal participants individually received intensive presentation training on a day that suited his or her schedule. Get more information here:

    K-CONNEX (The Keihanshin Consortium for Fostering the Next Generation of Global Leaders in Research) serves as a focal point for young researchers from among major Kansai-area universities, aiming to foster the next generation of principal investigators (PI). The presentation skills program we started this year has two parts. On the first half day, a very large group took part in lecture and workshop activities (I really had a lot of fun with the audience interaction!). On the second half day, intensive presentation training was given to a few people who had prepared full presentations. Get more information here:

    5. 大阪エヴェッサバスケットボールチーム

    当社の親会社であるHuman Holdings(は、おそらく、ヒューマンアカデミーで最も知られていると存じますが、外国人のための日本語講座など、さまざまな教育プログラムを運営していることで有名で、当グループは実際には非常に幅広い企業を有していて、私が特に関心をひいた事は新しくなった舞洲のアリーナで活躍する大阪エヴェサバスケットボールチームです。 エヴェッサの詳細はこちら:

    5. Osaka Evessa basketball team

    Our parent company, Human Holdings (, is probably most famous for Human Academy, which runs many kinds of educational programs, such as Japanese courses for foreigners. But the Group actually has a very wide range of enterprises. One its operations that particularly interests me is the Osaka Evessa basketball team, which plays at an arena on newly renovated Maishima Island. Get more information on Evessa here:

    Although I really love watching basketball, I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t know so much about the team, or the pro league in Japan. Anyway, I’m determined to go to at least one game next season!

    6. 言葉の起源がわかるウェブサイト

    言語学(etymology /エティモロジー)は、言葉がどのように創造され、進化したかを研究する学問です。(時々エントモロジーと混同されますが、entomologyは昆虫学です) 私は子供のころから、言葉に魅了されています。 言葉の語源背景を調べることができる使い易いオンライン語学辞典のサイトはこちらです。

    “seminar (n.)”の語源は:
    1887, "special group-study class for advanced students," from German Seminar "group of students working with a professor," from Latin seminarium "breeding ground, plant nursery" (see seminary). Sense of "meeting for discussion of a subject" first recorded 1944.

    6. Useful website for word origins

    Etymology is the study of how words were created and evolved (sometimes confused with entomology, the study of insects). Since I was a kid, I’ve been fascinated with words. A user-friendly website for looking into the background of words is Online Etymology Dictionary:

    For example, the entry for “seminar (n.)” reads as follows:
    1887, "special group-study class for advanced students," from German Seminar "group of students working with a professor," from Latin seminarium "breeding ground, plant nursery" (see seminary). Sense of "meeting for discussion of a subject" first recorded 1944.

    I’d love to see you in a seminar soon!
  • 2017 Summer

    Open or Close
    1. 会社名変更 but サービスに変更なし
    2. ついにこの秋、登場:The 10 Biggest Mistakes of Japanese Presenters
    3. レーザーポインター乱用回避
    4. “figure-centric”センテンスの使用制限
    5. HGC Kansai ダウンロード
    6. Eyeful Presentation Blog
    1. A new company name but the same commitment to service
    2. New seminar coming in fall: 10 Biggest Presentation Mistakes
    3. Avoid Laser Pointer Madness
    4. Limit use of “figure-centric” sentences
    5. HGC Kansai Downloads
    6. Eyeful Presentation Blog

    1. 会社名変更 but サービスに変更なし

    尚、弊社のメインメールアドレスは、 を継続します。
    1. A new company name but the same commitment to service

    From April this year, our company’s name has officially changed to Human Global Communications Co., Ltd. Our name was changed to more tightly integrate operations with Human Academy, our parent company since November 2014. Despite the change in name, we remain committed to giving our clients the same high-quality service we’ve provided under the Kurdyla banner for nearly 50 years.

    However, going forward we will continue to use our office’s main e-mail address:

    2. ついにこの秋、登場:The 10 Biggest Mistakes of Japanese Presenters

    50-minute seminar と名付けた “Presentation and Technical Writing – Translation is not enough.” というセミナーを去年はずっと実施しておりました。速いペースで進むこのセミナーは、国際会議やジャーナルの必要性について、既にご理解いただいている専門家、教授、大学院生の方を対象に構成されています。

    さて、今年の秋に50-minuteシリーズに “The 10 Biggest Mistakes of Japanese Presenters.” を加える予定です。プレゼンテーション効果をおとしてしまい、聴衆者側にさえも苦痛を与えてしまう「重大なミス」に焦点を当てた内容です。どんなレベルのプレゼンターにもご興味をもっていただける、役に立つセミナーです。
    2. New seminar coming in fall: 10 Biggest Presentation Mistakes

    Over the last year I have provided a 50-minute seminar entitled “Presentation and Technical Writing – Translation is not enough.” This quick-paced talk was designed for professionals, professors, and graduate students who are rather familiar with the demands of international conferences and journals.

    From sometime next fall, I’ll be launching my second 50-minute seminar in this series: “The 10 Biggest Mistakes of Japanese Presenters.” This talk is aimed at any level of presenter, and it focuses on the critical errors that make a presentation ineffective or even painful for the audience.

    3. レーザーポインター乱用回避

    先ほどお話した “The 10 Biggest Mistakes of Japanese Presenters.” のひとつに、レーザーポインターを使い過ぎるプレゼンテーション方法があります。これはビジネスマンと技術者の両方に見られる傾向です。私が言いたいのは、ポインターで単語のひとつひとつ指していく “karaoke” スタイルや、ポインターで光の円を描き続ける“light circles” 式、その他のレーザーの誤用すべて、という意味です。不必要にレーザーで指し示すことは役に立たないどころか、これはもはや悪行です。私はほとんどこれを使ったことがありません。写真の中の小さな部分を指し示すか、大きな表の特定の部分を強調したい時に使う以外は、レーザー ポインターは必要ありません。絶対に、聴衆側はあなたがポインターで示すよりも先にそこを読んでいます。またポインターの使い過ぎは、発表者と聴衆者との位置関係を悪くします。ポインターを使うたびにお客様には発表者の背中ばかりを見せることになるのですから。
    3. Avoid Laser Pointer Madness

    One of those 10 biggest presentation mistakes is the overuse of laser pointers, which is very common among both business and technical presenters. This includes “karaoke-style” (word-by-word) pointing, drawing rapid “light circles” for a long time, and other laser crimes.

    Unnecessary laser pointing is worse than worthless. I nearly never use the things. Besides indicating small detail in a photo or highlighting specific data in a large table, there really is no use for a laser pointer. Your audience members can certainly read faster than you can point. Excessing pointing also significantly degrades the speaker’s audience orientation. Skillful use of slide animation, which is really easy now, is a much better alternative to laser pointing.

    4. “figure-centric”センテンスの使用制限

    技術論文や学術論文で、データを参照すると時に“Figure 6 shows the…”.というように図の番号から始めますが、通常そのセンテンスの意味は、どの図かを示すより、もっと伝えるべき大切な内容があります。

    x “Figure 6 shows the results of the second trial, in which the fm measure increased by nearly 40%.”
    o “The fm measure increased by nearly 40% in the second trial (Fig. 6)”.

    もちろん一連の図の説明の途中やマイナーな箇所で “figure-centric”センテンスを時々使うのは問題ありませんが、この表現方法を無意識に使うことを避けて、大切な意味をもっとセンテンスへ入れましょう。
    4. Limit use of “figure-centric” sentences

    In writing technical/academic papers, a common type of sentence referring to data from graphics sounds like “Figure 6 shows the…”. Usually, such a sentence actually has a more important meaning than what a figure or table shows. For example, consider the following two sentences:

    x “Figure 6 shows the results of the second trial, in which the fm measure increased by nearly 40%.”
    o “The fm measure increased by nearly 40% in the second trial (Fig. 6)”.

    The two sentences convey the same information, but the second one emphasizes what is truly important.

    Of course it’s OK to sometimes use “figure-centric” sentences, such as in the middle of a series of figure descriptions or when a minor point is given. But in sentences with more important meaning, avoid this kind of “automatic” expression.

    5. HGC Kansai ダウンロード

    5. HGC Kansai Downloads

    Downloadable files, such as descriptions of our services and my column for the IEICE Group D Journal, can now be found at

    6. Eyeful Presentation Blog

    プレゼンテーションのスライドやグラフィックスを扱っているイギリスを起点にしているデザイン会社、Eyeful Presentationのブログは、プレゼンテーションデザインの最新動向を把握するすばらしいブログです。

    6. Eyeful Presentation Blog

    A great blog for keeping up on presentation design is maintained by Eyeful Presentation, a design company for presentation slides and graphics based in the UK. Check out their articles here:

    Naturally, we are always ready to sharpen your presentation slides’ image as well as to revise their English.
  • 2016 Fall

    Open or Close
    1. 新しいプレゼン/テクニカルライティング「50分セミナー」
    2. ヒューマンアカデミー㈱のサービス
    3. プレゼンのエンディング
    4. テクニカルライティングのエンディング
    5. グラマーガール:文法についての質問サイト
    6. In Our Times: 耳と心のためのpodcast
    1. New 50-min. talk on Presentation and Technical Writing
    2. Services of Human Academy, our parent company
    3. Ending your presentation
    4. Ending your technical paper
    5. Grammar Girl: A useful website for grammar questions
    6. In Our Times: A great podcast for the ears and mind

    1. 新しいプレゼン/テクニカルライティング「50分セミナー」



    1. New 50-min. talk on Presentation and Technical Writing

    Very recently I prepared a casual but info-packed talk on the fundamentals of both presentation and technical writing. It lasts about 50 minutes to fit within an hour timeframe along with some Q&A.

    A key theme of the talk is that simply translating your presentation or paper into English from Japanese (or Chinese, etc.) is usually not sufficient. The demands of being a modern, international communicator involve certain strategies and techniques aimed at building clarity and impact.

    Please contact us about setting up this short talk and Q&A at your site—the cost to Newsline readers will be limited to distant travel and copying of audience discussion guides. Some of the examples shown in the slideshow will be available for participants to download.

    2. ヒューマンアカデミー㈱のサービス


    ・グローバル就転職サポート など

    2. Services of Human Academy, our parent company

    Human Academy offers a wide variety of services and programs:

    • Online English training
    • Short-term language training
    • Study abroad programs offering certified course credits through agreements with overseas universities
    • General English training
    • Training for e-mail writing in English
    • Development of job interview skills in English
    • Japanese language training (overseas students, foreign office staff, etc.)
    • Support of global career changes and related services

    For help in developing your global communications, consider the innovative solutions offered by Human Academy:

    3. プレゼンのエンディング


    通常は、最終の需要ポイントは、説得力のあるはっきりとした“Finally,…”という声のイントネーションが、ゆっくりと正確な最終状況を述べるための最初として使われます。その後に“Thank you for your kind attention.” のような感謝の言葉が続きます。そして大切なことは、この最終の挨拶は、観客の方を見ながら話すことです。スクリーンや、天井、もちろんあなたの靴を見ながらではありません。
    3. Ending your presentation

    A common problem I notice in our seminar and individual presentation training programs is awkward, confusing endings. Here I mean the last words spoken before, ideally, applause and then the Q&A session. In training, I often see and hear endings that abruptly stop at the end of the final concluding bullet point, which tends to slightly surprise and confuse audience members. Or sometimes the speaker will simply say “Finished,” an idea that should be understood without being spoken.

    Typically, the final main point is introduced with a strong and clear “Finally,…” Voice intonation should be used to indicate finality: a slow, clear, unambiguous (and ideally short) sentence. This is followed by a statement of gratitude like “Thank you for your kind attention.” Importantly, these last sentences should be spoken while looking at the audience, not the screen, the ceiling, or your shoes.

    4. テクニカルライティングのエンディング

    テクニカルライティングについての最終の言葉を含め、上手ではないエンディングの例をあげますと“Conclusions” 部分です。このセクションは何をおいても要約されていなければなりません。

    Conclusionセクションでは、使われたbasic method、key resultsに触れて研究課題や研究成果を簡単にふりかえり、研究の重要性についてはっきりと述べなければなりません。内容の詳細を必要以上に繰り返し述べることは、要約の印象を弱めることにしかなりません。無駄のない簡潔なConclusionsが、あなたの研究がいかに大切か、ということを読み手に考えさせます。

    “Future Work” 部分もいくつかのpossible future applicationsのみ触れて簡潔に説明してください。それにより、読み手に、あなたの将来の研究の全体的なプレビューではなく興味となるヒントを与えます。
    4. Ending your technical paper

    Another problem with poor endings involves the final words at the end of a technical paper, typically in a “Conclusions” section. This part of the paper should be, above all, brief.

    A Conclusions section should simply restate the research challenge or achievement, briefly explain the basic method used, touch on only the key results, and very directly state the significance of the work. Repeating excessive detail from the paper’s main body will only weaken a summary’s strength, as well as impose an annoying burden on your reader. A lean, straightforward Conclusions will keep your reader thinking about what’s important in your work.

    Descriptions of “Future Work” should also be brief and only touch on a few possible future applications. Give your readers a teaser, not a comprehensive preview, of future efforts.

    5. グラマーガール:文法についての質問サイト

    すっきりしなくていつもあなたをイライラさせる英語の文法の問題を解決したいのなら、グラマーガールに聞くことをお勧めします。“Grammar Girl”:

    このサイトはテクニカルエディターであり、ネバダ大学リノ校の教職員のMignon Fogarty氏により運営されています。彼女の説明は、役立つ例題を使って非常に簡単明確にわかりやすく説明しています。もしリスニングの方を好まれるのでしたら、彼女の多くの記事はpodcastへリンクしています。
    5. Grammar Girl: A useful website for grammar questions

    If you’re interested in reading about common but vexing grammar issues, I highly recommend “Grammar Girl”:

    This website is managed by Mignon Fogarty, a technical editor and faculty member of the University of Nevada, Reno. Her explanations are very clear, with simple but useful examples. She offers practical advice that is usually easy to follow. If you prefer listening, many of her articles directly link to audio from her podcasts.

    6. In Our Times: 耳と心のためのpodcast

    英語上級者のリスニングの勉強には、豊富な種類があるpodcastから教材を選ぶよう勧めています。単語と考え方の英語に挑戦したい方にはBBC Radio 4 のMelvyn Bragg が紹介する“In Our Times,” がお勧めです。科学、歴史、文化、哲学など幅広い分野をカバーしています。ホームページは下記です。

    6. In Our Times: A great podcast for the ears and mind

    For advanced students of English with little opportunity to practice listening, I frequently recommend choosing audio from the vast wealth of available podcasts. One in particular with challenging vocabulary and ideas is “In Our Times,” hosted by Melvyn Bragg of the BBC Radio 4 service. A wide range of topics covers science, history, culture, philosophy, etc. Start at the program’s home page:

    The guests include top scholars and experts in their fields. Extremely interesting discussions, but be prepared to think!
  • 2015 Winter

    Open or Close
    1. 年末年始の営業について
    2. ヒューマンアカデミー㈱のサービスのご紹介
    3. フォローアップでご依頼英文添削を最終版にする時のお願い
    4. プレゼンテーショントレーニング:最強総合スキル上達方法
    5. クディラ関西の参考資料がダウンロードできます
    1. Our current e-mail address:
    2. Six-time “omnibus” English business skills intensives
    3. Specialized tech writing style: DRBFM

    4. Collaboration with associations: Growing together!
    5. Osaka
    Evessa basketball team
    6. Useful website for word origins

    1. 年末年始の営業について


    1. K&A Office Holidays

    Kurdyla and Associates’ last normal office day of 2015 will be Monday, December 28; our first normal office day of 2016 will be Monday, January 4.

    Of course if you need rewriting work during the period of December 29 through January 3, we would be happy to serve you. Our only requests are that, if possible, you contact us by 17:00 on December 28 or earlier with the details of your work (when you will send it, when you need the finished job, approximate length of text) and that you write your e-mails to us during this holiday period in English.

    2. ヒューマンアカデミー㈱のサービスのご紹介



    ・グローバル就転職サポート など

    2. Introduction to Services of Human Academy

    Our new parent company as of November 2014, Human Academy, offers a wide variety of services. With 30 years' experience of education know-how, Human Academy provides high-quality courses.

    Services of the Human Group that support globalization:

    • Online English training
    • Short-term language training
    • Study abroad programs offering certified course credits through agreements with overseas universities
    • General English training
    • Training for e-mail writing in English
    • Development of job interview skills in English
    • Japanese language training (overseas students, foreign office staff, etc.)
    • Support of global career changes and related services

    For help in your global communications, please contact us as your one-stop solution:

    3. フォローアップでご依頼英文添削を最終版にする時のお願い



    添削者の質問に対しての回答方法は、添削者が表示した同じコメントボックス内の添削者のメッセージの後に、ご自身のコメントをご記入ください。尚、解決済みのコメントボックス、たとえば “Is this revision what you meant?” の答えが “Yes” の場合は、そのコメントボックスは、ファイル内から削除してください。フォローアップをよりスムーズに行えます。

    3. Help Us Finalize Your Paper in Follow-up Work

    One of the distinguishing points of K&A rewriting service is our extensive follow-up service after clients have checked over our corrections and comments, usually done at no additional costs.

    After our revision of your document is returned to you, please carefully check over all changes the rewriter made to the text, as well as ‘comments’ he or she added to your paper. Based on this feedback, the most efficient method is for you to make changes directly in the text in response to the rewriter’s comments or questions; color highlighting of specific sections may be helpful.

    In directly answering comments, please write your reply directly at the bottom of the same “box” of the original comment. Also, for clarity, please delete all comments that have already been resolved (for example, if the rewriter asks “Is this revision what you meant?” and the answer is “Yes”).

    Finally, please refrain from giving long, indirect explanations of points or referring us to websites. Giving direct and clear feedback to the rewriter will help us further refine your paper and thus improve it to higher quality for publication.

    4. プレゼンテーショントレーニング:最強総合スキル上達方法



    4. Presentation Training: Powerful Overall Skills Development

    Over the past few years I’ve come to the strong conclusion that development of presentation skills is the most directly practical training for most corporate staff members and university faculty/advanced students. Not only do trainees build skills in giving a professional, modern-style presentation, they also develop a wide range of human resource strengths: higher self-confidence, greater clarity in organizing and speaking ideas, a broader vocabulary, more acute listening for answering questions, and elevated interpersonal skills for making a “connection” with the audience.

    In other words, training in presentation—especially when followed by actual presentation experience—creates a stronger communicator and, I believe, a more rounded person.

    Please contact us at K&A about how we can meet your presentation training needs professionally, flexibly, and at reasonable cost.

    5. クディラ関西の参考資料がダウンロードできます

    5. Download info on Kurdyla Kansai

    Various information on Kurdyla Kansai’s services, as well as my articles on technical writing, can now be downloaded from a single web page:
  • 2015 Spring

    Open or Close
    1. 資本提携実施のお知らせ
    2. ライティングは相手のことを考えて
    3. レクチャー/ワークショップ: 本当のCommon Problems in Technical Writing
    4. 夜間/週末/祝日でもご依頼可能です!
    5. 日本語と英語の字幕付きTED
    6. クディラ関西の参考資料がダウンロードできます
    1. K&A acquired by Human Holdings Co., Ltd.
    2. Treating your Reader as your “User”
    3. Lecture/Workshop: REAL common problems in writing
    4. Reminder: evening/weekend/holidays work
    5. TED Talks with both Japanese AND English subtitles!
    6. Download info on Kurdyla Kansai

    1. 資本提携実施のお知らせ


    商号、本店所在地、これまで提供しておりました弊社のサービスのquality・economy ・convenience に変わりはございません。新体制のもと、これまで以上に充実したセミナー、英文添削、翻訳などのサービスをご提供する所存でございます。
    1. K&A acquired by Human Holdings Co., Ltd.

    Kurdyla and Associates Co. Ltd. has formed a business tie-up with Human Holdings Co., Ltd. Among various other businesses, Human Holdings provides global education services. We have become one of their group companies, specifically under Human Academy, recognized as a progressive and comprehensive training provider.

    Our company name and commitment to quality, economy and convenience will not change—in fact we look forward to enhancing our programs and services for our clients. Please rest assured that we will continue to offer Japan’s premium lineup of seminars, rewriting and translation.

    2. ライティングは相手のことを考えて


    2. Treating your Reader as your “User”

    In a recent seminar for highly motivated trainees wanting to improve their technical writing, I said, as I often do, “Always think of your readers: make your writing clear, simple and helpful for them.” Typically, the trainees’ eyes start to slowly close when I mention this vital yet rather abstract concept.

    Then I recalled that this company, like most Japanese companies, had a very strong commitment, in both its stated policies and underlying corporate culture, to satisfying and pleasing the end users. So I said, “Treat your reader as your user!” Eyes opened.

    Just as you strive to make your users happy with your product or service, strive to make your readers, as “users,” happy with your writing.

    3. レクチャー/ワークショップ: 本当のCommon Problems in Technical Writing

    私が担当するセミナー “Common Problems in Technical Writing” を最近、改訂しました。これは日本人やネイティブでない人達が技術英語を書く時に起きる、よく似た間違いを集めたデータで、75項目あるサンプルを分析していく内容です。研修内では「フラッシュカードスタイル」で行っています。これらの例題は、市販の書籍から引用したものではありません。また私が考えて創ったものでもありません。これらは私が25年間以上に渡って行っている実際のご依頼英文添削で気づいたことを書き留めてきたデータの一部です。

    3. Lecture/Workshop: REAL common problems in writing

    Recently, I have revised my lecture on “Common Problems in Technical Writing.” This more compact set includes about 75 errors typically made by Japanese and other non-native writers of technical English. Presented in a fun “flashcard-style” of Problem-Solution, these errors do not come out of an English textbook or my imagination but from my journal notes of rewriting and reviewing actual technical papers for more than 25 years.

    This content can be delivered in a two-hour lecture or extended as a workshop with our Technical Writing Fundamentals lecture for three or four hours. There is no limit on group size.

    4. 夜間/週末/祝日でもご依頼可能です!


    4. Reminder: evening/weekend/holidays work

    Kurdyla Kansai can certainly deliver rewriting services in the evening hours, over the weekend, and on national holidays: We are striving to meet the 24/7 needs of our clients.

    We’d like to make a few simple requests if you need to use our rewriting services during these times. First, please contact our office during normal office hours (Mon.~Fri., 9:00~17:00) to inform us when you will be sending and when you need to receive files. Second, please write your e-mails with job-related information in English during the evening/weekend/holiday periods. Let us help you with your document needs at any time.

    5. 日本語と英語の字幕付きTED

    ここ数年、TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talksは世界中で目覚ましい成長をとげています。弊社のお客様のなかにも頻繁に楽しんで視聴されている方がいらっしゃいます。TEDのメインサイトでは、日本語の字幕も見ることができます。
    5. TED Talks with both Japanese AND English subtitles!

    Over the years, TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talks have grown tremendously popular throughout the world. Several of my clients enjoy the programs tremendously.

    On the main TED website, you can easily see talks with Japanese subtitles:

    Another site, however, gathers TED videos with both Japanese and English subtitles, which can be useful for people wanting to learn higher-level vocabulary:

    6. クディラ関西の参考資料がダウンロードできます

    6. Download info on Kurdyla Kansai

    Various information on Kurdyla Kansai’s services, as well as my articles on technical writing, can now be downloaded from a single web page:
  • 2013 Summer

    Open or Close
    1. クディラ関西ウェブサイト総点検
    2. クディラ関西事務所でのプレゼントレーニングについて
    3. 最新コース情報:テクニカルライティング+プレゼン
    4. iPhone/iPadでメンタルリハーサル
    5.'s は最高アプリ
    6. 授業中の携帯電話、先生はどう対応されています?
    1. K&A Kansai Website Overhaul
    2. Come Prepared for Presentation Training at K&A
    3. Recent Courses: Tech Writing+Presentation Training
    4. Mental Rehearsal: PowerPoint on iPhone/iPad
    5.'s Great Apps
    6. Professors: How do you handle cell phones in class?

    1. クディラ関西ウェブサイト総点検

    関西事務所のウェブサイトを、より便利にご利用いただけるよう総点検しました。どうぞクディラ関西のホームページ をご覧ください。
    User login: kaclient
    Password: sample
    1. K&A Kansai Website Overhaul

    The Kurdyla Kansai website has recently been overhauled to make it more useable for our clients and visitors. Please visit our site at
    Although general information can be found, the website is mainly designed for secure course websites, which can only be accessed by each course's students and administrators. You can find a sample course website here:
    User login: kaclient
    Password: sample
    For further information on Kurdyla and Associates Co., Ltd., please visit our corporate website at

    2. クディラ関西事務所でのプレゼントレーニングについて

    2. Come Prepared for Presentation Training at K&A

    An increasing number of clients are taking their individual presentation training at our office (Midosuji Subway, Esaka Station.), which we recently remodeled to make more spacious. When you come for such training, please be prepared: Have your latest PowerPoint version printed out for the trainer to add suggestions (even if it has already been rewritten), tell us in advance if you need a computer (we of course provide a projector), and inform the trainer of time limits or any other specific requirements of your presentation.
    On a related matter, we highly recommend that you use the same PowerPoint file corrected by K&A, that is, that you do not make a whole new file simply based on the changes visible in the corrected version. Our rewriters strive to improve the total presentation's appearance: wording, arrangement of text and graphics, margin alignment, fonts, and overall appeal for an international gathering of professionals. If you remake a different file, you will likely lose a range of improvements, some of which you might not notice. If you think our revised PowerPoint files need changes, for technical or other matters, please discuss this with us.

    3. 最新コース情報:テクニカルライティング+プレゼン

    3. Recent Courses: Tech Writing+Presentation Training

    This year, our most popular long-term courses, for both corporate and university clients, have been various combinations of technical writing and presentation training. In these programs, we typically correct both the students' research paperers and their PowerPoint slideshow file; class sessions feature brief lectures on the basics of writing and presentation, writing clinics covering common problems from homework, and individual presentation training with Q/A from classmates.
    Such a 'hybrid' program can be easily arranged to fit your training needs and budget. Contact us for a meeting to set up the best course for you and your employees or students.

    4. iPhone/iPadでメンタルリハーサル

    ラップトップのコンピュータでも電車や屋外での "flashcard" の練習は不便ですが、今ならスマートフォーンやタブレットでパワーポイントファイルを見ることができます。私は自分のプレゼンテーションがある時には、電車の中でiPhoneでこの方法で準備しています。とても簡単で効果的な方法だと思いますよ。
    4. Mental Rehearsal: PowerPoint on iPhone/iPad

    In my presentation seminars, I often say that each slide of a PowerPoint slideshow should tell its own "story," and that presenters should know at a glance to the slide what main ideas tell its story. A method I've often recommended is to "run through" the presentation's slides--both in sequence and randomly--and just think about the English needed to tell the slide's ideas, sentence by sentence.
    Even with a small laptop, this "flashcard" approach can be inconvenient on a train or other outside sites. But now, many smart phone or tablet apps are able to display PowerPoint files. When I take a train to one of my own presentations, I often go over PowerPoint files on my iPhone as a "refresher"--an easy and effective method.

    5.'s は最高アプリ

    随分前のニュースレターで、英語の意味や発音を調べるのに"" というサイトが非常に便利だとお勧めしたと思います。この会社は低価格でいくつかのタブレットアプリも提供しています。辞書・類語辞典だけではなく学習用ゲームアプリもあります。
    これらのアプリは、Android、iPhone、iPad、 Kindleで使用でき、高品質の辞書は指先でタップするだけでアップデートされます。あなたがいつもアプリを購入するオンラインストアで "" を探してください。
    5.'s Great Apps

    Quite a while ago in this Newsline, I recommended "" as a great site for checking on the meaning--and even pronunciation--of English words. This company also produces several free or low-cost mobile apps, of course including a dictionary/thesaurus but also study and game aids.
    These apps work on a variety of platforms, including Android, iPhone, iPad and Kindle. Put the power of a high-quality dictionary, which improves with each update, at your fingertips. Go to the online store where you usually buy apps and enter "" in the search field.

    6. 授業中の携帯電話、先生はどう対応されています?

    6. Professors: How do you handle cell phones in class?

    Let me end on kind of a fun note. If you're a professor or other educator, how do you handle cell phones in class? The two videos below show an example of an American professor and one of an Asian professor:
    Previously, I had a "put it away or get out of the room" policy, although I haven't yet broken a student's phone. These days, in my Current Events classes, I encourage students to use their phones to do research for in-class activities. I suppose cell phone etiquette in the classroom, like that in crowded train stations, is continuing to evolve.
  • 2012 Winter

    Open or Close
    1. お久しぶりです!
    2. 新ライティングセミナー: "Top 100 CPs!" (Common Problems)
    3. コースWeb Sites: オンラインでのやり取り
    4. パワーポイントのアニメーション:私からの提案
    5. 単語とリスニング能力をつけよう:YouTubeの字幕
    6.  Yes! もちろん年末年始もお仕事承ります。

    1. お久しぶりです!


    2. 新ライティングセミナー: "Top 100 CPs!" (Common Problems)


    I. The Printed Page: typography, spacing, punctuation: little things that can drive an editor crazy
    II. Pesky Problems: prepositions, unneeded words, word choice
    III. Going Deeper: word order, logic, style
    IV. Building Your Paper: frequently found problems in academic/scientific papers
    V. The Final Product: simple ways to improve your academic/scientific paper


    3. コースWeb Sites: オンラインでのやり取り



    See a sample class website here:
    User login: kaclient
    Password: sample

    4. パワーポイントのアニメーション:私からの提案


    私が効果的なアニメーションの使い方だと思うものは、箇条書きを述べる時に使う「layer on」だと思います。発表者が述べるラインは黒くなり、終わった部分はグレイになるので、発表ポイントが明確になります。


    5. 単語とリスニング能力をつけよう:YouTubeの字幕


    字幕がある映像が教材となります。まずは見たい映画を検索します。結果のページより、YouTube のロゴの下、画面の左上にある「フィルタ」をクリック。項目の4列目、「機能」の2項目の「字幕」を選んでください。

    映像画面の下に表示される四角アイコンで字幕の機能をコントロールすることもできます。リスニングの方法としては、まずは字幕なしで 1、2回見て字幕付きで1回観る。その後また字幕なしで12回観ることをお勧めします。あなたの英語のリスニングの理解度によりいろいろ試してください。

    6. Yes! もちろん年末年始もお仕事承ります。


    1. Long Time No See!
    2. New Writing Seminar: "Top 100 CPs!" (Common Problems)
    3. Course Web Sites: Keeping In Touch Online

    4. Animation in PowerPoint: My Suggestions
    5. A Vocabulary/Listening Free Resource: YouTube Captions
    6. Yes, We Do Work in New Year's Break!

    1. Long Time No See!

    It has now been about five quarters since I last sent out my "quarterly" newsletter! Although I've been deeply involved with various special projects for our corporate, academic and organization clients, I've still really wanted to get back to communicating with all of our current and previous contact people. So the following brief notes take a look at what's happening at Kurdyla and Associates' Kansai Branch.

    2. New Writing Seminar: "Top 100 CPs!" (Common Problems)

    Over the past few months I've developed a two-hour seminar on the one hundred biggest common problems made in technical/academic papers by non-native English speakers. The lecture is given in English, but there is ample back-up material for audience members to follow along and make corrections of problems.

    This workshop is given in five sections:
    I. The Printed Page: typography, spacing, punctuation: little things that can drive an editor crazy
    II. Pesky Problems: prepositions, unneeded words, word choice
    III. Going Deeper: word order, logic, style
    IV. Building Your Paper: frequently found problems in academic/scientific papers
    V. The Final Product: simple ways to improve your academic/scientific paper

    There is no limit on group size, and we only request a comfortable room and a projector/screen. Materials costs can be significantly reduced by your printing a PDF file, sent in advance, for distribution to participants. Please contact us for more details.

    3. Course Web Sites: Keeping In Touch Online

    For the past seven years, I've been keeping a "class website" for a couple of year-long university courses. In the past couple of years, I've expanded this course resource to several other programs for both academic and corporate accounts.

    On these password-protected sites, students can find assignments to download, links to references, corrected "clinic worksheets" for writing courses, and notes from the instructor after each class day. These websites are made for extensive classes, lasting about six or more times, and they remain online for about a month after the class has finished.

    See a sample class website here:
    User login: kaclient
    Password: sample

    4. Animation in PowerPoint: My Suggestions

    Our presentation trainees have become increasingly sophisticated users of animation in PowerPoint (or Keynote) slideshows. Generally, these efforts are to good effect and enhance the overall clarity and impact of a technical or business presentation.

    I think the most effective use of animation is to "layer on" text phrases, such as bullet points, as the speaker presents them. This is particularly effective when the previously presented points are "grayed-out" as the newest point appears.

    This type of text-intro animation is very easy to create, and it allows the presenter to greatly reduce and even eliminate the use of a pointer to indicate text. Using a laser pointer with text is not helpful to the audience, and the extreme form, "karaoke-style pointing," is even annoying. Over-pointing is one of the major causes of a presenter losing audience-orientation and thus instantly becoming boring. Adding text animation is a simple but effective way to make any presentation clearer and more interesting.

    5. A Vocabulary/Listening Free Resource: YouTube Captions

    YouTube is by far one of the most massively popular services delivered by the Internet. For several years, I've used it extensively for two "Current Events" classes at a major university. I also highly recommend it to any English learner as a way to build vocabulary and increase listening ability.

    This learning tool can be super-charged with videos that display closed captions (cc). To find these, search for videos using keywords for your interest. On the results page, click the "Filters" button in the upper-left corner, under the YouTube logo. Then under the fourth column that is displayed ("Features"), select the second item ("Closed captions"); the priority-listed videos now show "cc television" icons in their descriptions.

    At the bottom of the video player, use the captions icon (rectangle with two lines inside it) to control this feature. For listening practice, I recommend watching a video one or two times without captions, once with captions, and once more without them. Vary this routine to suite the difficulty of the video and your current listening level.

    (note: This feature may not work exactly as above depending on your browser or network setup.)

    6. Yes, We Do Work in New Year's Break!

    Although our office will be "officially" closed for the new year's break from December 29 through January 6, we are certainly able to handle your rewriting or even training needs any time during this period!

    For work you will send us or need to receive from us during the above holiday period, please contact us before 17:00 on Friday, December 28. It would also be appreciated if you could send e-mail in English along with jobs during this period.
  • 2011 Summer

    Open or Close
    1. 日本復興
    2. 添削者が同じ考えを同じように添削しない謎
    3. Train the Trainer コース
    4. 文法要素としての参照番号の使い方
    5. BBC Learning English: Words in the News
    6. Kurdyla Kansaiから入手可能な情報

    1. 日本復興


    2. 添削者が同じ考えを同じように添削しない謎


    “…through closer control of the threshold levels”

    と書いているのに Introductionでは

    “by more strictly controlling threshold levels”



    一方で、もちろん添削者は論文全体の一貫性を保ちながら添削することに非常に真剣に取り組んでいます。例えば、筆者がたびたび “Markel’s First Principle of Irony” と書かれ、他の箇所に “Markel’s First Ironic Principle” 、と書かれている場合には、必要な添削を行い、一番適切で論理的な選択をして筆者にこの一貫性についてのコメントを書いておきます。


    3. Train the Trainer コース

    私は最近、一般企業からのご依頼で、非常にチャレンジングで、やりがいのある「Train the Trainer」というプログラムに携わる機会がありました。このプログラムは、日本語での経験豊富なスタッフ2名の指導方法を含む話し方やパワーポイント資料の英語への移行という作業でした。


    4. 文法要素としての参照番号の使い方


    “Unlike the previous approach of [5], we attempted to…”


    “Unlike the approach of Burnbaum et al. [5], we attempted to…”
    “Unlike a previous approach [5], we attempted to…”
    “Unlike a previous approach (Burnbaum et al. 2005), we attempted to…”


    5. BBC Learning English: Words in the News

    いくつかの大学での研修にBBC(英国放送協会)の“Words in the News” からの情報を使っています。これは非常に役立ちます。この無料サービスは数多くのラジオのショートストーリー(1-4分)や、政治、ビジネス、スポーツ、エンターテイメントなど最新の情報を提供しています。


    6. Kurdyla Kansaiから入手可能な情報


    1. Japan Recovers
    2. Why do Rewriters Correct the Same Idea Differently?
    3. “Train the Trainer” Courses

    4. Using Reference Numbers as Grammatical Entities
    5. BBC Learning English: Words in the News
    6. Downloadable Information from Kurdyla Kansai

    1. Japan Recovers

    Japan certainly had a dramatic spring! Many of our clients were affected by the March 11 disasters in Tohoku, and some continue to struggle. We hope that all clients and friends of Kurdyla and Associates are at least beginning to recover from the human and economic costs of the terrible events.

    2. Why do Rewriters Correct the Same Idea Differently?

    Typically, our rewriters will change the expressions used for basically the same idea. For example, in the Abstract the rewriter may say

    “…through closer control of the threshold levels”

    but in the Introduction say

    “by more strictly controlling threshold levels”

    Once in a while, an author will wonder whether such different expressions show a lack of consistency, whether such variation is a problem. In this case, I would have to answer, “No.”

    We vary expressions for a number of reasons: First, writing with variation in expressions is more interesting, readable writing. Furthermore, sometimes a slight change in wording makes the expression better fit the text surrounding it. As another reason, expressing a concept a bit differently can actually clarify its meaning by switching the viewpoint a little.

    On the other hand, we are very serious about maintaining total consistency in the phrases that must be consistent. For example, if the author sometimes uses “Markel’s First Principle of Irony” and other times “Markel’s First Ironic Principle,” we will do the necessary checking to find the most standard, logical choice and then write a ‘comment’ to the author about this consistency issue.

    Although you can trust us to make sure your document has solid writing from top to bottom, don’t hesitate to ask us if you have any concerns about our revisions.

    3. “Train the Trainer” Courses

    Recently, I participated in a very challenging but rewarding course that we called “Train the Trainer.” Two highly experienced and skilled trainers for a major Japanese firm asked me to help transform their Japanese-language training sessions, including oral lessons, PowerPoint slides, and exercises, into an English-language program.

    It was high-level material, and given their abilities, I felt more like a collaborator than an instructor. Their group’s management gave the project strong support, including “active observers.” Consequently, this company took a solid step forward in internationalizing their human resources capabilities.

    Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to discuss a “Train the Trainer” project at your site!

    4. Using Reference Numbers as Grammatical Entities

    A bad habit I’ve noticed lately, both in our rewrite work and articles I’ve reviewed for publication, is using a reference number alone as a noun in a sentence. For example:

    “Unlike the previous approach of [5], we attempted to…”

    This is very weak writing style: It assumes the reader will take the trouble to constantly refer to the references, it denies recognition of the author(s), and, most importantly, it produces sentences that fail to delivery easy, comfortable readability. (Note: even though some IEEE journals approve this style, it is still best to avoid it.) There are a number of easy solutions to such expressions:

    “Unlike the approach of Burnbaum et al. [5], we attempted to…”
    “Unlike a previous approach [5], we attempted to…”
    or, depending on your journal’s style requirements:
    “Unlike a previous approach (Burnbaum et al. 2005), we attempted to…”

    In text, reference numbers should only refer to sources, not serve as words themselves.

    5. BBC Learning English: Words in the News

    For some of our university courses, I’ve begun using a great resource from the British Broadcasting Corporation called “Words in the News.” This free service offers a large number of short radio stories (1–4 minutes) on current events in politics, business, sports and entertainment. You can find this service at

    Each story features downloadable files including a PDF document with the story’s transcript and definitions of key words and an mp3 audio file that can be used with your computer or portable listening device.

    6. Downloadable Information from Kurdyla Kansai

    As a reminder, you can download a variety of information directly from Kurdyla Kansai at

    This info includes detailed explanations of our rewriting and translation services, a menu of available seminars, and my articles on language use reprinted from a major technical journal.
  • 2010 Fall

    Open or Close
    1.  テクニカルライティングのアドバイス:印象的なアブストラクトから始めよう
    2.  添削ご依頼時のよくあるご質問
    3.  豪華メニュー:特別2時間セミナー
    4.  Preparation Packages
    5.  FORA.tvのご紹介
    6.  Social Networks

    1. テクニカルライティングのアドバイス:印象的なアブストラクトから始めよう


    例えば “Dynamic scene recognition is the field of…” “Many approaches in dynamic scene recognition have attempted to…” などという書き始めは、読み手にとってはうっとうしく、このようなアブストラクトは、Why should I read this?と、いう読者の回答に応えることができなくなってしまいます。

    あなたの読者を大切に、もっとダイレクトに、例えば “This paper presents a new approach to…” とか “We develop a novel method of…” というように始めることによって、あなたの論文を読むつもりがなかった読者の気持ちをつかまえることでしょう。

    2. 添削ご依頼時のよくあるご質問



    3. 豪華メニュー:特別2時間セミナー

    もう一つ本日ご紹介するリストは、私自身が行い、大変ご好評を得ておりますセミナーの詳細です。各プログラムは2時間で、プレゼンテーション、テクニカルライティング、異文化間マネージメント、ビジネスレターの書き方などがございます。PDF は下記サイトからダウンロードできます。ぜひご覧くださいませ。


    4. Preparation Packages

    弊社の1日/2日間の集中講座や、週/月単位で行われる多くのプログラムでは、“Preparation Packages”ファイルが受講者へ事前に送付されます。これは受講者に準備していただく、例えばプレゼンテーション発表や、ライティングサンプルなど、について説明する資料です。これを事前に読んでいただくことで、当日のオリエンテーションの時間を短縮することができ、当日、クラスの進行がスムーズに始めることができます。

    5. FORA.tvのご紹介

    以前のニュースレターでも面白そうな高品質ビデオのサイトをいろいろご紹介しましたが、本日は FORA.tvをご紹介します。サイトは下記です。 は社会、政治、文化、テクノロジーにおいて、有名なスピーカーを特集インタビューなどを頻繁に載せています。有料でしか見れないプログラムもありますが、ほどんどは無料です。残念ながらサブタイトルはなさそうです。

    6. Social Networks

    ご参考に、下記でTwitter でフォローしていただけます。



    1. Tech Writing Advice: Start an Abstract Strong!
    2. New: Rewriting Services FAQ! (frequently asked questions)
    3. A Delicious Menu of Special 2-hour Seminars

    4. Pre-course “Preparation Packages”
    5. Web Recommendation:
    6. Social Network Contact Info

    1. Tech Writing Advice: Start an Abstract Strong!

    Lately, I’ve been noticing an increasing and disturbing trend in the papers I’ve been editing: slow-starting abstracts! What I mean is that an abstract (or “summary”) starting with general background, previous work, or a broad generalization is weak and ineffective.

    For example, “Dynamic scene recognition is the field of…” and “Many approaches in dynamic scene recognition have attempted to…” are annoying to readers. They fail to immediately get to the reader’s question that an abstract must answer: “Why should I read this?

    Take good care of your readers and use direct openings like “This paper presents a new approach to…” and “We develop a novel method of…” Even if a reader decides not to read your paper, you are doing him or her a kindness by letting that decision come sooner.

    2. New: Rewriting Services FAQ! (frequently asked questions)

    Recently, we have prepared an extensive FAQ (“frequently asked questions”) covering some 24 questions about our rewriting services that clients have often asked us for many years. You can download a PDF file with this information at

    We hope the answers you find help you understand how we can help with your documentation needs!

    3. A Delicious Menu of Special 2-hour Seminars

    Another PR document we’ve recently prepared is a “menu” of several of my most popular two-hour lectures on such subjects as Presentation, Technical Writing, Cross-cultural Management, Business Correspondence, and many others. You can download the PDF at

    The PDF file mentions special pricing for these seminars. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to arrange an event at your site, for an unlimited number of participants.

    4. Pre-course “Preparation Packages”

    For many of our courses now, both intensives (one or two days) and extensives (several weeks or months), we are making “Preparation Packages” to send trainees in advance of the course’s actual start. This allows students to prepare, for example, presentations and writing samples that can be used right from the very start of a program, and it helps to reduce the “Orientation” time needed on the first day.

    In thinking about your training programs, talk to us about how we can get your course off to a “running start.”

    5. Web Recommendation:

    In previous Newslines, I’ve recommended various websites that provide easy access to interesting, high quality video. One such site is, which can be found at features programs with top speakers and interview subjects on Society, Politics, Culture, Technology and other areas, with new programs frequently posted. Some programs are shown on a “paid membership” basis, but most are free. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet noticed any programs with subtitles.

    6. Social Network Contact Info

    As a reminder, we can be followed on Twitter at

    My own account at LinkedIn is at

    If you’re into SocNets, don’t hesitate to send an invitation!
  • 2010 Summer

    Open or Close
    1. mp3 レコーディング: ご希望をご連絡くだい
    2. テキストファイルの“References”セクションの添削について
    3. 特別セミナー: どこへでも参上いたします
    4. パワーポイントスライド: シンプルキレイにする理由
    5. 入札情報について
    6. お勧めウェブサイト: オーディオ原稿

    1. mp3 レコーディング: ご希望をご連絡くだい


    録音に関しましては、通常、内容を読む前に “Slide one: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen…Slide two: First, let me give you an outline of my talk today…Slide three, etc.” と、いうようにスライド番号を読み上げますが、その必要がない場合や、その他、ご希望がありましたら、事前にご連絡くださいませ。ご希望に添えるよう録音いたします。

    2. テキストファイルの“References”セクションの添削について


    しかしながら、References (bibliography) 部分につきましては、PDFファイルに表示されている場合でも、テキストファイルに含まれていなければ、添削は行っておりません。
    もしReferences (bibliography) の添削もご依頼される場合には、その旨ご依頼時にご連絡くださいませ。手書きで添削箇所を表示したPDFファイル、もしくは通常納品しますMS Word “comparison” ファイル内で添削箇所を表示いたします。

    3. 特別セミナー: どこへでも参上いたします

    私の研修セミナーや特別講演は、大阪をベースに実施しておりますが、もちろん関西圏外の場所でも行っております。2~3時間、また1~2日間、セミナータイトルも、「Presentation Techniques」「Technical Writing」「Cross-Cultural Communication」など様々な内容で実施可能です。


    4. パワーポイントスライド: シンプルキレイにする理由


    1) ほとんどの出席者は、あなたと同じようにあなたのその発表に興味がある人ではありませんので、彼らはあなたのスライドの詳細を熱心に読んでくれるとは思いません。
    2) あなたが英語の原稿を声に出して読むスピードと、出席者がスライドのテキストを読むスピードとに微妙なずれが起こります。(私が試したところ、標準的な技術系のセンテンスであれば日本人スピーカーが読み上げる間に3.5回読めます。)
    3) 大量の文書ではなく、シンプルなメッセージが聞き手の印象に残ります。
    4) 技術発表の目的は、詳細を伝えることではなく、主要となるアイデアに興味をもってもらうことです。詳細は配布資料やプロシーディングの印刷物で伝えることができます。
    5) 雑然としたスライドは、聴衆を眠りに誘う最も確実なテクニックです。

    5. 入札情報について


    6. お勧めウェブサイト: オーディオ原稿



    上記サイトへ行けば、タイトルの下の「スピーカーのアイコン」ボタンの右に3つのリンク「Add to Playlist」、「Download と「Transcript があります。カーソルを合わせて下線が表示されたところへリンクしますので「Transcript を選べば簡単に印刷することができます。
    1. mp3 Recordings: Please tell us your preference!
    2. Checking “References” with text-file rewrite jobs
    3. Special Seminars: Away from Kansai

    4. PowerPoint Slides: Reasons to keep them clean
    5. Open-bid jobs at your organization?
    6. Recommended Web Site: for audio transcripts

    1. mp3 Recordings: Please tell us your preference!

    As many of you already know, we can have native speakers record your presentations, after rewriting them, onto mp3 files, which are handy for playing back on your computer, iPod or other devices.

    Generally, we read off the PowerPoint slide numbers before reading the slide’s content; for example, “Slide one: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen…Slide two: First, let me give you an outline of my talk today…Slide three, etc.” Most clients appreciate this style so they can immediately relate the voice recording to the corresponding slide. However, a couple clients recently told me they’d prefer the recording *without* reading the slide numbers.

    If that is your preference, please tell us when you order your recording job. Of course, please tell us any other preference you have for your recording.

    2. Checking “References” with text-file rewrite jobs

    When we rewrite directly on a text file, which normally includes commands and code for LaTex or other formats, we basically edit whatever is in the text file and then refer to a PDF file to suggest changes to figures.

    However, if the “References” (bibliography) section is not written out in the text file, we normally do not check the references in the corresponding PDF file. However, if you want such references checked, just ask us. In that case we will return a scanned file with handwritten marks or make notes in the MS Word “comparison” file we always provide.

    Please tell us your preferences regarding “References” when you make your order.

    3. Special Seminars: Away from Kansai

    Although my home base is Osaka, I sometimes give lectures or special seminars outside of the Kansai area. Such sessions may cover two or three hours or one or two days, and topics can be anything from Presentation Techniques to Technical Writing to Cross-Cultural Communication. If I can reach your site by plane, train, bus or boat I’ll be there for you!

    4. PowerPoint Slides: Reasons to keep them clean

    If you have taken my presentation seminars, you know that I absolutely hate PowerPoint slides stuffed full of details--this is counterproductive to getting your message across. Here are some concrete reasons to keep your slides simple and clean:

    1) Almost all audience members are not as interested in your presentation as you are, and they resent reading much text and dense detail.
    2) There is a disturbing “disconnect” between the speed you read an English sentence aloud and the speed an audience member reads text (I calculated that I can read a typical technical sentence 3.5 times during the time it takes a typical Japanese speaker to read it aloud).
    3) People don’t remember huge blocks of text, they remember simple messages with great impact.
    4) The purpose of a technical presentation is not to give much detail but to raise interest in key ideas--the details can be printed in handouts or proceedings.
    5) Having cluttered slides is one of the surest techniques to make your audience take a nap.

    5. Open-bid jobs at your organization?

    Our company sometimes participates in “open bid” competitions for work offered by various public and private organizations. However, we are not able to find all such competitions going on in Japan. Therefore, please contact our office if find out that your organization is taking bids for work that we might be able to handle. Such work could be large translation or rewriting projects, editing of web text, or skills seminars. Your ‘tips’ are greatly appreciated!

    6. Recommended Web Site: for audio transcripts

    Many trainees in seminars tell me that they’d really like to improve their listening and vocabulary at the same time, with content that is interesting to them. The Web offers several possibilities, but you need to be careful since the web contains both treasures and trash. One site I frequently recommend is the web page of National Public Radio from the US:

    Increasingly, they are offering many radio stories along with word-for-word transcripts of the audio (which you can also download). An example of such a story is this interesting report on Native American folk tales:

    As you can see on this page, to the right of the “speaker icon” audio button, there are three links: “Add to Playlist”, “Download”, and “Transcript.” If the latter link is underlined when you mouse over it, you can reach a transcript that is easily printed out.

  • 2009 Winter

    Open or Close
    1. 年末年始の英文添削ご依頼について
    2. クディラアンドアソシエイト㈱: 創立40周年
    3. 大学での英語研修
    4. 定期刊行物の添削も承ります!
    5. お勧めサイト

    1. 年末年始の英文添削ご依頼について

    弊社の事務所の営業は12月29日から1月3日までお休みとなりますが、年末年始も英文添削のご依頼は私どもで承りますのでご利用ください。ご利用を既にご予定されております場合には、12月25日午後5時までに渡辺へ、原稿送付予定日、ページ数、ご希望納期、ご連絡先の電話/携帯番号などの詳細をご連絡ください (電話06-6338-1855)。年末年始にご利用の場合には、私がメールをチェックしておりますのでメッセージは英語でお願いします。メールアドレスは通常のkansai@kurdyla.comです。

    2. クディラアンドアソシエイト㈱: 創立40周年


    3. 大学での英語研修


    4. 定期刊行物の添削も承ります!



    5. お勧めサイト


    と、いうわけで、最近のアメリカのテレビ番組を見れるサイトをご紹介します。個人的には “Family Guy” (アニメ)“The Sopranos” “Dr. Who” “Big Love” が好きです。ぜひ一度ご覧ください。:
    1. Rewriting Work During K&A Holiday Schedule
    2. Kurdyla and Associates: 40 Years Old!
    3. University Courses: Official Grading Assistance Available
    4. Corporate Periodicals: We Can Help!
    5. Recommended Web Site:

    1. Rewriting Work During K&A Holiday Schedule

    The "official" holiday hours of Kurdyla and Associates will be Tuesday, December 29 through Sunday, January 3. Of course, we will be very happy to do your work during that period. If you need to send work, or receive work, during this time, I’d appreciate your contacting Ms. Atsuko Watanabe (06-6338-1855, by 17:00 Friday, December 25 and informing her of when you will send your work, about how many pages it will be, your deadline, and a phone number where you can be reached. If you send us e-mail during this time, especially if you were unable to inform us in advance, I'll handle your work, but please write your message, with the above job details, in English.

    2. Kurdyla and Associates: 40 Years Old!

    Last month, Kurdyla and Associates had its 40
    th anniversary, having been founded in November 1969. Since then, there have been huge changes in the world, Japan, business, and technology. I’m happy and proud to have been part of a bit more than half of that long history. K&A has been operating throughout the good times and the tough times, and as I tell our clients, “Don’t worry, we’ll be around for a while.”

    3. University Courses: Official Grading Assistance Available

    In our many university courses, we provide extensive feedback on student performance, including presentation evaluations, homework scores, and subjective comments by the instructor. Generally, this feedback is separate from the students’ official academic records; however, in a couple of cases our evaluations determine all or part of each student’s official grade.

    I’m handling both of these courses myself. While the students were initially worried about my rather strict requirements, I found that they eventually found the rigorous but clear standards enjoyably challenging. Please contact us if you’d like us to help you in preparing officially graded courses.

    4. Corporate Periodicals: We Can Help!

    For a couple of our corporate clients, we are doing extensive editing work on their monthly publications; in one case technology news, in the other in-house corporate communications. Both of these clients have worldwide operations that greatly depend on the distribution of information skillfully prepared in English.

    Besides the strong advantage of our skilled rewriting work, you also get solid continuity of style and communication strategy over time, that is, in each issue of your publication. For such work, I always assign the same rewriter. Please contact us to ask about how we can improve the quality of your printed and on-line publications.

    5. Recommended Web Site:

    When I return to my home country, the US, people sometimes look at me as if I were an extraterrestrial alien when I say that I don’t know the TV shows they are talking about.

    Now there’s a web site that has episodes of many recent US TV shows—my personal favorites are “Family Guy” (animated), “The Sopranos,” “Dr. Who” and “Big Love.” To check out their offerings, go to:
  • 2009 Spring

    Open or Close
    1.  スピーチコンテストを開催しよう!
    2. webucation はパワフルな勉強ツール
    3.  MS Wordの文章校正機能は注意して使ってください!
    4.  プレゼンとミーティング用、準備運動
    5.  コラボで書こう!
    6.  Twitter、爆発的に流行

    1. スピーチコンテストを開催しよう!



    2. webucation はパワフルな勉強ツール

    最近の厳しい経済状況で研修の予算が大幅に削減されています。研修を実施しないで、語学教育は、個人で学校を見つけて自己負担で、という会社もあるようです。会社としても、効果的で費用も安く、国際的に通用する英語力のある社員を養成できる研修方法を考える必要があるのではないでしょうか。それを解決するひとつの方法が webucation、つまりインターネットで個人で勉強するe-ラーニング方法です。


    ご興味がある方は、 の高見沢までお問い合わせください。

    3. MS Wordの文章校正機能は注意して使ってください!

    私はいつも MS Word のスペルチェックを勧めています。弊社に英文添削をご依頼していただく準備としてスペルチェックをかけてもらっていることは、有り難いことですし、また早く、楽しくスペルを学べる方法でもあります。一方、文法のチェックをするのに文章校正機能をお勧めするのは、少し微妙です。と、いうのは、間違っていることも時々あるからです。

    校正機能が間違って箇所を選んでしまう理由の一つは、私共が、「編集中に変更箇所を記録する」をオンにして添削作業しているためのようです。この機能は、テキストへの挿入と削除を識別しないようです。そのため “We also provide” “We also provides” です、と表示してしまう恐れがあります。


    4. プレゼンとミーティング用、準備運動

    激しいスポーツや、ジムでトレーニングをする前にはウオーミングアップをしますよね。これと同じように、ミーティングやプレゼンテーションのような仕事上で英語を使う時には準備運動が必要です。自分自身に英語で問いかけたり、(もちろん誰かに話せる方がいいのですが) 仕事に取りかかる前に、一人で大きな声を出せるならウオーミングアップとして最高です。


    5. コラボで書こう!



    6. Twitter、爆発的に流行

    去年のニュースラインで social networking の広がりについてふれたと思いますが、それは今では社会の一部となっています。で、今回ご紹介するのは今、爆発的に、特にアメリカで流行っているシステム、ツイッターです。

    このサービスはとても簡単です。140文字以内のメッセージ (これをtweetと呼びます) を投稿すると、それはすぐにあなたをフォローしているユーザーやその他、自由に見ている人のためにTwitterサイトに表示されます。私は既にアメリカの NECHitachi Toyota や、ドイツの Panasonic をフォローしています。でも国内での私の顧客はまだ見つけていません。

    Twitter については下記サイトをご覧ください。  (右上に日本語を選ぶ欄があります)

    クディラ関西のTwitter ページは:

    Twitter ページ:

    Hi, I'd like to send you a few quick summer notes.

    1. Let’s have a “Speech Contest”!
    2. Powerful Self-study via Web
    3. MS Word’s Grammar Checker: Use with Care!
    4. “Warm-up” for Presentations, Meeetings
    5. Collaboration in Writing
    6. Twitter’s Explosion

    1. Let’s have a “Speech Contest”!

    For several years we’ve helped our corporate clients with internal “speech contests,” and recently we provided the same type of service for a major university client. This is an excellent way to encourage your employees or students to prepare their English skills for a very practical, real-world purpose: giving a speech.

    We are able to provide experienced contest judges if you already have a system set up. Otherwise, we can help you set one up from scratch: activities, scheduling, judgment criteria, evaluation forms, and judge training. Even in these tough economic times, a speech contest can be a reasonably priced, team-building, and fun activity. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss details!

    2. Powerful Self-study via Web

    With personnel training budgets being drastically cut and even eliminated in tough economic times, employees are often “on their own” in finding and paying for language training. At the same time, companies are trying to find effective but cost-effective ways of “super-charging” the English skills of employees who may need to carry out international business. One possible solution is “webucation,” or individual learning over the Internet.

    Our own webucation subsidiary,, now has its main portal at:

    Here, you can find lists of popular courses--like technical/business writing, presentation, global communication basics--and sample exercises. These courses provide up-to-date training materials, samples in text and video, and extensive feedback on exercises and homework. For more information, please contact Mr. Itaru Takamizawa at:

    3. MS Word’s Grammar Checker: Use with Care!

    I’ve always strongly advised my clients to use MS Word’s spell checker to better prepare their papers for rewriters and to learn about words in a quick and fun way. The grammar checker, on the other hand, is a bit trickier to recommend--because it’s often wrong.

    One reason Word mistakenly identifies passages as “incorrect” is that we always edit your documents with the “Track Changes” function turned on; it seems that the program doesn’t differentiate between inserted and deleted text. So it might say that “We also provide” should be “We also provides”!

    Therefore, you should NOT trust this software function as the final authority on grammar. On the bright side, over many years I’ve noticed that it does get better with each new version.

    4. “Warm-up” for Presentations, Meeetings

    Before you engage in vigorous sports or a workout at the gym, you should always do some “warm-up” to prepare your body. In the same way, whenever you “exercise” your English in a major professional task, like joining a meeting or giving a presentation, you should warm up by talking to yourself (or better, another person) in English, actually speaking aloud somewhere private before getting down to business.

    Just as you would never run a marathon right after stepping out of bed, your first English speaking of the day should NOT be the moment that you face your overseas colleagues in business!

    5. Collaboration in Writing

    When preparing an important document--like a technical paper--it’s very useful to get the advice, feedback, and writing (especially English) help from your colleagues--in other words, “collaborating”! A document can always benefit from different ideas, perspectives, and experience. The colleague could be your coworker, professor, lab partner, or anyone else in your organization willing and able to help.

    I’ve noticed that papers with a “team effort” behind them progress much more smoothly through the rewriting process. In addition to getting help before submitting your document to us for rewriting, another key stage is answering the rewriter’s “comments” for areas that seemed unclear to him or her. Sometimes a little help from someone near will really make your document shine.

    6. Twitter’s Explosion

    In a Newsline last year I briefly mentioned the rising popularity of social networking, and how it has even become a part of the business world. Now I’d like to focus on one system that has exploded in popularity, especially in the US:

    This networking system is very simple: you post a message (called a “tweet”) of up to 140 characters and it immediately appears on your Twitter site for anyone who “follows” you to read, in a web page or one of many free “reader” applications. I’m already following NEC, Hitachi and Toyota in the US and Panasonic in Germany, but I haven’t yet found any of my clients in Japan!

    Find out about Twitter at: (you can switch to Japanese in upper-right corner)

    Kurdyla Kansai Twitter page:

    My own Twitter page:

    Hope to see some of your on Twitter!

  • 2008 Winter

    Open or Close
    1.  年末年始のお知らせ
    2.  Apple社のKeynoteの添削も承ります
    3.  ネイティブの講師による研修について
    4.  論文投稿用の「英文校閲証明書」
    5.  電子情報通信学会論文誌: テクニカルライティング
    6.  グラマー伝説

    1. 年末年始のお知らせ



    2. Apple社のKeynoteの添削も承ります


    3. ネイティブの講師による研修について




    4. 論文投稿用の「英文校閲証明書」



    5. 電子情報通信学会論文誌: テクニカルライティング

    皆様の中にも、電子情報通信学会論文誌を購読されている方、また投稿されている方がおられると思いますが、ここ数年、私は情報・システムソサイエティ誌 (IEICEグループD) にコラムを掲載しております。テクニカルライティングの英語に焦点をあて、"the"の使い方というような英語の基本の使い方、オーサーシップに関する話題 (e.g., "respectively")とクイズから構成されています。今回、電子情報通信学会の特別なはからいにより、過去に掲載された記事のpdfを下記サイトでご覧いただけます。個人的なご利用のためのダウンロードは問題ございませんが、転載はご遠慮ください。

    6. グラマー伝説

    私の好きなブログのひとつは、Patricia T. O'Conner Stewart Kellerman 夫婦が書いているブログです。それぞれ経験豊かなエディターと執筆者です。サイトはこちらです。

    1. Holiday Hours & Work over Holidays
    2. We can edit Apple "Keynote" files
    3. Native-English Speakers as Teachers
    4. "Certificate of Rewriting" for Journal Submissions
    5. IEICE Journal: on Tech Writing
    6. Exploding "Grammar Myths"

    1. Holiday Hours & Work over Holidays

    As usual at this time of year, our office will be "officially" closed over the holidays: Last open day is Friday, December 26, and we will reopen for 2009 on Monday, January 5.

    However, we can certainly handle your jobs during the holidays. If you need to send rewriting or translation work in this period, with a deadline before or shortly after Jan. 5, please be sure to contact our office by 17:00 Dec. 26. In addition, we'd appreciate it if you could write your e-mail message during this period in English--sorry for the inconvenience!

    2. We Can Edit Apple "Keynote" Files

    Editing slides for computer-assisted presentations has become one of our major services in recent years. This work is mostly done on Microsoft's PowerPoint program. Now, we can also offer rewriting of presentation slides made by Apple's Keynote program, which some of our clients prefer.

    If you would like us to work directly on Keynote files, please don't hesitate to contact us. However, this work may need a slightly longer-than-usual deadline to be arranged.

    3. Native-English Speakers as Teachers

    Clients have often asked us whether a native-English speaking instructor is most appropriate for lower-level trainees, especially in writing courses. I always reply, "Yes!"

    There are many fine Japanese instructors of English business/technical writing, but I think that trainees need to see for themselves how their writing is understood by native-speaking readers. In particular, How clear and easy-to-follow is your technical writing? How cooperative-sounding and friendly is your business writing? These are matters that are best discussed in an informal class as opposed to learning rules from a textbook.

    In my view, there is a strong link between using English for classroom discussion and trying to put thoughts to the written word. Moreover, since most of our trainees will eventually deal with overseas colleagues, they benefit from having to deal with a foreign writing instructor, even a strict one like me.

    4. "Certificate of Rewriting" for Journal Submissions

    Our clients submit papers and letters to a wide variety of world-leading journals and magazines, and it seems like the competition for publication is only getting tougher. Some editors, concerned about the English quality of papers from non-English-speaking countries like Japan and Korea, insist on a certificate that verifies the paper has been checked by a native-English speaker.

    We can provide you with such a certificate, at no extra cost! To view a sample of our certificate form, go to

    5. IEICE Journal: on Tech Writing

    Several of our clients are regular readers of and even contributors to IEICE publications (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers). For a couple years now, I've been writing a column on basic English usage--with an emphasis on technical writing--for the Information and Systems Society Journal (IEICE Group D). This brief article covers an English fundamental (like using "the"), an "authorship" issue (e.g., "respectively"), and a mini quiz.

    Through special permission of the IEICE, you can now download PDF copies of past columns at

    6. Exploding "Grammar Myths"

    One of my favorite blogs is written by a married couple, Patricia T. O'Conner and Stewart Kellerman, each of whom is a highly experienced editor and author. This blog is at

    A great feature of this site is a page that refutes long-held grammar "rules" that aren't in fact really rules. As in many areas of life, some of the "truths" about grammar that are passed down through time are not true at all. See the grammar "myths" at

  • 2008 Fall

    Open or Close
    1. フルサービス プレゼンテーショントレーニング
    2. "Institutional Knowledge": Why this matters to your document
    3. ホームページ更新
    4. TOEICテスト 独学のためのサイト
    5. お勧め書籍: The Blue Book of Grammar
    6. "Social Networking"のこれから

    1. フルサービス プレゼンテーショントレーニング




    2. "Institutional Knowledge": Why this matters to your document

    "Institutional Knowledge"という考えは、大変価値のある事業資産として認められつつあります。これは長い間会社組織の一員として働く中で、累積された知識、経験、洞察力です。これらは実際に測ることは難しいけれどもプロ意識として重要な要素であり、どの業界においても大きな強みとなります。

    彼らは、 "format" "formant" "absorb" "adsorb" "reflection" "refraction" の違いを知っており、一つ一つの添削ご依頼を丁寧に添削しています。


    3. ホームページ更新





    本社のホームページは です。

    4. TOEICテスト 独学のためのサイト

    TOEIC テスト(The Test of English for International Communication) はその長所についてはいろいろ議論をされておりますが、世界共通基準で英語能力を測れるということは事実です。企業内での昇進システムとして規定のTOIECの点数を必要とされるところもあり、TOIECの勉強方法についてよくご質問をうけます。正直、私はこのようなランゲージテストの専門家ではありません。しかしながら、受講者の方からのご質問があるTOIECを独学できるサイトのリストを作成しましたのでぜひご参照ください。

    5. お勧め書籍: The Blue Book of Grammar

    英語文法の参考書を選ぶことは、けっこう大変です。というのは何かについて調べたり、また "good" "well" の違いを知りたい時にも簡単にチェックできるものであって欲しいからです。私は、プロのリライターから高校生までの幅広い方々に強く勧めているのはJane Straus "The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation" です。短く、簡単で、わかりやすい例文が用いられ、楽しく試せる自己チェックテストもありますのでぜひ下記webを参照ください。

    また無料文法ニュースレターが登録できるJane Strauswebもお勧めです。

    6. "Social Networking"のこれから

    最近では、webサイト上での "Social Networking" は日本、韓国、アメリカなどの国々で爆発的に広がっています。人々は非公式で階級組織がないこのネットワークをいろいろな方面に利用しています。共通の趣味を持つ人を捜したり、ビジネスパートナーの可能性を求めたり、昔の友達を捜したりして個人のネットワークを広げる為に利用できます。とはいうもののこのネットワーキングにはポジティブとネガティブの両方があることはよく言われることです。

    search: Ron A. Read

    search: Ron Read


    search: Ron Read

    気軽に私に"friend request"してください。quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.
    1. Full-Service Presentation Training
    2. "Institutional Knowledge": Why this matters to your document
    3. Web Sites Updated
    4. Web Sources for free TOEIC Self-Study
    5. Book recommendation: "The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation"
    6. "Social Networking": Wave of the future?

    1. Full-Service Presentation Training

    We take very seriously our commitment to providing clients with effective, results-oriented, and reasonably priced preparation for their technical or business presentations. Accordingly, we offer "full service" covering every need for presentation preparation.

    The core of our service is rewriting PowerPoint (or Keynote) slides followed by actual practice, analysis, and coaching of the presentation. The slides' text will be revised, usually by cutting many words, and the design will be adjusted for greater impact and clarity in delivering "the Message." Presentation coaching can be tough, but nothing great is ever done without practice and experience.

    Although I always strongly recommend that our clients do not use a script in giving a presentation, we can rewrite an oral script as a "security blanket" and to give the client examples of natural expressions for oral presentation. After we have revised a script, we can then make a recording of it as an mp3 file, which can be sent by e-mail and played on a computer or iPod.

    2. "Institutional Knowledge": Why this matters to your document

    The concept of "institutional knowledge" has become recognized as a high-value business asset. This is the cumulative knowledge, experience, and intuition gained by the members of an organization over a long period. It is a critical factor in professionalism that is difficult to quantify but clearly a decisive advantage in any industry.

    Members of our rewriting team have spent years editing technical documents of all types in a wide variety of fields. They revise replies to editors'/referees' comments as well as rewrite such comments themselves. They know the difference between "format" and "formant," between "absorb" and "adsorb," between "reflection" and "refraction." They understand that each author deserves special treatment of his or her paper.

    Besides staying with us, on average, rather longer than employees of general language services and schools, our rewriters have gone much more deeply into the special world of technical documentation than even highly educated native-English speakers are likely to go. Although you might be able to save a bit of money by using any available foreigner for a casual "native check," such economizing could lead to serious damage to your final document.

    3. Web Sites Updated

    After more than a dozen years, I have finally cleaned up and updated the web site of our Kansai Branch. Several clients have gently suggested that the original site, built in 1995, looked amateurish, had unreadable Japanese text ('mojibake'), and showed links to nowhere. The revamped site can be found at

    In the future, I hope to add several resources to the site that will be useful to our clients.

    The web site of another Kurdyla Group company, our web services subsidiary, has also been recently updated. For leading-edge e-Learning, e-Surveys, Localization and more, please go to

    Of course our main corporate web site is at

    4. Web Sources for TOEIC Self-Study

    The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) has become, despite the various controversies over its merits, a de facto measure of English capability throughout the world. For several of our major clients, this test is even incorporated in their promotion systems, with managers at certain levels required to attain a certain TOEIC score.

    Over the years, people have asked me for suggestions on studying for the TOEIC. Let me be honest: I'm far from an expert on standardized language testing. However, at a student's request, I recently put together a list of web sites with free "self-study" exercises for TOEIC. Feel free to download this list here:

    5. Book recommendation: The Blue Book of Grammar

    Finding a basic textbook on English grammar can be a confusing task. Such books should be simple to use for both thorough review and quick checking of issues such as the differences between "good" and "well." One book that I've enthusiastically recommended to many people, from professional rewriters to high school students, is Jane Straus's "The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation." It offers short and simple explanations, clear examples, and brief, enjoyable "self-check" tests. You can get the book at

    I also recommend Jane's web site, where you can sign up for a free weekly grammar newsletter:

    6. "Social Networking": Wave of the future?

    In recent years, web sites offering "Social Networking" have grown explosively in such countries as Japan, Korea and the United States. People use these informal, non-hierarchical networks in many ways: finding people with common interests, researching possible business partners, reconnecting with old friends, and expanding one's "personal network." There have been many commentaries on both the positive and negative aspects of social networking.

    Recently, I've tried out a few basic sites just to see what all the noise is about. So far, I've reconnected with a former employee and high school classmates. If you enjoy using social networks and want to connect with me, you can find me at the following places:

    search: Ron A. Read

    search: Ron Read


    search: Ron Read

    Don't hesitate to send me a "friend request."

  • 2008 Spring

    Open or Close
    1. 多人数での講義+少人数でのクリニック・コンサルティング
    2. 面談共同作業
    3. 短く!
    4. 電子情報通信学会 (IEICE) 2008年総合大会
    5. 推薦図書: Presentation Zen
    6. 推薦サイト: American Speeches


    1. 多人数での講義+少人数でのクリニック・コンサルティング




    2. 面談共同作業




    3. 短く!

    これはスピーキングとライティングにおける最も重要な戦略です。プレゼンテーション、会議のオープニング、ゲストの紹介、またプレゼンテーションやディスカッションで新しい話題に移る時は、簡潔さということに気を配ってください。ライティングでは Abstract , Introduction, Results などの論文の重要な部分、また手紙や電子メール、会社や組織の広報関連、図や写真の表題など、とにかく重要な考えを書きたい時には、短いセンテンスで始めることは非常に重要なことです。



    a) "This paper presents, for possible application to automated tracking of steganographically concealed data in images, a technique, based on colorimetry, to be used in high-speed message verification in the optical security systems of the next generation."

    b) "This paper presents a colorimetric technique for high-speed verification of messages embedded in images. Our technique will allow the next-generation optical security systems to automatically track data that are steganographically hidden."


    4. 電子情報通信学会 (IEICE) 2008年総合大会



    5. 推薦図書: Presentation Zen

    私と同じオレゴン出身の友人、 Garr Reynolds が最近本を出版しました。非常に読みやすくてビジュアル的にも美しいPresentation Zenという書籍です。この本はあなたのメッセージを理解し易く、記憶しやすいパワーポイントスライドの効果的な作り方についての本です。



    6. 推薦サイト: American Speeches

    効果的なスピーチを学ぶもっともよい方法は偉大なスピーチを見たり聞いたりすることです。"American Rhetoric" は、偉大なアメリカのスピーチを集めたサイトです。

    1. Large lecture + focused clinics/consultation
    2. Team collaboration in "
    mendan" sessions
    3. Start short!
    4. IEICE Conference Presentation
    5. Book recommendation:
    Presentation Zen
    6. Useful website: American Speeches

    For the first two items, I'd like to briefly describe a couple of successful programs we recently ran. Both of these were mostly designed and organized by clients: I'm very happy that our valued clients have much to teach me!

    1. Large lecture + focused clinics/consultation

    We recently ran a program at a major Kansai university that focused on technical writing for academic papers. Based on the department head's plan, we started with a general lecture session for about 70 graduate students.

    Over about six weeks, the students then submitted writing homework to us, in most cases only abstracts but in some cases full papers. These were corrected and billed as normal rewrite jobs, although the rewriter added extra explanatory comments about his corrections.

    Next, smaller "clinic" sessions were organized for each of the department's three major lab groups, where I explained several important problems from the students' actual homework. In this way, the clinic's discussions were focused on the content area of each lab's work, so students didn't have to waste time trying to understand unfamiliar technology. These clinic sessions were followed by brief one-on-one sessions to answer individual questions.

    2. Team collaboration in "mendan" sessions

    At the end of last year, I had a very interesting and fruitful "mendan" session with members of an important quasi-governmental/academic laboratory. This group was charged with the English-language publication of the lab's general information, such as president's remarks, organizational structure, and major services and research areas.

    I was asked to help refine this publication. Although this would normally be done in a one-to-one consultation, the lab's director called in a group of about 10 staff members from different specialities. In the conference room, the pamphlet's layout and text were projected onto a large screen, which everyone could easily see.

    While going over the document for about four or five hours, the lab's director solicited the input of employees involved in research procedures and results, layout and printing of the document, budget issues, management, etc. In this way, as the English was being reorganized and fine-tuned, a broad range of viewpoints could be incorporated in the final version, resulting in a much better document.

    3. Start short!

    Always start with a short sentence. This is a key strategy for both speaking and writing. In speaking, give extra attention to brevity in the beginning of a presentation, the opening of a meeting, introducing a guest, and starting a new topic in a presentation or discussion; in writing, short sentences are critical in the first sentence of an abstract or a paper's major sections like Introduction, Results, etc., the opening and closing of a letter/e-mail, corporate/organizational public relations, figure/photo captions, and, of course, whenever you write an important idea.

    Some people have told me that it's "sophisticated" or "scholarly" to write long sentences. This is not the case in English. Sophisticated writing delivers your message clearly and directly to your reader, so smoothly that he or she doesn't even notice your writing. If the reader is spending too much mental energy trying to figure out your sentence structure, little concentration remains to think about your content!

    Consider two examples, as the beginning of an abstract:

    a) "This paper presents, for possible application to automated tracking of steganographically concealed data in images, a technique, based on colorimetry, to be used in high-speed message verification in the optical security systems of the next generation."

    b) "This paper presents a colorimetric technique for high-speed verification of messages embedded in images. Our technique will allow the next-generation optical security systems to automatically track data that are steganographically hidden."

    Which version do you think is easier for the reader?

    4. IEICE Conference Presentation

    In March, I had the great honor and pleasure of giving a presentation at the IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) General Conference in Kitakyushu. This was a two-hour presentation on the fundamentals of technical writing and presentation. Normally, I give this presentation to large and small groups of our clients' employees, so this time it was very interesting for me to speak to a group of researchers and tech managers from a wide variety of organizations.

    If you work on the organizing committee of an academic or technical conference, perhaps I can help with a talk on communications skills that are critical for every research professional. Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss details.

    5. Book recommendation: Presentation Zen

    My friend and fellow native of Oregon state, Garr Reynolds, has recently published a highly readable and visually stunning book on presentation called Presentation Zen. This book focuses on effective design of PowerPoint slides to make your message easy to understand and easy to remember.

    Too many of my clients have treated PowerPoint files as "documents" to be read in the traditional sense. This results in a bored audience, a bad impression of the presenter and the content, and a high probability that most of the presentation will be soon forgotten.

    Read more about Garr's great book at:

    6. Useful website: American Speeches

    A good way to learn about making effective speeches is to watch or listen to great speeches. A website that is dedicated to great American speeches is "American Rhetoric." This site features a database of video, audio and transcripts, as well as interesting information on the art of public speaking.

    Look it over at:

    Maybe a good way to spend a rainy Saturday.

  • 2007 Winter

    Open or Close
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante q
    1. クディラアンドアソシエイト年末年始のお知らせ
    2. レフリー コメント
    3. プレゼンテーションの基礎: 顔
    4. 添削者からのコメントについて
    5. 自主性
    6. Visual Thesaurus: 関係を見よう

    1. クディラアンドアソシエイト年末年始のお知らせ

    弊社の事務所の年末年始のお休みは、12月29日から1月6日です。例年のように英文添削のご依頼につきましては、事前にご連絡いただければこの期間中も承りますので英文添削のご依頼予定の方は、12月28日午後4時までに原稿送信日、ご依頼のページ数(Word数)、ご希望納期、電話/携帯番号を事務所の渡辺へご連絡ください。(Tel: 06-6338-1855)

    2. レフリー コメント

    以前、査読者からのコメントに対しての回答の仕方についてお話しました。 ( これは筆者として重要な仕事です。一方で弊社のお客様の中には、査読コメントを書く必要のある方もおられます。これも重要な仕事です。

    IEICE (電子情報通信学会) ジャーナルへ提出される論文のクオリティーチェックを担当している私の経験から、この仕事は非常に難しいと痛感しております。その論文がどうしたらもっとよくなるかを、厳しく批判しすぎないように、しかし、正確に説明しなければなりません。私はいくつかの非常によくまとめられた研究内容を見ましたが、残念ながらその論文の構成は非常にひどいものでした。このような著者に対しては、落胆させるのではなく、励ましてあげることが必要です。


    3. プレゼンテーションの基礎: 顔


    4. 添削者からのコメントについて

    弊社から納品される英文添削の出来上がりには、担当添削者からのコメントが挿入されている場合があります。マイクロソフトのWordファイル上のコメントボックス (表示はコンピュータ、バージョンによって違います。) には、添削者が文面からだけでは判断できなかった時に、その箇所が不確かであることや、不完全であることを表示しています。メッセージは "Do you mean 'increase' or 'decrease' by 'change' here?" のような簡単な質問である場合や、"I think you need to clarify WHY this approach is unworkable." のようなワンポイント的なコメントである場合もあります。

    これらの添削者からのコメントに対してどう対処するべきか?もし内容がご依頼者 (執筆者) ご自身で解決できればコメントに対して返信していただく必要はございません。もし内容を確認されたうえで、本文を書き直す必要があり再度添削者のチェックが必要な場合、例えば、56箇所の再チェックであればフォローアップのサービスとして対応させていただきますので変更内容をご連絡ください。(添削者へ直接見せますのでそれらのメッセージは英語でお願いします。) しかしながら、ご依頼原稿に多くの変更箇所やコメントがあり、論文全体を再度、添削チェックする必要がある時には添削料金が発生します。この場合には、2度目のチェックということで割引価格にてご請求させていただきます。

    LaTexで作成されて、原稿をtxtファイルで送付された添削のコメントは、Wordファイルの "Comparison" ファイル内に表示されます。(図表に関してのコメントは通常は納品時のメッセージ内でお知らせします。)

    5. 自主性



    6. Visual Thesaurus: 関係を見よう

    最近、便利で楽しいオンラインアプリケーション Visual Thesaurus を使い始めました。書籍の類語辞典と同じく、このプログラムは一つの単語に類似した別の単語を調べることができますが、このプログラムはそれだけではなく "big, large, huge, enormous, etc." というように全体を経路や節の地図でビジュアル化してくれます。言葉で説明するのは非常に難しいのでぜひフリーのサイト

    よい年末年始をお過ごしください、そして素晴らしい2008年を!uis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.
    1. K&A Holiday Schedule
    2. Writing Referee/Reviewer Comments
    3. Presentation Basics: Your Face
    4. How to Use the "Comments" of Rewriters
    5. Autonomy: Making It On Your Own
    6. Visual Thesaurus: See the Connections

    1. K&A Holiday Schedule

    The "official" holiday hours of Kurdyla and Associates will be December 29 through January 6. Of course, we will be very happy to do your work during that period, if you give us advance notice. If you need to send work, or receive work, during this period, please call Ms. Atsuko Watanabe (06-6338-1855) by 16:00 December 28 and inform her of when you will send your work, about how many pages it will be, your deadline, and a phone number where you can be reached. If you send us e-mail ( during this time, I'll handle your work, but please write your message, with the above job details, in English.

    2. Writing Referee/Reviewer Comments

    A while ago, I wrote about how to respond to referee or reviewer comments
    ( This is a very important job as an author. Of course, another important job is writing such reviewer/referee comments on others' submissions, which some of our clients need to do sometimes.

    From my experience reviewing the writing quality of submissions to an IEICE journal, I realize the difficulty of this task: You need to clearly explain how the paper can be improved without sounding too harshly critical. I've seen some amazing research works packaged, unfortunately, in a terrible document structure; such authors need to be encouraged, not discouraged.

    Of course, as with replies to reviewer comments, we can rewrite your own reviewer comments.

    3. Presentation Basics: Your Face

    When you start to give a presentation, what does the audience look at? Your first title slide? No—they look at your face. A presenter's face that is directed at the audience shows a sincere desire to explain his/her work. I also advise trainees to smile at least once during each slide. Constantly work on your ability to present in an audience-directed way, with your glances to the screen or notes minimized. At the very least, always look at the audience while speaking at the beginning and at the end of each slide, as well as when stressing key ideas.

    4. How to Use the "Comments" of Rewriters

    It's very common for our rewriters to add "Comments" to documents submitted for rewriting. These are additions to Microsoft Word files in the "Comments" section/boxes (depending on your view) to indicate phrases that the rewriter finds unclear or incomplete. The rewriter may write a simple question like "Do you mean 'increase' or 'decrease' by 'change' here?" or a point like "I think you need to clarify WHY this approach is unworkable."

    How should you handle these comments? If you can clear up these areas yourself with no problem, you don't need to respond, or just tell us "thanks, I understand the comments." If you need to revise, say, five or six sentences, just send us those sentences and our checking of them again will be done as "serbisu." Of course, if the original paper is "rough" and there are so many changes and comments that the entire paper needs to be revised a second time, we can do this for you at a reduced rate.

    For plain text files, such as those to be prepared in a format like LaTex, our "Comments" will be added in the MS-Word "Comparison" file sent back with the revised text file (corrections to figures are normally described in the return e-mail from our office).

    5. Autonomy: Making It On Your Own

    In communications skills training, I think the word "autonomy" is important because it implies self-reliance in performing professional-level communications jobs. To put it simply, your company probably cannot afford to send an interpreter with you to an overseas conference or meeting.

    We also require a certain level of autonomy from our trainees, for example we don't provide Japanese interpreters or 'facilitators' in our classes to make them easier; eventually, you will need to function on your own. This belief extends to our courses that may require you to do some preparation work outside of class; in particular, most of the valuable learning in presentation and writing courses is achieved through doing, not studying.

    6. Visual Thesaurus: See the Connections

    I've started using a very handy and fun on-line application: The Visual Thesaurus. Like a conventional thesaurus in book form, this program gives you synonyms, that is, words with similar meaning. However, rather than just listing words, it shows a visual map of paths and nodes for a universe comprising "big, large, huge, enormous, etc." It's difficult to describe, so please check it out for free at
    If you like it, you can buy an online subscription or a desktop application. Fun and educational!

  • 2007 Summer

    Open or Close
    1.  大切な箇所
    2.  添削者への返信は:英語でお願いします。
    3.  英語レベルの違う受講者で構成されたクラスについて
    4.  メディカルジャーナルペーパーを書くための便利なリンク
    5.  K&Aのリライターで実験してください
    6.  ワードの戦い:Google Fight

    1. 大切な箇所


    これらの核となる箇所は、読者を引き込み、あなたのkey ideaを明確にさせるのに重要なところなので、"The Internet has grown rapidly in recent years"のように、特別に何も主張しないようなセンテンスを書いてはいけませんし、また、"you still have the second, third...sentences for that" のように全ての詳細をここで言う必要はありません。


    2. 添削者への返信は:英語でお願いします。



    3. 英語レベルの違う受講者で構成されたクラスについて


    4. メディカルジャーナルペーパーを書くための便利なリンク

    先日優れた医師、研究者、医学部教授のグループを対象にしたライティングセミナーを行いましたが、私にとっても非常に刺激になる有意義なセミナーでした。このプログラムのために"Instructions to Authors" "Style Guides" にリンクするWebsite6つの主要な医学ジャーナルのサンプルを準備しました。


    5. K&Aのリライターで実験してください


    6. ワードの戦い:Google Fight

    Google Fightを見ることは楽しく、使いようによっては便利なサイトです。

    このサイトでは2つの項目、例えば "Bill Gates Steve Jobs" "PC Mac" など、好きな項目、言葉を入れてインターネット上での発生数の比較ができます。もっと有効な使い方は"co-occurrence vs. cooccurrence" "web site vs. website" のような同類項をの使い方を比較することです。


    1. Hit the 'sweet spots'
    2. Your replies to rewriter comments: English please!
    3. Different English levels in one class: Making it work
    4. Writing medical journal papers: Useful links
    5. Using K&A rewriters as laboratory guinea pigs
    6. War of the Words: Google Fight

    1. Hit the 'sweet spots'

    There are certain locations in a technical paper that demand EXTRA care in writing clear, simple, and short sentences. These are the first and last sentences of the Abstract/Summary, the first sentence of the Introduction, and the first/last sentences of the Conclusions. In addition to these, take care with the first/last sentences of major sections like Methods and Results.

    These 'sweet spots' are critical for guiding the reader and clarifying your key ideas. The sentences here should not be "say-nothing" sentences (e.g. "The Internet has grown rapidly in recent years") but they also should not include every important detail of your work (you still have the second, third...sentences for that).

    A fairly dependable general rule: The fewer words, the greater impact.

    2. Your replies to rewriter comments: English please!

    In some cases, to handle particularly unclear sentences, our rewriters add questions or alternate expressions in the "comments" section of Microsoft Word. Most of these can be understood by the author without further discussion, but sometimes the author needs to give further clarifications so that the rewriter can finish the document. In these cases, please submit your clarifications in ENGLISH.

    Although we do offer translation service, our very reasonably priced rewriting service is based on the assumption that no translation at all is needed. Also, my office staff are not hired as translators, so they cannot be used to translate between authors and rewriters. Finally, making the effort to clarify your ideas in English yourself will produce a document that most closely represents your meaning.

    3. Different English levels in one Class: Making it work

    In the last Newsline issue, I discussed the various issues involved in setting an appropriate class size. Here, I'd like to touch on the problem of handling a single course with trainees of different English levels. Perhaps in an idea world, each business skills course we give would have trainees at very similar English levels. Though I wonder, is that really ideal?

    The reality, especially outside of Tokyo, is that our clients often need us to handle a single course with trainees ranging from, say 350 TOEIC points to 700 points. This is normally due to budget and scheduling constraints, as well as to availability of trainees. Our instructors are quite use to this reality, and make great efforts to ensure that the classwork is not impossible for lower-level trainees but still not boring for the higher-level trainees.

    So why wouldn't uniform-level courses be ideal? In the real business world, we must always deal with a variety of people having widely different strengths and weaknesses. As many of you know, I consider the classroom "Rehearsal for Life," so such mixed courses actually make the trainees deal with a very real work requirement: adjusting their communications to deal with associates who have higher, or lower, English abilities.

    4. Writing medical journal papers: Useful links

    Recently, I gave a writing seminar to a group of distinguished doctors, researchers and medical professors. It was quite stimulating for me. In preparation of this seminar, I prepared a course website that links to the "Instructions to Authors," "Style Guides," and sample papers of six leading medical journals.

    If you work in the medical field and plan to write a paper in English, I highly recommend checking out the sites available from this web page:

    5. Using K&A rewriters as laboratory guinea pigs

    Last time, I explained how we can record your speech, as an audio sample, onto mp3 computer files. Another type of "non-mainstream" work we do is to provide "human guinea pigs," or more properly "subjects," for experiments, mainly in such fields as natural language processing.

    Since our non-Japanese Associates are all professional editors, they are used to handling documents critically and can provide effective feedback in experiments on such problems as the naturalness of synthesized language, text recognition, and corpus gathering. If you need such help, give us a call and we'll work out an arrangement to meet your budget and timeframe.

    6. War of the Words: Google Fight

    A fun and sometimes useful web site is "Google Fight" at

    The easy to use "death battle" interface lets you compare the Internet occurrences of two word or terms, like "Bill Gates vs. Steve Jobs" (70 million to 118 million) or "PC vs. Mac" (863 million to 319 million)--you choose the terms you want. More useful is to compare the uses of similar terms: "co-occurrence vs. cooccurrence" (1 million to 160,000) or "web site vs. website" (2.7 billion to 854 million).

    Now, this kind of "popularity contest" should not be viewed as totally dependable or authoritative; maybe your editor will prefer the "unpopular" choice!

  • 2007 Spring

    Open or Close

    1. 便利な関西事務所へお越しください!
    2. 未到着の電子メール:ご連絡ください!
    3. 受講者数:何人までOK? 何人がベスト?
    4. 特別な仕事: Reviewing Journal Submissions
    5. MP3ファイルへの録音
    6. クディラ社のライティングクラス:インストラクターはエディター
    7. ニュースラインのバックナンバー

    1. 便利な関西事務所へお越しください!


    関西事務所では、添削者と直接論文ペーパーやプロジェクトについて話し合っていただける面談セッションや、プレゼンテーショントレーニングも行っておりますので、お気軽にお問い合わせください。コンピュータとプロジェクターもご準備しておりますので来られる時には、ドキュメントやパワー ポイントファイルのUSBスティックを持ってきていただくだけでOKです。

    2. 未到着の電子メール:ご連絡ください!


    3. 受講者数:何人までOK? 何人がベスト?



    このプレゼンテーションプログラムにおいて、時間節約を試みたプログラムで、私が行った成功例は、Core(コア)と呼ばれる講義ばかりを行う1日講座(短い演習を含む)を1220名のグループで行い、その後、サテライトセッションと呼ばれる 36名の小グループにスケジュールを分けて実際のトレーニングセッションを行いました。このシステムは経済的も節約でき、スケジュール的にもとてもフレックスです。


    4. 特別な仕事: Reviewing Journal Submissions




    5. MP3ファイルへの録音



    6. クディラ社のライティングクラス:インストラクターはエディター



    7. ニュースラインのバックナンバー


    1. Visit us! A Convenient Osaka Location
    2. Overstuffed e-mail Servers: Contact us!
    3. Class Size: How big is OK? How small is best?
    4. Special Work: Reviewing Journal Submissions
    5. Speech Recordings on MP3 files
    6. K&A Writing Classes: The Instructors are Editors!
    7. Get Previous Newsline Articles in the Archives

    1. Visit us! A Convenient Osaka Location

    As some of you know, the Kurdyla Kansai office is very easy to get to: we're at the Esaka Station of Osaka's Midosuji Subway Line, just two stops (4 min) north of Shin Osaka Station. Our office is a one-minute walk from the station, on the opposite side of the tracks from Tokyu Hands. Your can get our map here:

    Feel free to arrange "mendan" consultation sessions at our office to discuss your paper or project with a rewriter or practice giving your presentation (we have a projector and computer available for your use, just bring your PowerPoint file on a USB drive).

    If you've been to our office, you might remember our building being a "rat gray" color, but it's now a beautiful shining white.

    2. Overstuffed e-mail Servers: Contact us!

    Recently, we've had a few problems with returned e-mail and files getting stuck in our clients' server machines, especially at large institutions like universities.

    We NEARLY always return rewrite jobs before their deadlines, and in the extremely rare cases when we can't, we always contact the client about this. Therefore, if some time passes after your deadline and you don't see your file or hear from us, please contact us immediately. We will resend the file and, if necessary, send it to your alternate e-mail address.

    3. Class Size: How big is OK? How small is best?

    In organizing classes, one of the most critical issues is setting the number of trainees to join the class. From a strictly "on paper" viewpoint, large class sizes seem most cost-effective. But the issue of course isn't that simple.

    For a discussion class that is designed to build skills in talking about business or technical issues, clearly a smaller number of people like 5, 6 or 7 is preferable, and the added speaking/feedback time per trainee, compared to a class with 10~12 members, is clearly a significant added value. For programs based on lectures and small group work, on the other hand, class sizes of 20 or even more can be feasible. When a course specifies individual training within a group, particularly a presentation course, the number of people is directly linked to the class schedule: We can put only 60 minutes in an hour!

    A very successful approach we've tried lately is to hold a one-day "Core" presentation class for lectures and short exercises with a large group (12~20), followed by small-group (3~6) "Satellite" sessions at the trainees' convenience for individual presentations. This provides value and flexibility.

    In the Summer Newsline, I'll discuss a related issue: Mixing trainees of different English levels in the same class.

    4. Special Work: Reviewing Journal Submissions

    Most of our customers know us as a provider of documentation services, like technical rewriting, and training programs, like presentation skills courses. However, we sometimes do "special" work outside of these mainstreams.

    One such type of work is reviewing technical papers submitted to journals. Every week, I'm reviewing and grading papers for an important technical journal in information science. This involves analyzing the English use, general readability, logical organization, and adherence to world-class standards of technical writing. If you are in charge of editing an English-language publication and need such help, don't hesitate to contact me to discuss your situation.

    In the Summer Newsline, I'll discuss another kind of "special work": using K&A Associates as human guinea pigs in experiments!

    5. Speech Recordings on MP3 files

    For several years, we have been providing audio tapes of our clients' presentations, recorded by K&A Associates. This is useful as a model of pronouncing tough words, learning intonation of sentences, and understanding stress and rhythm. These days, however, many people don't have cassette players!

    Coming into the 21st century, we are now providing MP3 computer files of your recorded presentations. This common file type works with many kinds of free software (Windows Media Player, iTunes, RealPlayer, etc.). Then you can play back your speech on your computer or an MP3 player like your iPod. And you don't have to wait for takkyubin delivery! Please contact us if this service interests you.

    6. K&A Writing Classes: The Instructors are Editors!

    One key advantage of our Business or Technical Writing Courses is the instructor's background. Generally, foreign writing instructors in Japan tend to have come from studies of English Literature or "Teaching English as a Second Language" (TESL). In many cases, such instructors can do a fine job in applying their background to the writing needs of Japanese businesspeople and technical staff.

    On the other hand, ALL of our instructors are also professional editors. They work every day (and often night) to rewrite highly advanced scientific articles and important business documents. Therefore, a writing instructor from K&A has not only studied writing but also practices it daily--and trainees have appreciated this edge.

    7. Get Previous Newsline Articles in the Archives

    Over the past five years or so I've distributed this Newsline by e-mail on a "roughly" quarterly basis. While several articles, such as holiday info, are time-specific, most of them are relevant to now. See links to past Newsline articles here:

  • 2006 Winter

    Open or Close
    1.  年末年始のクディラアンドアソシエイトへのご依頼について
    2.  プレゼンテーション戦略: 第一印象の重要さ!
    3.  ライティング戦略: レフリーへの回答
    4. さよなら:Tim McKnight ティム マックナイト
    5. ようこそ:Josh Lewis ジョシュ ルイス
    6. 無数のビデオ

    1. 年末年始のクディラアンドアソシエイトへのご依頼について


    また、予定していなかったのに、急に英文添削(翻訳は対象外です)が必要になった場合には 1)ご希望納期と時刻 2)納品メールアドレス 3)ご自宅、携帯電話番号など直接お話ができる電話番号を英語でkansai@kurdyla.comへ送信してください。私は毎日メールをチェックをしていますので折り返し確認メールを返信します。もしハイキングや寝ていた場合には返信が少し遅くなりますのでご了承ください。

    2. プレゼンテーション戦略: 第一印象の重要さ!



    最初の30秒程に、発表者が言わなければならないのは、good morning (afternoon/evening)の挨拶から始めて、名前、所属の会社、大学、そして発表内容のタイトルのみ。これらの情報はもちろんスライドやメモなんか見なくても大丈夫なのですから。


    3. ライティング戦略: レフリーへの回答

    研究論文をパブリケーション、特に競争の激しいジャーナルへ投稿する時には、いくつもの編集段階を踏むということはよくあることです。最近は、研究者にとって"peer-reviewed" 論文を提出することも欠くことのできない要素になっているようです。


    "Obviously, the reviewer does not know anything about the latest advances in nantokaometry and thus we disregard referee's irrelevant comments."


    "It seems that the reviewer is not familiar with this recent aspect of nantokaometry; therefore, I would like to refer him or her to three relevant references, listed below..."


    4. さよなら:Tim McKnight ティム マックナイト



    5. ようこそ:Josh Lewis ジョシュ ルイス

    クディラ関西事務所の新人はJosh Lewis, ジョシュ ルイスです。アメリカルイジアナ州のバートンリュージュ(Baton Rouge)出身なので私たちの事務所では初めての南部からの人です。日本に来る前は、コミュニケーションの修士号を持ち、フリーランスとして雑誌、新聞、インターネットのライターでした。すでに多くの重要な仕事を担当しており、これからの彼の仕事に期待しています。

    6. 無数のビデオ

    ここ数年で、いくつかのWeb関連の会社、例えば amazon.comebay.comGoogleMixi は、ただの成功したビジネスベンチャーではなく世の中の重要な社会現象となりましたが、youtube.comもこのような急成長の社会現象のひとつです。youtube.comは無数のユーザーによってアップロードされたビデオが見れるサイトです。


    このサイトは少し危険です...雨の土曜日の午後に始めたら気が付けば何時間も経っていたということもありえますから! セルフコントロールが必要です。
    1. Kurdyla & Associates Winter Holidays and Holiday Work
    2. Presentation Strategy: First Impressions are Critical!
    3. Tech Writing Strategies: Answering Referee Comments
    4. Sayonara: Tim McKnight
    5. Welcome: Josh Lewis
    6. A Universe of Video on the Net

    1. Kurdyla & Associates Winter Holidays and Holiday Work

    The "official" holidays of Kurdyla & Associates will be from December 29 through January 4. However, if you need some work done during this period, we will of course do what we can to help you out. For such work, please contact our office (06-6338-1855) *before* 4 PM on December 28.

    If you suddenly have work that needs to be done during the holidays (only rewriting, not translation), send an e-mail ( explaining the details of the job, especially deadline, in English, along with full contact information (other e-mail address, home phone, cell phone, etc.). I'll generally check our e-mail daily, but if I'm doing something like hiking or sleeping there may be a delay in reply.

    2. Presentation Strategy: First Impressions are Critical!

    Psychologists have confirmed the intuition that a persons' first impression of someone has a powerful effect that is robust against change. Not surprisingly, the same is true for our feelings about a presenter.

    Unfortunately, too many of the research and business presenters I train start their presentations with their face buried in the first slide, giving the audience a great view of...their backside. There is only one place you should be looking during your first slide: THE AUDIENCE!

    The first 30 seconds or so of your presentation is basically saying good morning (afternoon/evening), your name and affiliation (company, university), and the title of the work. For this information, you certainly do not need to be looking at the screen or your notes!

    At this stage, the "how" is much more important than the "what." Making a good first impression means showing that you're relaxed, enthusiastic, and trying to "connect" with the audience. It's not easy to keep a presentation strong throughout the 15 or 20 minutes of speaking, but it's much, much tougher to go from a weak start to a strong finish.

    3. Tech Writing Strategies: Answering Referee Comments

    When submitting a research article for publication, particularly in a very competitive journal, it is common for the paper to go through several editorial phases. These days, it is nearly essential that research be presented in a "peer-reviewed" paper.

    One of our common jobs is to rewrite the responses to editors and referees after a paper has been reviewed and evaluated as still needing some improvements. Naturally, such responses should be clear, brief, and directly related to the question or comment. Moreover, you should also take care to be "tactful" in your responses. For example, the following response is not going to win you friends among editors/referees:

    "Obviously, the reviewer does not know anything about the latest advances in nantokaometry and thus we disregard referee's irrelevant comments."

    Much better is something like:

    "It seems that the reviewer is not familiar with this recent aspect of nantokaometry; therefore, I would like to refer him or her to three relevant references, listed below..."

    Although getting your work published may be the most important thing to you, keep in mind that the editors, reviewers and others involved in the publication process are humans with human feelings.

    4. Sayonara: Tim McKnight

    Long-time Kurdyla Kansai rewriter and instructor Tim McKnight will be leaving us at the end of the year. He has been very popular with a number of our important clients. Tim will return shortly after the new year to Melbourne, Australia to start up his own business. He'll be providing an environmentally friendly automobile washing service that does not require water, which has become an increasingly scarce resource in Australia.

    I'm deeply grateful for Tim's many years of excellent performance and warm friendship. Everyone at Kurdyla Kansai wishes him the best of luck in his future "down under."

    5. Welcome: Josh Lewis

    The newest member of the Kurdyla Kansai crew is Josh Lewis. His hometown is Baton Rouge, Louisiana (USA), so he is our office's first real "southerner." Before coming to Japan, Josh earned his Master's degree in Communications and worked as a free-lance writer for magazines, newspapers and the Internet. He's already doing important jobs for some of our important clients, and we have high hopes for him.

    6. A Universe of Video on the Net

    Over the years, a few web-based,, Google, and Mixi--have become not only successful business ventures but also important social phenomena. One such fast-rising phenomenon is, a website that stores thousands (millions?) of videos uploaded by its users.

    Most of the videos are frankly stupid--teenagers talking about their friends or making their cats dance--but some excellent content can be found if you search a little bit. For example, using the search term "Feynman", you can get a selection of video about the famous physicist, including this one:


    This site is a little bit dangerous--you can start playing with it on a rainy Saturday afternoon and then suddenly realize you've been at your computer for hours! You definitely need self-control.

  • 2006 Fall

    Open or Close
    1. プレゼンテーションセミナー:フレキシブル・スケジュール
    2. パワーポイント戦術:「見る」と「聴く」のバランス
    3. さよなら:キンバ・グリフィス
    4. アブストラクト:標準的な。。。
    5. インターネットラジオの英語
    6. ダルフル:手助けをさしのべる

    1. プレゼンテーションセミナー:フレキシブル・スケジュール



    そこで、ご依頼者が本当にご満足していただけるようフレキシブルにスケジュールできるシステムを設定しました。最初に “core day” という一日中講義をする日を設けました。この日には、プレゼンテーションの基礎の講義、事前に提出してもらったPowerPointスライドの検討、また短いプレゼンテーションの実践も行われます。この “core day” は20名様までの受講者数でお受けできます。この講義が終了してから、3~4名のグループに分かれてで受講者のスケジュールで行われる"satellite session"という半日のトレーニングセッションが行われます。理想的にはこのサテライトセションは2回行われることをお勧めします。このサテライトセッションは、1回目と2回目のメンバーが違っても問題ありません。


    2. パワーポイント戦術:「見る」と「聴く」のバランス



    We found that the modified algorithm, however, achieved an increase in recall of 15% and an increase in precision of 21%.

    Modified Algorithm: Recall +15%, Precision +21%


    3. さよなら:キンバ・グリフィス


    4. アブストラクト:標準的な。。。



    しかしながら、おおまかにいえば標準的なアブストラクトは1)具体的であること、しかし詳細すぎないこと 2)短いはっきりしたセンテンスで書くこと 3)背景事情からは離れて、研究に関連していること 4)「推理小説」にはならいように結果ははっきりと。よく聞かれる質問は、動詞の時制について。伝統的には現在時制が使われています (“The chemical residue is weighed after each processing step”)しかし、いくつかのジャーナルは
    単純過去時制を好みます (“The chemical residue was weighed after each processing step”)。



    5. インターネットラジオの英語




    6. ダルフル:手助けさしのべる


    人道的危機を扱っている慈善団体の中で、私は熱心にMercy Corpsを援助しています。このグループは寄付金を有効に使っていると高い評価を受けています。Mercy Corpsについては
    1. Presentation Seminars: Flexible Schedules
    2. PowerPoint Strategy: Balance "Seen" and "Heard"
    3. Sayonara: Kimba Griffith
    4. Abstracts: "Kind of Standard..."
    5. English on Internet Radio
    6. Darfur: Lending a helping hand

    1. Presentation Seminars: Flexible Schedules

    The most popular type of seminar we offer is Technical Presentation. In an increasingly interconnected but also competitive world, Japanese academic and corporate researchers must present their work in English, despite their English skills or comfort in giving a presentation. We aim to greatly improve our trainees' presentation abilities through training in principles and actual experience.

    However, in setting up courses, two common problems arise. First, several clients want to train more than our standard course size of five to eight people. Second, it is often difficult to have each trainee attend each class session, even in a short-term course.

    Therefore, we have set up a flexible modular course system to satisfy the real needs of our clients. In the first "core day," a full-day session covers lectures on presentation fundamentals, a review of PowerPoint slides submitted in advance, and short presentation exercises; this day can accommodate up to 20 trainees. For individual training, three or four students are grouped together, based on their schedules, for half-day "satellite sessions." Ideally, each student would have two days of this individual training, and the groups could have different members between the first and second days.

    For a graphic view of this flexible course structure, please check out:

    2. PowerPoint Strategy: Balance "Seen" and "Heard"

    Related to the first topic, almost every academic or business presentation given these days is accompanied with a PowerPoint slideshow. How you prepare this visual display is very important: it can greatly help your presentation, but it can also hurt it! A good slide should immediately and clearly give your audience a "mental image" that supports what you are saying.

    One of the most common errors presenters make in preparing PowerPoint slides is writing too much text in bulleted points, as in a technical paper. For example:

    We found that the modified algorithm, however, achieved an increase in recall of 15% and an increase in precision of 21%.

    Modified Algorithm: Recall +15%, Precision +21%

    In the first example, what is written is about the same as what is spoken, but this creates a fundamental imbalance: the audience reads much faster than the presenter speaks, and thus the audience's attention is confused and the ideas are not effectively conveyed. In the second example, the audience gets an instant "word picture" that supports what the presenter says.

    3. Sayonara: Kimba Griffith

    Popular Kurdyla Kansai instructor/rewriter (and club singer by night) Kimba Griffith left us at the end of July. In August, she and her band played regularly at the prestigious Edinburgh Music Festival in Scotland. She's now traveling around Europe with her husband, and will soon return home to Australia. Her blog is at:

    4. Abstracts: "Kind of Standard..."

    All of our clients who work with technical documents understand the importance of an "abstract" (sometimes called "summary"): it's a brief advertisement of the work described in a technical paper: its purpose, methods employed, results obtained, significance of results.

    In response to a question I often get from clients, I've said that there is no single absolute, definitive standard for writing an abstract. You need to carefully read any instructions available from your journal or conference about such issues as word length, general contents, and formatting/style.

    However, using a rough standard, we can say that any abstract should be 1) concrete but not overly detailed, 2) written in short and clear sentences, 3) free of background info and related works, and 4) clear about results, not a "mystery story." A frequent question is the verb tense to use; traditionally, the present tense has been used ("The chemical residue is weighed after each processing step"), but several journals prefer the simple past tense ("The chemical residue was weighed after each processing step").

    To help clients and well as my rewriting staff better understand abstracts, I've referred them to a variety of web sites, in addition to good textbooks on technical writing. Your can find a list of links to these sites at:

    A word of warning: not surprisingly, some of these sites conflict with others in the information they provide, so use with careful judgment!

    5. English on Internet Radio

    The Internet continues to offer ever more opportunities to listen to/watch rich media, and this can become a resource for your language study. For advanced students of English who wish to get intensive listening practice, I generally recommend radio/TV programs at:

    A huge number of radio stations, including news and talk, can be found at:

    You may have to navigate around a bit, but you should be able to find some enjoyable listening/viewing.

    6. Darfur: Lending a helping hand

    I don't discuss political issues in the Newsline, but the human rights abuses in Darfur, in western Sudan, have continued with no solution in sight.

    Among the various charitable organizations dealing with humanitarian crises that I enthusiastically support is Mercy Corps. This group has been rated very highly for its effective use of donations. You can look into Mercy Corps at:

  • 2006 Spring

    Open or Close
    1.  特別セミナーのお知らせ: Using the Web in English
    2.  英語の方言: American? British? Australian?
    3.  PowerPointのスライドについて
    4.  ホエールズウェブ・ドット・コムのインターネットを使った研修
    5.  非常に便利なポッドキャスト (Podcasts)

    1. 特別セミナーのお知らせ: Using the Web in English


    今、"Using the Web in English" という特別セミナーを提供しております。内容は情報の捜し方、最新ソフト情報、クレジットカードを安全に使うオンラインショッピングの方法など直ぐに役立つものばかりです。90分のセミナーで費用はたったの ¥15,000 +消費税+交通費。ご興味のある方はぜひご連絡ください。

    2. 英語の方言: American? British? Australian?


    ライティングにおいては、例えば、スペリング ("center" vs. "centre," "behavior" vs. "behaviour"), ボキャブラリー ("truck" vs. "lorry," "elevator" vs. "lift"), 句読点 ("commas inside quotes," vs. "commas outside quotes", as well as periods), 使い方 ("Toyota is considering a new policy" vs. "Toyota are considering a new policy") のようないくつかの違いがありますので、もしこのような点で違いを気にされているのでしたら添削ご依頼時に、どこへご提出されるかを必ずご連絡ください。弊社では、いずれにしてもどんな場合にでも最も大切である技術英語としての明晰さ、簡潔さに関してご満足していただけるよう対処しております。


    3. PowerPointのスライドについて



    4. ホエールズウェブ・ドット・コムのインターネットを使った研修

    弊社の関連会社であるホエールズウェブ・ドット・コムはインターネットを利用した様々なサービスを日本企業、外資系企業の皆様へご提供しております。(詳しくはwww.whalesweb.comをご覧ください。弊社の「ウエブケーション」 には "Blended Learning" コースという個人でのインターネットを使用した勉強と、集合研修を混ぜ合わせた便利なコースを展開しております。


    5. 非常に便利なポッドキャスト (Podcasts)

    またはその他のmp3プレーヤーをお持ちですか?これらのパワフルな機能のひとつに podcasts があります。ポッドキャストって何?ってですって? まあ、特別なラジオ番組 (テレビ番組と言った方がいいでしょうか) を購読するようなものです。コンピュータを通してプレーヤーに番組を取り込むことができます。


    -Future Tense: News about new technology and technology products
    -The Diane Rehm Show: American News with commentators of different political persuasions
    -A Way with Words: For people who love words and the English language

    1. "Using the Web in English": A Special Offer
    2. English dialects: American? British? Australian?
    3. Checking PowerPoint Slides
    4. Internet-based Training through
    5. Podcasts: A Great Convenience!

    1. "Using the Web in English": A Special Offer

    By now, I would guess that around 99.9% of you are using the web on a regular basis, probably daily. For both technical and cultural reasons, English content covers a huge part of the Internet's resources. But how comfortable are you in using the web in English?

    I'm now offering a special seminar on "Using the Web in English" that covers such issues as searching for information, keeping software up-to-date, and shopping, including the safety of using credit cards online. The price for this 90-minute session is only ¥15,000, plus sales tax and transportation from our Osaka office. Contact us for more details.

    2. English Dialects: American? British? Australian?

    Sometimes clients ask me to revise a paper based on "American" or "British" English, or request an instructor from a particular English-speaking country. How big a difference is there? In my experience, people have been over-concerned with this difference.

    In writing, there are a few differences in spelling ("center" vs. "centre," "behavior" vs. "behaviour"), vocabulary ("truck" vs. "lorry," "elevator" vs. "lift"), punctuation ("commas inside quotes," vs. "commas outside quotes", as well as periods), and usage ("Toyota is considering a new policy" vs. "Toyota are considering a new policy"). If you're concerned about this, by all means mention where your article will be published when you submit a rewrite job to us. However, in any case we'll satisfy the most important demand: clear, simple technical English.

    Spoken English is a little bit trickier, with the added complication of accents. However, this is also an often over-rated "problem." For example, when I sometimes listen to my two Australian employees talking to each other, I (American) can barely understand them! But when they speak to me or to trainees, their modern business English is crystal clear. Amazing!

    3. Checking PowerPoint Slides

    As many of you know, one of our specialties is providing a complete presentation package: editing the presentation script in Word or a text file, correcting the slideshow in PowerPoint, and giving you one-on-one training in effective presentation techniques.

    Our main job in revising your PowerPoint file is to give the written expressions clarity and impact; although we may make some adjustments to graphics elements like text boxes, we do not provide the full services of a graphic artist. Here are some quick tips:
    - Remember that a few strong ideas will be better remembered than many small details
    - Pay attention to color contrast: with light backgrounds, use dark text; with dark backgrounds, use light text
    - Limit the use of elaborate transitions and animation effects
    - Make sure that the PowerPoint slideshow supports your ideas--not the other way around!

    4. Internet-based Training through

    Our subsidiary,, has been providing a variety of Internet-based services to both Japanese and Multi-national clients (please see the web site for full details). Among our "webucation" offerings, we are providing a variety of "Blended Learning" courses, which combine the flexibility of individual web-based study with the dynamism of class sessions at the client's convenience.

    For more details, please contact our office (06-6338-1855).

    5. Podcasts: A Great Convenience!

    Do you own an iPod or other mp3 player? One of the greatest features of these tiny but powerful devices is the ability to enjoy podcasts! What are podcasts? Well, they're like a subscription to a specialized radio (or even TV!) show, files that download directly through your computer into your player.

    I find these informative and relaxing while riding the train or exercising at the sports club. Here are some web sites that offer podcasts:

    Here are a few of my favorite podcasts:
    -Future Tense: News about new technology and technology products
    -The Diane Rehm Show: American News with commentators of different political persuasions
    -A Way with Words: For people who love words and the English language
    Happy Listening!

  • 2005 Fall

    Open or Close
    1. 和文英訳のお見積もり
    2. クラス受講者数
    3. プレゼンテーショントレーニングの締め切り:急がないで!
    4. コンピュータ上での添削:よりよい選択
    5. 失敗の大切さ
    6. メディカル情報サイト

    1. 和文英訳のお見積り



    2. クラス受講者数



    3. プレゼンテーショントレーニングの締め切り:急がないで!


    4. コンピュータ上での添削:よりよい選択

    ここ数年、弊社の最も重要なサービスであるテクニカル添削をコンピュータ上での添削 (e-mailでの納入) と紙面上での添削 (Faxでの納入) で提供してまいりました。私は強くe-mailでの添削を選んでいただくようお勧めします。こちらの方が少しお値段は高くなりますが、2つの利点があります。1)あなたのタイピング時間を大幅に節約することが可能です。あなたの時間は大変貴重ですからもっとあなたの研究、新しいビジネスチャンスのために、ご家族との楽しい時間を過ごすために使ってください。タイプすることには使わないでください。2)タイプミスを防ぐことができます。私は多くのファックスの添削で書き直された後の論文を見てきましたが、ほとんど100%の確率でご依頼者側でいくつかの写し間違いのタイプミスを見てきました。


    5. 失敗の大切さ



    6. メディカル情報サイト

    (WWW) World Wide Web 豊富な情報に満ちあふれています。もちろん情報の価値については大変有効なものから危険なものまであります。ここで私達全てに必要である信頼できる有効なサイトをご紹介します。 Dr. Andrew Weil. が運営してるhttp://www.drweil.comです。Dr. Weilはアメリカの人気のテレビ番組に出演しているTIMEのカバーになったこともある人です。

    1. Change in Japanese-to-English Translation Estimation
    2. Class Size Considerations
    3. Presentation Deadlines: Don’t Rush Too Much!
    4. Rewriting by Computer: the Better Choice
    5. The Value of Failing
    6. A Great Website for Medical Information

    1. Change in Japanese-to-English Translation Estimation

    From last Summer we have adopted a new system for estimating the billing of Japanese-to-English translation jobs. Previously, we billed based on the final English output, but now billing is based on the Japanese input. This will not make any significant difference in the final price, but the new system will allow us to give clients a very fast and accurate estimate of their jobs.

    Please call Atsuko Watanabe at 06-6338-1855 to set up details of translation work.

    2. Class Size Considerations

    In setting up a new training course, one of the basic considerations is the number of trainees to gather for the class. This should be decided carefully, and there is no single “perfect” class number: it depends on type of course, purpose of course, and intentions of the training manager and trainees.

    For a general discussion course, such as a weekly two-hour class, 4~8 people is optimal; getting more people than this really cuts down on the speaking time, and thus value, for each trainee. In a presentation course, I generally like to give each person an hour to account for a 10~20-minute trainee presentation, Q&A session, peer critique, instructor evaluation, and break time while the next presenter sets up. If 10 people are scheduled for a 7-hour presentation day, this obviously squeezes the activities a lot! On the other hand, a business or technical writing class can accommodate many trainnees, up to 20 or more, since the main activity of such a course is writing analysis. At the other extreme, a one-on-one course is the most costly per trainee, but for some purposes, such as overseas work preparation or executive duties, it’s the best solution.

    3. Presentation Deadlines: Don’t Rush Too Much!

    As many of you know, one of the main services of Kurdyla Kansai is presentation training. Practice with an experienced presentation trainer can greatly help your presentation ability and self-confidence. However, some of our clients have been putting off their training session until just the last minute before a conference or on the way to the airport. Please give yourself some time! Allowing yourself at least a week before the presentation lets us carefully review your script and PowerPoint slides and set up a training session at a convenient time. Moreover, it gives you some “breathing space” to absorb the training points and make final changes before you take the stage.

    4. Rewriting by Computer: the Better Choice

    For several years, we have offered technical rewriting, our flagship service, by both computer (e-mail delivery) and pencil-n-paper (fax delivery). Increasingly, I am strongly recommending that our clients chose jobs by e-mail. For a slightly higher price, you gain two strong advantages: 1) You save *much* time otherwise spent typing in corrections—your time is valuable, so you should spend it doing research, pursuing business opportunities, enjoying your family life, etc., not typing. 2) You avoid the high risk of errors while inputting corrections; I’ve seen the revised versions of many papers after fax correction, and in nearly 100% of the cases the authors make at least a few mistakes in their typing.

    There are still a few useful purposes for the “by fax” service. The main one is for figures, charts and tables that are in graphic files. Another is for authors who have exceptional English skill and only require 1~4 corrections per page, but such people are extremely rare.

    5. The Value of Failing

    Lately, I often tell trainees in my courses, “Please try harder to fail!” This may seem a bit strange, since our courses are aimed at ultimate success. However, it’s a very logical request: no one succeeds in anything important without first failing, maybe failing several times. Therefore, the longer you put off failing, the longer you put off succeeding.

    In class, I tell trainees, “Don’t worry if you make mistakes in front of your classmates and the instructor—this is better than not trying now and later making mistakes in front of your business partners and customers!” This is particularly true for such difficult but important skills as writing and presentation: it’s not enough to want to succeed, you must also be willing to fail.

    6. A Great Website for Medical Information

    The World Wide Web (WWW) obviously contains an amazing wealth of information on nearly any topic imaginable. Of course, the value of this informations varies from the useful and informative to the spurious and even dangerous. I’d like to mention one reliable and highly useful site on a topic important to all of us: our health. The site is, run by Dr. Andrew Weil. Dr. Weil has been featured on the cover of Time magazine as well as many popular US TV shows. He takes a naturalistic view of medicine and “provides an innovative approach to health care that encompasses body, mind, and spirit.” He has a particular interest in the study of aging well, something I’m sure we would all like to do.

    Naturally, if you make a major change to your diet/exercise program or plan to try various natural supplements, it’s best that you first consult with your personal physician.
  • 2005 Summer

    Open or Close
    1. 関西事務所でのプレゼントレーニング受付開始:プロジェクター使用可能 2. スタッフのお知らせ:関西の新メンバー 3. 申込用紙の24時間表記 4. プログを取り入れた研修 5. 発音チェック のサイト使用料 6. 日本人ってどんな人?
    1. 関西事務所でのプレゼントレーニング受付開始:プロジェクター使用可能

    今まで弊社にはコンピュータに用のプロジェクターがありませんでした。最近のプレゼンテーションはほとんど PowerPoint Keynote などのソフトでプロジェクターを使って行われますので弊社でもプロジェクターをついに購入いたしました。もう白い壁に向かってスライドが映っているかのように指を差していただく必要はございません。ぜひ「クディラ関西事務所でのプレゼンテーショントレーニング」をご利用ください。トレーニングは1回から(2回行われる方が効果的ですが)お承り致します。詳細は06-6338-1855までお問い合わせください。

    2. スタッフのお知らせ:関西の新メンバー

    Ms. Kimba Scorpecci キンバ・スコーペチが加わりました。オーストラリア・メルボルン出身のエネルギシュな女性です。来日して1年もまだ経っておりませんがすでに添削や大学での研修プログラムを行った経験があります。彼女は時々大阪のクラブで歌っている歌手志望で、彼女の多趣味はレイキやタイヨガにまでにわたっています。彼女は優れたテクニカルライティング・ビジネススキルトレーニングをお客様にご提供できることを切に願っております。

    3. 申込用紙の24時間表記

    24時間表示でご記入いただいております。これは午前か午後かを間違わないようにするためで、例えば8:00 PM と書くよりも20:00の方が簡単です。アメリカではこの24時間システムで表示するのは軍隊と緊急医療サービスだけです。この24時間システムを広く使っている国の中でも違いがあります。例えばフランスでは1:30 AM "1:30" ですが、ベルギーでは"01:30" され、一番混乱するのはお昼と真夜中の表示方法です。お昼の正午は"12:00" ですが、午前零時は"00:00" または "24:00"と表示されます。

    4. プログを取り入れた研修


    5. 発音チェック のサイト使用料

    以前単語の発音を聞ける便利な のサイトをご紹介しましたが、昔からの友人にこのホームページでは発音を聞くことができないと知らされました。調べましたところ、現在は発音を聞くのにプレミアム会員になってアクセスコードをもらわないといけないようです。この会員になるには$19.95 (US)が必要ですが、もし真剣にどのように単語が発音されるか知りたいのであればこの値段はお得な価格だと思います。ご興味のある方はこのサイトをチェックしてください。

    6. 日本人ってどんな人?

    近頃は"Who are the Japanese?" と聞かれたら「それでは…127 百万人の違いを説明するので聞いていただく時間はありますか?」と答えるようにしています。

    1. Projector available for Presentation Training in Esaka office
    2. Staff Notes: New Kansai Associate
    3. 24-hour Time on order forms
    4. Use of web logs (blogs) in classes
    5. Now fee for's pronunciation audio
    6. Who are the Japanese?

    1. Projector available for Presentation Training in Esaka office

    A growing number of our clients are coming to our office in Esaka for presentation training. There are several advantages to this: you don't need to find space at your company or university, there is added privacy from unwanted 'spectators,' and it's convenient to stop off in Esaka on the way home. (Our office, one minute from Esaka Station on the Mido-Suji subway line, is a few minutes away from Shin Osaka Station.)

    Unfortunately, however, we have not yet been able to offer our trainees a projector to connect to their (or our) computer. These days, almost all presentations in business are being given with projectors and presentation software such as PowerPoint or Keynote. Well, now we have a projector in our office, so you no longer have to "pretend" as you point to a blank wall. To arrange presentation training of one session or, even better, two sessions, please call our office at 06-6338-1855.

    2. Staff Notes: New Kansai Associate

    The latest addition to Kurdyla's Kansai team is Ms. Kimba Scorpecci, who began work as a full-time employee June 1. Kimba comes from Melbourne, Australia and is quite an energetic young woman. Although she's been in Japan less than a year, she has already had experience in rewriting and teaching university courses. She is an aspiring chanteuse who occasionally sings in Osaka-area clubs, and her many hobbies include reiki and Thai yoga. She has a strong desire to give our clients great service in technical rewriting and business skills training.

    3. 24-hour Time on order forms

    As you've probably noticed, we ask for "24-hour time" deadlines on our documentation order forms. This is to avoid the confusion of whether "8:00" means 8:00 AM or 8:00 PM; it's much simpler to use 20:00 for the latter. In the US, this 24-hour system is usually only used by the military and emergency services. There are even slight differences between countries that use the 24-hour system more extensively: in France, 1:30 AM is "1:30," while in neighboring Belgium it's "01:30." The main confusion is with noon and midnight: noon is "12:00" while midnight, depending on the standard used, is either "00:00" or "24:00."

    For our services, the important thing to remember is to call our office in advance between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (17:00) if your job's deadline is in the evening or on the weekend.

    4. Use of web logs (blogs) in classes

    Over the last couple of years, "web logs" (or "blogs") have become a popular and decentralized way for groups of people-or even strangers-to communicate with each other. These are on-line "journals" that allow people to freely write their ideas for other users who are registered as their "friends." You can log on and "publish" your writing in a matter of minutes.

    We have just started using blogs in two of our programs-a university course and an MBA-preparation course. The system we've been using is, and the results are quite interesting. Class members freely write their ideas at any time of the day, and the instructor or other class members can comment on this writing. Although we use security features with our trainees, I don't plan to use this for classes that deal with highly sensitive company information. Please contact me if you'd like to learn how "blogs" can help your courses with us.

    5. Now fee for's pronunciation audio

    Previously, I mentioned how the very useful site "" offers audio pronunciation for its word entries. However, one of my old friends who read that told me he couldn't access the pronunciations. I checked out the site to discover that you now must become a "Premium Member" to use the pronunciation audio service. But this membership costs only $19.95 (US) a year: a very reasonable price if you really need to hear how a word should sound. If you're interested, check out

    6. Who are the Japanese?

    I'm often asked by people in the USA, my home country, "Who are the Japanese?" "What are they like?" This is a question that I have never been able to answer with certainty. I'm always amazed at foreigners who are here for one or two years and claim to know everything about the Japanese-and I never take what they say seriously. On the other hand, some very old-time foreign residents have romantic, historical images of Japanese that have very little to do with real Japanese of 2005. When Japanese people say things of themselves, using a "ware ware wa" expression, I usually find an example soon after that contradicts their statement. (In fairness, probably few modern Americans would agree with my idea of what an "American" is.)

    These days, when asked, "Who are the Japanese?" I reply, "Well, do you have time for about 127 million answers?"
  • 2005 Winter

    Open or Close
    Hi, 今回のニュースレターは冬のお知らせです。
    1. “Workflow”仕事の流れ
    2. 無料オープンセミナーへのご招待
    3. 携帯電話への転送メール
    4. スタッフのお知らせ:クリス・オルセンに男の子が誕生
    5. “Edit”? “Rewrite”? “Proofread”? はどう違うの?
    6. 言葉の使い方: “etc.”—or maybe not!
    1. “Workflow”仕事の流れ
    最近のIT業界でよく使われる言葉に "Workflow" があります。"Workflow" とは、「最終結果を生産するための一連の作業」と定義づけられています。(参考サイト:。実は、クディラアンドアソシエイト㈱で行われている仕事もworkflowと考えられます。ご説明しやすいのは国際会議の準備の場合です。
    国際会議の準備のためのお仕事をお受けした場合、まず最初に論文 (proceedings) そして、ご依頼者のご希望によりその他、関連資料の添削を行います。そして、次に発表原稿とパワーポイントスライドを添削します。これらの添削終了後、2回のプレゼンテーショントレーニング(時間のない時には1回のみ)を行い、依頼者の話し方、明確さ、ボディーランゲージ、そして内容についてのコーチングを行います。この一連の仕事は同じ添削者が担当させていただきますので、高い品質で完成された最終結果、つまりご依頼者はドキュメントと会議でのパフォーマンスを得ることができます。
    2. 無料オープンセミナーへのご招待
    3. 携帯電話への転送メール
    最近ではコンピュータの通常のメールアドレスで受信されるメッセージを携帯電話のアドレスへも自動的に転送することがすっかり普及してきました。しかしながらこの「便利さ」はサイズが大きすぎるMs-Wordファイルを拒否してしまいます。わたしがこのような ”returns” メールをチェックしますとほとんどが携帯電話からのメッセージでコンピュータのメールアドレスでは受信されていることがわかりました。ですので、弊社からの出来上がりの添削ファイルを受信された時(特に5時以降や週末のご希望納期でご依頼されていたもの)には「受信しました」とメールで返信くださいますようお願い致します。
    4. スタッフのお知らせ: クリスオルセンに男の子が誕生
    関西事務所で人気の添削者・インストラクターであるクリス・オリソン(Chris Oleson)と年子夫妻に去年の暮れ、男の子が誕生しました。名前は善君です。元気な善君は夜になるとパパを独占していますがクリスは忙しい仕事とお父さんを両立させています。
    5. “Edit”? ”Rewrite”? ”Proofread”? はどう違うの?
    “editing” それとも “rewriting” それとも “proofreading”
    “Editing” はドキュメント全体を大きく変更すること、多くの場合は、他のセクションの順序付けなどと関連し、どんな内容を取り入れるか、というような決定までも含みます。このようなご依頼はたまにしかありませんが、プロジェクトの制作の早い課程でコンサルティングに参加して、何巻にも渡るマニュアルやその他のプロジェクトをお受けした経験があります。しかしながらこのような Editing は数時間や数日間で完成するものではありません。
    “Rewriting” は読み易さ・正しい文法・論理の簡潔さをよりよくするためにパラグラフやセンテンスのレベルで変更することです。私どもの月々お受けるする90%以上の添削がこの分類になります。通常ドキュメントの大きな変更は要求されませんが、添削者はドキュメント全体にわたりライティングスタイルや書式、組み立てについて丁寧に添削を行います。
    “Proofreading” は小さな意味での変更、例えば、句読点やスペルチェックなどの変更を行うことです。このようなご依頼を受けるのはまれで、例えば海外で長く居られた方からのご依頼などです。
    と、いうことで「添削」の英語は “rewriting” が一番よい表現だと思います。私が大嫌いな表現は “native check” です。「ネイティブチェック」という言葉は英語圏で生まれた人なら、誰に添削をしてもらってもかまわないというイメージを受けるからです。もちろんこれは事実ではありません。最近はこの言葉は私を不愉快にはしません、というのはご依頼者の言わんとすることが理解できたからです。
    6. 言葉の使い方: “etc.”or maybe not!
    最後に言葉の使い方について書かせてください。添削で、“including” “such as” で始まり、そして “etc.” “and so on.” という表現で終わるフレーズがあります。例えば:
    “…many techniques, including verb parsing, noun splicing, adjective squishing, etc., have been attempted.”
    “…many techniques, including verb parsing, noun splicing, and adjective squishing, have been attempted” または “…many techniques—verb parsing, noun splicing, adjective squishing, etc.— have been attempted.”
    1. Handling jobs in a “workflow” manner
    2. Promotional offer of free “Open Seminar”
    3. Cell phone “cc:” e-mail
    4. Staff Notes: Chris Oleson gets a baby boy!
    5. What’s in a word: “Edit”? “Rewrite”? “Proofread”? Which is it?
    6. “etc.”—or maybe not!
    1. Handling jobs in a “workflow” manner
    A common expression in the IT industry these days is “workflow,” which has been defined as a “defined series of tasks…to produce a final outcome” ( Actually, many of the jobs done by K&A can be considered workflows. The best case to illustrate this is preparation for an international conference.
    In this case, we first rewrite the conference paper (“proceedings”) or presentation proposal, consulting with the author as necessary. We then rewrite the presentation script or notes as well as the PowerPoint slideshow file. Shortly after these materials have been finished and returned by e-mail, we meet with the author/presenter for two (or one, if time is limited) presentation training sessions to coach him or her on speaking style, clarity, body language, and selection of content to present. Throughout these processes, the same K&A rewriter/trainer will work with you so that you get a high-quality, unified “final outcome”: your document and performance at the conference.
    2. Promotional offer of free “Open Seminar”
    Over the past year, I’ve given free “Open Seminars” to a few of our oldest clients. The subject is quite general but highly useful to technical staff: “Technical Writing Tips and Making Effective Presentations.” This is a two-hour lecture using a PowerPoint slideshow, and it’s done in English. I’ve given this program to groups of over 150 people.
    Now, I’d like to extend this offer to our other corporate and academic clients for the amazingly low price of: nothing. Such a program would normally cost about ¥30,000, but for this set course (sorry, no changing chicken for lamb) you can have a two-hour session for free (transportation cost required for sites outside the Kansai area). Please call our office (06-6338-1855) for more details and to set up a date/time.  
    3. Cell phone “cc:” e-mail
    It has become more common for people to automatically “cc:” the messages they get at their regular e-mail to their cell phone e-mail. However, this convenience will return the mail to the sender if it’s too large, such as a rewritten MS-Word file. When I check up such “returns,” in almost all cases I find out that the author did in fact receive the file at his or her regular e-mail. However, this is a good reason to send us a quick reply e-mail simply saying, “Thanks, I got the paper,” especially for jobs with night or weekend deadlines.
    4. Staff Notes: Chris Oleson gets a baby boy!
    Popular Kurdyla Kansai rewriter and instructor Chris Oleson and his wife Toshiko had a big baby boy, named Zen, over the winter holiday. Although his very healthy son is demanding some of daddy’s time at all hours of the night, Chris is still doing a fine job keeping up with his heavy workload.
    5. What’s in a word: “Edit”? “Rewrite”? “Proofread”? Which is it?
    Among the various services Kurdyla Kansai provides our clients, the main one is “tensaku.” But how to express this in English? Sometimes people say “editing,” “rewriting” or “proofreading.” Which one fits best? Let me give some short and simple definitions.
    “Editing” involves making large-scale changes to the overall document, often involving decisions of what content to include and the ordering of sections. We only occasionally do such work, such as multi-volume manuals and other projects when we are consulted at an early stage of production. Such work cannot be done in a few hours or a couple days.
    “Rewriting” involves making paragraph- and sentence-level changes for improved readability, correct grammar, and simpler logic. Such work accounts for more than 90% of our “tensaku” jobs in an average month. Although it usually doesn’t require document-wide changes, the rewriter considers the entire document’s writing style, formatting, and organization.
    “Proofreading” involves very minor changes to a document, such as a few punctuation and spelling corrections. We very rarely get such work, almost always from an author who has lived and worked overseas for many years.
    So in summary, “rewriting” is almost always the best term. One expression that I really don’t like is “native check”: this gives me the idea that handing a document to anyone born in an English-speaking country will make everything OK. Obviously, this is not the case! These days, it doesn’t annoy me so much because I know that’s not what most of our clients mean.
    6. “etc.”—or maybe not!
    Let me end on a language-use note. In our rewrite work, I’ll sometimes see a phrase starting with “including” or “such as” and ending with an expression like “etc.” or “and so on.” For example, “…many techniques, including verb parsing, noun splicing, adjective squishing, etc., have been attempted.” This is completely unnecessary: “including” already means that there are more items in the series than those listed! Therefore, the passage should be either “…many techniques, including verb parsing, noun splicing, and adjective squishing, have been attempted” or “…many techniques—verb parsing, noun splicing, adjective squishing, etc.— have been attempted.”
    It’s almost always better to say just enough instead of too much. Which brings me to the end of this quarter’s newsletter.
  • 2004 Fall

    Open or Close
    1. FAX添削の価格変更
    2. 再添削、2回目からの添削を低価格で
    3. フランシス Jクディラの本:テクニカル・ミーティング
    4. 英語のKeigo:敬語
    5. 正しい発音:インターネットで簡単に学べる方法
    6. 独学での単語の増やし方

    1. FAX添削の価格変更


    2. 再添削、2回目からの添削を低価格で

    3. フランシス Jクディラの本: テクニカル・ミーティング


    パートIでは会議の設定方法、異文化コミュニケーションにおける基本的な「べし・べからず」、技術の専門語、また公式・非公式の語句の使い方など会議の基礎となる項目について書かれています。パートIIではダイアログフォームで実際さながらの物語が展開されます。ここではパートIで得た知識がどのように使われていくかを知るのに大変よいシナリオとなっていますのでこの本の表紙にも“The way it really happens”と書かれています。便利で見やすい付録つきです。

    「エンジニアのための英会話超克服テキスト実践!テクニカル・ミーティング」 オーム社 ISBN4-274-19735-2 書店やから購入いただけます。
    4. 英語のKeigo:敬語

    ご依頼時に、プレゼンテーションの原稿や英語ドキュメントを「敬語の英語に直してください」というお願いが時々あります…Well, 一般に英語の手紙の文法やセンテンスの書き方で尊敬や謙譲を表現する方法はありません。けれども、ある程度の儀礼的な形式にしたり、個人的な親密さ、または筆者のご機嫌状態は語句の選び方や表現の仕方によって実際には書かれることもあります。

    5. 正しい発音: インターネットで簡単に学べる方法


    これは豊富な参考書があり大変有効なサイトです。そしてこのサイトの “Select Search” メニューから “American Heritage Coll.” つまり the American Heritage College Dictionaryを選んでください。 このメニューの横のボックスに正しい発音を知りたい単語をタイプしてください。そして “Go” のアイコンをクリックすると結果のリストが表示されます。

    そしてこのリストよりthe American Heritage Dictionaryのリンクを見つけてください。普通は上から3番以内には表示されています。このリンクをクリックすることであなたが知りたい単語のページに移動します。そのページの上近くにステレオスピーカのようなアイコンで表示されている“Pronunciation” のアイコンをクリックすれば単語を聞くことができます!
    6. 独学での単語の増やし方


    一つの実践的な解決方法は、例えばOxford University PressCambridge University PressLongman ELT等が出版している「レベル別読み物」を使うことです。この本は読み手のレベルによって文章の難易度、語彙、ストーリーの長さをレベル別に限定して作成されています。「主要語」とされている基礎となる単語のレベルは400語から4,000語で、読み物のジャンルも古典、モダンフィクション、時事に関することなど豊富にあります。大切なことは楽しみながら学ぶことです。

    まずはこれらのページをチェックしてください。 (ページの下の “Penguin Readers” アイコンをクリックしてください)


    Hi, I'd like to send you a few quick early autumn notes:

    1. Revised “Fax” Rewriting Rates
    2. Lower Prices for “2nd Revision” Papers
    3. Francis J. Kurdyla Book: New Text on Technical Meetings
    4. “English keigo”
    5. Correct Pronunciation: Getting It Quickly from the Internet
    6. Vocabulary-building Tools for Self-study

    1. Revised “Fax” Rewriting Rates

    Effective from September 2004, our standard rate for rewriting by fax will become ¥2,200 per page. The new rate for “by-fax” rewrites reflects the costs of handling such work (paper, staff time, etc.) and the need to unify our rates across the Japan market. This change does not affect clients currently receiving academic discounts or special contract clients. At only ¥200 per page more, I strongly encourage clients to take advantage of our ¥2,400 per page by-e-mail service; when you don’t have to input the changes from a fax yourself, this saves a huge amount of time and avoids the common risk of mistakes in typing.

    Actually, I think that the only time “by fax” is preferable to “by e-mail” is when there are only three or four corrections per page—but such jobs only amount to about 5% of our workload! If you do request a “by-fax” job, I strongly recommend that you e-mail a double-spaced PDF document for us to print: this provides much cleaner copy than a fax machine and permits a quicker page count estimation.

    2. Lower Prices for “2nd Revision” Papers

    As a new service we will revise the same document a second (or third, fourth) time and charge you by the hour (in 15-minute increments) rather than by the page; in most cases, this amounts to a significant discount, and a second check gives you piece of mind that the document is thoroughly in shape for publication. In the rare cases when the per-page cost is still lower, we will charge that amount. Papers qualifying for this service must not be significantly changed from the first revision or with a significant amount of new material. This service applies to both by-fax and by-e-mail rewriting and includes papers done through our “advisory desk” service.Å@Å@

    3. Francis J. Kurdyla Book: New Text on Technical Meetings

    My Boss, Frank Kurdyla, has just recently published a new English textbook, the latest in a long series of business-/technical-oriented practical texts. This book focuses on the real demands of meetings for technical staff.

    Part I covers the various segments of a technical meeting, such as opening the meeting, do's and don’ts, technical jargon, and use of formal and informal vocabulary, that is, the “nuts and bolts” one needs to function. Part II provides a very realistic story of a deal from beginning to end, in extended dialog form. This serves as an example of how the material in Part I fits together. These features give the book its English sub-title “The way it really happens.” There is also a handy glossary that is formatted for easy reference.

    Published by Ohmsha, ISBN4-274-19735-2, and available at bookstores and from

    4. “English keigo”

    Sometimes our clients will give us a particular request for their presentations or documents: “Please make the English keigo style.”

    Well, naturally there is not an exactly corresponding English writing style like keigo, where expressions of respect or humility are built into the grammar and sentence structure. However, there are indeed nuances in English word choice and usage that indirectly imply levels of formality, personal closeness, and the mood of the writer. Mastering these nuances is a challenge even for educated native speakers.

    In English writing and speeches, especially when aimed at American businesses, probably the most common error Japanese writers make is to sound too formal, official, or distant. This can give an impression of coldness, forcefulness, or lack of concern.

    If you’re concerned about the “tone” of your messages, the best thing you can do when ordering a job is to tell us such details as the readers, the purpose of the documents, the size and membership of a presentation’s audience, and other background factors. Then we’ll take care of it appropriately.

    5. Correct Pronunciation: Getting It Quickly from the Internet

    In preparing for presentation, meetings, or even social events, there may be certain words that you’re really worried about pronouncing correctly, even after you work out the complicated phonetic symbols in the dictionary (isn’t that tough?). Let me offer you an easier solution.

    First, direct your Internet browser to
    This is a great site for accessing a huge variety of reference books. Then in the “Select Search” menu choose “American Heritage Coll.” for the American Heritage College Dictionary. In the text box next to this menu, type in the word you want to pronounce correctly and hit the “Go” button. This will return a long list of search results.

    From this list, choose the main link for the word in the American Heritage Dictionary—it’s usually within the top 3 results. This brings you to the word’s own web page. Near the top, you can see “Pronunciation” with a little icon that looks like a stereo speaker. Click on this icon and hear the word!

    6. Vocabulary-building Tools for Self-study

    I’m often asked by language course trainees, “How can I increase my English vocabulary by self-study?” Not such an easy task.

    One practical solution is to use “Graded Readers,” texts published by large publishers like Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, and Longman ELT. These books are called “graded” because they are designed for specified reading levels. For example, the number of main vocabulary words, or “headwords,” may be limited to 400 or 4,000, with many levels in-between. The topics in readers these days cover a vast range: from special editions of classics, to modern fiction, and to current events, to name a few examples. The key idea is that you can actually enjoy yourself while learning.

    As starting points, check out: (click the “Penguin Readers” icon at bottom of page)

    Such books can be ordered on the Internet or purchased at bookstores that handle English language study materials.

    Happy Reading!

  • 2004 Spring

    Open or Close
    1. 韓国のクディラ事務所
    2. 株式会社工学研究社のご紹介
    3. 書籍「国際ビジネス英語入門」のご紹介
    4. 科学・技術論文のリジェクションについて
    5. PowerPointご使用注意点
    6. クディラ関西スタッフについてのお知らせ

    1. 韓国のクディラ事務所

    ご存知なかったかもしれませんが、クディラグループのK&A Business Communicationsは韓国のソウルに15年以上もあり、韓国の主要企業であるSamsung, Hyundai, the SK Group他、たくさんの企業より信頼を得ております。ここでもビジネス英語研修・翻訳・添削が行われております。そしてこの事務所はインターネットの力を最も効果的に使ったオンラインコース研修の先駆者です。韓国で業務サービスのご必要がありましたら、vice president Ms. Keum-Joo Shin (Ms. シン) へご遠慮なくご連絡ください。国際電話: +82 (2) 773-1631 韓国内:02-773-1631 電子メールアドレス:answers@kakorea.comです。彼女は日本と韓国の両方に会社があるビジネス業務をお手伝いすることに大変興味を持っています!

    2. ㈱工学研究社のご紹介

    ここ数年、株式会社工学研究社と一緒にお仕事をさせていただく機会があります。工学研究社は創業34年、技術系通信教育講座と企業内技術研修企画の二つの事業を軸に、最近では技術者のキャリアパスの作成や選抜教育から配置転換教育まで、幅広い技術教育ソリューションをお客様に提供されています。工学研究社の会社案内・セミナー等の詳細は電話 06-6390-1620 の長田様、または会社ホームページ: をぜひご覧ください。 

    3. 書籍「国際ビジネス英語入門」のご紹介

    私の知人である同志社大学大学院商学研究科の亀田尚己教授が「国際ビジネス英語入門」(ISBN4-621-07366-4) を出版されました。彼はこの本で下記のように述べています。


    国際ビジネスの教授として、またオーディオスピーカーシステムの会社、Tamon International Inc. 代表取締役社長でもあったご経験豊富な亀田教授の本はきっとあなたに役立つ、楽しく読んでいただける内容だと存じます。

    4. 科学・技術論文のリジェクションについて


    論文がリジェクトされるにはいくつかの理由があると思います。不十分、または不適応なデータ:結果をサポートしていないデータこれはその分野に詳しくない添削者の私にさえ添削を行う時に明らかにわかります。もちろん添削者がデータを作って書くことはできませんのでコメントとしてその旨知らせております。仮説と混乱させる結果:"fact"で始まる情報は前の作業で裏付けられるか、現在の作業(つまり現在の論文)で実証されなければなりません。また "Intuition" を使えばそれ自体は確認されなければなりません。不適当な内容:時々エディターは単にその内容がジャーナルの読者には適さないと感じる時もあります。構成制約:長過ぎたり、短すぎる論文。フォーマットやレイアウトがガイドラインに合っていないもの、既に受け入れられた論文内容とよく似た内容だった為、または、たぶん権力を持っているレフリーが単に筆者の観点を好まない。英語用法:悪い。

    もちろん私にとって、この拒否される内容で一番気にするのは最後の項目です。"Poor English" と書かれるにはいろいろな内容がコメントに含まれていますが、通常これは、長い技術的、論理的説明リストの後に"also" として付け加えられるコメントです。でも参考として書かれたこのコメントにスペル間違いや文法間違いがある時にはレフリーの英語能力を疑ってしまいます。筆者の英語がその分野の専門用語に合っていないこともあると思います。私が強く感じることは、英語圏のジャーナルにおいて日本人が書いた多くの論文が出版されるための最終ステージまでに残るようになってきたのでそれに伴う調査や競争圧力の度合いが増えてきたのだと思います。


    5. PowerPointご使用注意点




    6. クディラ関西スタッフについてのお知らせ

    ご結婚:弊社の人気添削者、ティムマックナイトTim McKnightが4月10日にフィアンセの下原君江さんと結婚しました。おめでとうございます!
    新スタッフ:Chris Olesonクリス・オールセン、アメリカ・ミネソタ州出身。今年3月に入社して既に需要な仕事を始めています。クディラ関西へようこそ!
    新しい出発:長年弊社に勤務しておりましたJ. Kennerは退社し、東京方面へ引越しました。ありがとう、そしてお元気で!
    1. Kurdyla Office in Korea
    2. Introduction to Kogaku Kenkyusha
    3. Book Announcement:
    Introduction to International Business English
    4. Rejection of Scientific and Technical Papers
    5. Be Careful with PowerPoint!
    6. Kurdyla Kansai Staff Announcements

    1. Kurdyla Office in Korea

    Perhaps you didn’t realize it, but the Kurdyla Group has had a company in Seoul Korea, K&A Business Communications, for more than 15 years. The company handles our usual range of services—business English training, translation, rewriting—and has earned the trust of Korea’s major companies, such as Samsung, Hyundai, the SK group, and many others. In particular, our Korea company has pioneered effective e-learning programs, which harness the power of the Internet for highly effective training. Daily operations are handled by the company’s vice president, Keum-Joo Shin. If your company needs communications assistance locally in Korea, please don’t hesitate to contact Ms. Shin by phone at
    +82 (2) 773-1631/Local 02-773-1631 or by e-mail at She’s very interested in helping the harmonious business operations of Japanese and Korean companies!

    2. Introduction to Kogaku Kenkyusha

    Over the past year we have been working in a cooperative arrangement with the Kogaku Kenkyusha organization. This company has been providing two key services—technical correspondence courses and technical seminars/classes—for over 34 years. They are working to provide a wide range of solutions for engineering and technical training. As a result of restructuring and a stronger domestic econmomy, Japanese manufacturing companies are rebounding but also finding that operations based on the “IT Revolution” require special staff training, especially for engineers who also need to take the viewpoint of management. For more details on the services and occasional open seminars provided by Kogaku Kenkyusha, please contact Mr. Osada at 06-6390-1620 or check out their web page:  

    3. Book Announcement: Introduction to International Business English

    A new book with the above title (ISBN4-621-07366-4) has just been released by my friend Professor Naoki Kameda of Doshisha University’s Faculty of Commerce. Professor Kameda describes the book as follows.

    “This book gives you useful advice and clues to writing proper faxes and emails in modern and “lively” English. The English faxes and emails introduced in this book are so designed that you can actually use them in each stage of international business transactions. You can also learn the importance of interpersonal communication across cultures and good human relations, which are vital to successful global business communication.”

    Aside from being a noted scholar in international business, Professor Kameda also has extensive practical experience in the business world as the former president of Tamon International Inc, a manufacturer specializing in audio speakers and karaoke systems. I’m sure you’ll find his book a useful and enjoyable read.

    4. Rejection of Scientific and Technical Papers

    Every once in a while, we are approached by a client whose paper has been rejected by a technical publication for various reasons. Generally, he or she is highly agitated and anxious to get the paper in publishable form. While we can’t directly infuence referees and editors, we do our best to improve the quality of the paper’s writing.

    There are several reasons a paper may be rejected. Insufficient or nonapplicable data: sometimes the supporting data just does not support the conclusions—and this is even apparent to me as a non-specialist rewriter! Although I may write some comments on this to the author, the rewriter of course cannot simply create data. Confusing conclusions with hypotheses: information stated as “fact” must be solidly supported by previous work or demonstrated in the current work, and “intuition” must be identified as such if used. Inappropriate content: sometimes the editor simply feels that the work does not suit the journal’s readership. Organizational constraints: length may be too long or too short, formatting/layout may not meet guidelines, a similar paper may have already been accepted, or maybe a powerful referee just doesn’t like the author’s viewpoint. English usage: bad.

    The final possibility among the above causes of rejection naturally interests me the most. The “poor English” comments themselves have a variety of types. Usually this is an “also” comment that’s added to a long list of technical and logical deficiencies. Often, the referee comments themselves are full of spelling and grammar mistakes, making me suspicious of his or her ability to judge language use. Sometimes the author’s English does not conform to the standardized terminology in his or her field. My gut feeling is that a much larger number of papers by Japanese are reaching the final stage of publication in English-language journals, increasing the degree of scrutiny and competitive pressure.

    We take this situation very seriously—particularly if we have worked on earlier versions of the paper. If this situation occurs, we need certain information: a copy of the referee comments, the exact version of the paper sent to the publication, and your “impressions” of the problem from e-mail or telephone contact with the editor. As usual, giving us adequate notice of the problem in advance is appreciated. Then we will work with you to meet the requirements for publication. Finally, we will provide a certificate signed by the rewriter and myself stating that the English has been checked by a native-speaking rewriter. One last point: if you feel that changes need to be made to our revisions, please check with us *before* sending the document to the publication.

    5. Be Careful With PowerPoint!

    Over the past few years, software like PowerPoint and Keynote, along with the new generation of projectors, has provided a powerful tool for business and technical presenters. However, it’s also a double-edged sword: a poorly prepared slideshow can actually damage a presentation. The most common problems I see include word-for-word sentences from the script, poor contrast between background and text/images, unneeded graphics and animation, reader-unfriendly layout, and excessive detail.

    Let me give a couple of hints. Only mention keywords in short points: making someone read whole sentences is BORING. You should say your ideas in natural speaking and let the audience’s eyes rest on important ideas only. Aim for an uncluttered, clean look: your job is not to give all of your work’s details, which are in your sales documents or technical papers, but to show your audience that your work is important and to make them want to learn more. One technique we use in both our corporate and university courses is to actually edit the PowerPoint file as it’s projected, since what you see on the large screen can appear rather different than what you see on your PC’s display.

    The bottom line: good PowerPoint gives your points power, bad PowerPoint is worse than no PowerPoint.

    6. Kurdyla Kansai Staff Announcements

    Let me end with a few brief notes on our staff.
    Wedding Bells: popular instructor and rewriter
    Tim McKnight married his fiance, Kimie Shimohara, April 10. Congratulations!
    New Associate:
    Chris Oleson, originally from Minnesota, USA, joined us in March and is already taking on several important jobs. Welcome aboard!
    Moving on: Long-time Associate
    J Kenner has left the company and moved to the Tokyo area. Thanks and best of luck!
  • 2003 Winter

    Open or Close

    1. 本当の “Customized Courses” とは
    2. “ASAP” はいつでしょう?
    3. 守秘義務の範囲
    4. Writingアドバイス:Keep Your Sentences Short!
    5. “Ambitious Japan”?
    1. 本当の “Customized Courses” とは

    2. “ASAP” はいつでしょう? 時々、“できるだけ早く”、”ASAP”というご希望納期で添削原稿が送られてきます。

    3. 守秘義務の範囲 添削と翻訳をご依頼されているお客様には既に知っていただいておりますように、お客様から私共にご依頼いただくドキュメントの守秘義務につきましては厳守しております。これらは弊社のスタッフが守秘義務を厳守しているとともにお預りしました書類に関しましても一定期間の保存の後、吹田市の業者により溶解処理が行われております。

    4. Writingアドバイス:Keep Your Sentences Short! 長過ぎる「文」は弊社の添削者がご依頼論文の意味を間違って理解してしまうもっとも多い原因になっているかもしれません。このような場合は、添削者はセンテンスの全てを添削する代わりに、質問のコメントをつけてお返しするという結果になります。
    ジョウゼフ・コンラッド(Joseph Conrad)は母国語がポーランド語であるのにもかかわらず、イギリスの著名な小説家の一人で、彼の上品で非常に長いセンテンスは有名でした。しかしながら、他の大多数である我々はコンラッドのような技術を決して身につけることはできません。長いセンテンスは問題を招くだけ、つまり、考えの因果関係(cause/result, negation, exception/limitation, addition, etc.)を複雑にしてしまうだけなのです。一部の執筆者の中には長いセンテンスを書くことが洗練さを表している、と信じておられますが英語ではそれは事実ではありません。

    Too Long: Many new technologies have been introduced in recent year to resolve the long-standing problem of robots killing their owners, a problem which occurs when robot owners use abusive language with models that are overly sensitive due to faulty programming by designers who unsuccessfully implement highly advanced emotion sensors, which now require advanced knowledge of interpersonal psychology. Chopped up into bite-size sentences: Many new technologies have been introduced in recent year to resolve the long-standing problem of robots killing their owners in reaction to abusive language. Such models are overly sensitive due to faulty programming by designers who unsuccessfully implement highly advanced emotion sensors. Currently, these sensors require advanced knowledge of interpersonal psychology.

    5. “Ambitious Japan”? ここ数ヶ月、若くてハンサムな5人のビジネススーツの若者達がのぞみ新幹線の横を走っているJRの “Ambitious Japan” という広告が目に付きました。私はこれを見た瞬間何か変だな…どうして若いビジネスウーマンじゃないんだろう?と思い、インターネットでチェックした結果、JRの広告とコンサートスケジュールをタイアップしている歌手グループ、TOKIOだということがわかりました。なぞは解けました!


    1. Real Meaning of “Customized Courses”
    2. When is “ASAP”?
    3. Wide Coverage of “Confidentiality”
    4. Writing Advice: Keep Your Sentences Short!
    5. “Ambitious Japan”?
    1. Real Meaning of “Customized Courses”
    For most of our company’s 34 years, we have featured courses that are “customized” to the needs and goals of our clients. Simply speaking, this involves arranging course hours, frequency, contents, homework load, etc. based on extensive consultation with the client’s training liaison. While such an approach can increase the effectiveness of training, it is still constrained by the limitations of reality. For example, there is no way that intermediate-level trainees are going to become world-class negotiators after a 20-hour program. Some of our clients have noted how I sometimes disagree with their initial proposals and suggest alternatives that I believe, based on several years of organizing training programs for Japanese employees, would better suit the actual needs, available time, trainee level, and budget limits, among other factors. Eventually, through discussion and pooling of imaginations, we come up with more realistic plans. Following the simplistic formula of “the customer’s always right” often leads to disaster down the road. Instead, I prefer to follow the policy of “the customer always deserves honest and professional feedback.”
    2. When is “ASAP”?
    Once in a while we get rewriting requests with a deadline reading “as soon as possible!” When is this? Upon checking with authors, we find that the deadline actually varies between “this afternoon!” to “oh, sometime next week”. As you can imagine, this makes it more complicated to schedule our busy rewriters. I’d like to request that you write a precise deadline (day and hour) on your order form so that we can eliminate the extra step of confirming what, actually, ASAP means. If you know that you will have a “very rushed” job in the near future, I’d also appreciate your calling Ms. Atsuko Watanabe 06-6338-1855) in advance to discuss the details. Yoroshiku!
    3. Wide Coverage of “Confidentiality”
    As our rewriting and translation clients know, we maintain the strictest confidentiality of the documents that our clients entrust to us. This involves an arrangement with a Suita City disposal company that guarantees in writing that old documents have been destroyed as well as a lifetime confidentiality contract with all of our employees. However, what you might not realize is that our confidentiality assurance extends beyond documents to what is spoken in classes, seminars, simulated meetings, and private lessons. In several kinds of course, such as presentation and negotiation, sensitive company information is sometimes discussed. You can rest assured that this information is also kept in the strictest confidentiality. Also, I’m willing to sign your own non-disclosure agreement (NDA) upon review of an English version.
    4. Writing Advice: Keep Your Sentences Short! Having sentences that are too long is perhaps the number 1 cause of our rewriters misunderstanding submitted documents. This sometimes results in the rewriter only being able to attach questions about the meaning rather than fully correct the sentence. The easy solution? Write shorter sentences! Joseph Conrad, one of the greatest figures in English literature despite his native language being Polish, was famous for his graceful and extremely long sentences. However, the vast majority of us will never have Conrad’s skills, and thus writing very long sentences is asking for trouble. The main problem is that the connections between ideas (cause/result, negation, exception/limitation, addition, etc.) become confused. Some authors believe that long sentences show sophistication, but this is NOT true in English. Here’s an example to illustrate the problem: Too Long:
    Many new technologies have been introduced in recent year to resolve the long-standing problem of robots killing their owners, a problem which occurs when robot owners use abusive language with models that are overly sensitive due to faulty programming by designers who unsuccessfully implement highly advanced emotion sensors, which now require advanced knowledge of interpersonal psychology. Chopped up into bite-size sentences: Many new technologies have been introduced in recent year to resolve the long-standing problem of robots killing their owners in reaction to abusive language. Such models are overly sensitive due to faulty programming by designers who unsuccessfully implement highly advanced emotion sensors. Currently, these sensors require advanced knowledge of interpersonal psychology. As you can easily see, the second version with shorter sentences is much easier to read and understand. If you keep you sentences short, your readers will thank you!
    5. ”Ambitious Japan”? Over the last couple of months, I’ve noticed JR’s “Ambitious Japan” advertising campaign, which features five handsome young men in business suits running next to a Nozomi Shinkansen. Immediately this struck me as somehow wrong: where were the young businesswomen? Upon checking the Internet, I found out that the models were members of Tokio, a boys’ band that is scheduling concerts in conjunction with JR’s ad campaign. Well, the mystery is solved. Still, I think a lot of other Shinkansen users besides me don’t actively follow boys’ bands (personally, I think SMAP should stay in the kitchen and off the stage), and people are likely to get the idea that JR considers ambitious people to be only men. Using men and women models would seem a better idea to me; after teaching groups of company new employees and university students, I’ve observed that the women are often the most motivated, focused and quick-thinking among the trainees. One thing is certain: Japan will not be able to make any kind of “ambitious” economic recovery without fully utilizing the talents, energy and brains of its female workforce.

  • 2003 Summer

    Open or Close
    1. Text-editor ファイルの添削ご依頼について
    2. アサインメントパッケージ
    3. 学位論文
    4. 担当添削者からの質問
    5. 海外旅行:チップ

    1. 1. Text-editor ファイルの添削ご依頼について
    弊社のお客様で、特に学術誌への投稿のために書かれている方は、後でAdobe AcrobatやPostScriptファイルへ変換する為に高性能のText-editorのプログラム、例えばLaTexで準備されています。このプログラムは書式や方程式を設定するのに大変便利なプログラムです。


    もし、Text-editorファイル上での添削をご希望の場合は、必ず事前に予約をしてもらった上で "Textファイル" と "pfd" ファイルを添付でメールしてください。"pfd" ファイルはご請求ワード数をカウントする為に必要でございます。弊社から納入する出来上がりのファイルは「添削済みのTextファイル」と「添削箇所を表示できるWordファイル」になります。このText-editorファイル上での添削では、レイアウトはご依頼者側の責任において行っていただくことになります─私共は英語のライティング添削のみ行いますのでご了承くださいませ。尚、この添削には通常より多くの処理が必要となりますので、弊社のいつもの超スピーディな添削サービスより少し納期にお時間をいただくこともあるかもしれないことをご了承くださいませ。

    1. 2. アサインメントパッケージ

    1. 3. 学位論文


    1. 4. 担当添削者からの質問
    Do you mean
    increase *to* 5 ml or
    increase *by* 5 ml?
    他に─この質問を書かせていただくのは稀ではありますが─"this is unclear: what is the effect on word recognition rate? please check it and clarify."「この・・・の意味は不明ですので再度チェックして明確にしてください」。この場合は筆者はオリジナルの原稿の英語をもう一度明確に書いていただく必要があります。


    1. 1) 担当添削者のコメントを貴社の英語をよくご存知のスタッフと検討していただき、2回目の添削チェックとして弊社へご依頼いただく。弊社へ2回添削をご依頼される価格は、他の安い価格で(たぶん確かでない)翻訳業者へ依頼されるよりもはるかに低価格だと存じます。

    1. 2) 担当添削者と直接「面談」により複雑な箇所を明らかにしていただく。面談の場合は時間請求となります。貴社へのミニマム派遣時間は2時間ですが、弊社(地下鉄御堂筋線、江坂駅下車3分)へ来社していただく場合は1時間から設定していただくことが可能でございます。

    1. 5. 海外旅行:チップ




    1. Rewriting Text-editor Files
    2. Pre-course Assignment Packages
    3. Your Academic Thesis
    4. Asking Questions about Rewrites
    5. Overseas Travel: Tipping

    1. Rewriting Text-editor Files
    Several of our clients, especially those writing for major scientific journals, prepare their files in high-powered text-editor programs for later export to an Adobe Acrobat or PostScript file. A common example is LaTex. Such programs are highly useful for setting up formatting and equations.

    In the past, we have avoided directly rewriting on such text-based files for several reasons, the primary one being the risk of accidently deleting the author's command tags. Recently, however, we have been editing such files as a favor to certain clients. Now, I would like to offer this service to more of you.

    If you would like to have a text-editor file corrected, please call in advance to make arrangements. Then send us the text file and a ".pdf" file to determine the word count for billing. We will return the revised text file and an MS-Word "comparison" document to clearly show you the changes we made. Please note that you will be responsible for the final layout of the document―we just take care of the English writing. Because we treat such work with extra care, we may need to ask for a bit longer deadline than our usual super-speedy service.

    2. Pre-course Assignment Packages
    Before an intensive seminar―whether on presentation, business writing, or any other skill―trainees are often anxious about what to expect and trainers often wonder about the trainees who will participate. An excellent way to ease into an intensive seminar smoothly is to give the trainees a "pre-course assignment package." This typically involves a brief explanation of what the trainee should do (prepare a presentation, write an e-mail response, etc.) and how he or she should do it. The trainees come to class with a clearer idea of what will happen, and I personally like to get to know the men and women I'll be training.

    Generally, though not always, this involves the trainee submitting work to us, the seminar's instructor correcting the work for use in class, and our homework department returning the corrected work to the trainee. Completing the task usually takes the trainee around two hours. We can offer a basic pre-course assignment package starting from 1,500 yen per student. Please consider this in your course planning.

    3. Your Academic Thesis
    Over the past few years, we've been rewriting an increasing number of a special kind of document―the academic thesis. This report on a student's principal area of study is a typical requirement for earning a master's or doctorate degree. Why have an English version? Even if your program does not require an English version, having one can "internationalize" your work by making it accessible to the vast majority of academics in almost every field who do not speak Japanese. It could also be useful when you apply for further study or work, either in the academic or corporate world.

    As you probably know, our rewriting by fax for academic clients is only 1,950 yen per page. This is a very low price considering all the hours and hard work you put into your thesis!

    4. Asking Questions about Rewrites
    Occasionally, a K&A rewriter will be unable to correct part of a document with certainty of the writer's intention. In this case, he or she will usually write a question such as
    Do you mean
    increase *to* 5 ml or
    increase *by* 5 ml?
    More rarely, the rewriter may write something like "this is unclear: what is the effect on word recognition rate? please check it and clarify." In this case, the author will need to revise the original text so that its meaning can be understood.

    If a client sends us four or five revised (*not* new) sentences for checking or talks to the rewriter for 10 or 15 minutes to clarify some points, this falls within the range of "service" on a job. However, if an author wants major sections of a paper revised or must talk to a rewriter for more than about 25 minutes, we must charge for this additional work, since obviously we have to pay our rewriting staff. There are two main solutions to finishing a paper that was not originally clear enough for rewriting.

    1) Discuss the paper and the rewriter's comments with someone in your lab or office who has rather high English skills and then resubmit the paper for a second check. The price of even two rewrites is lower than the most inexpensive (and perhaps unreliable) translation.

    2) Set up a consultation ('mendan') session to discuss complicated points with the rewriter. This work is billed on an hourly basis, and the minimum time is two hours at your site or one hour in our Osaka (Esaka) office.

    5. Overseas Travel: Tipping
    Since Japan does not have the widespread custom of tipping (giving money for service to waitresses, bellhops, etc.), many Japanese going abroad for business or leisure feel some anxiety about how and how much to tip. This also causes me some worry when I occasionally go to the states to visit my family!

    One story about the origin of tipping says that aristocrats would drop coins to the peasants when passing through rough areas to ensure a safe trip. I have no idea if this is true, but in many countries those working in the service industries depend on tips for a significant portion of their income. Despite whether you like this custom (personally, I don't), you will get a very icy stare when leaving a restaurant without leaving, say, a 15% tip.

    I can't go into all of the details of tipping here, but you may want to check out these web sites:

    One bit of advice: If you order room service meals at a major hotel, the service is often already included; therefore, check at the bottom of the menu for a note about this (usually in very small print).

    The most important thing is to not let worries about tipping spoil your trip!
  • 2003 Winter

    Open or Close
    1.  パワーポイントでの添削ご依頼について
    2.  新しいスタッフTim McKnightのご紹介
    3.  IBC 2003 Conference
    4.  図表について
    5.  バレンタインデー





    2.新しいスタッフTim McKnightのご紹介

    関西支店の新しいスタッフ、Tim McKnight(ティム・マックナイト)をご紹介いたします。Tim McKnightは大阪に住み始めて3年半になります。彼の学歴はa Bachelor of Applied Science, majoring in metal science with a minor in management, そして an RSA/Cambridge Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adultsを持っています。職歴はビジネス英語のインストラクターおよび本国のオーストラリアではスーパーマッケットでの運営に携わっていました。趣味はスキー、旅行、読書、クリケットとギター。

    3.IBC 2003 Conference

    私は3月22、23日の2日間、滋賀大学、彦根キャンパスで開催されます第10回Annual IBC Conference on Communication and Culture in the Workplaceにかかわっております。IBC (International Business Communicators)は人材・能力開発分野、特にビジネススキルトレーニングのプロフェッショナルを集めるために東京と大阪で12年以上も前に設立されました。最新のトレーニング教材に関する発表講演の他ネットワーク作りの機会も沢山ありますのでご興味のある方は関西IBCのホームページをご覧ください。








    日本でのバレンタインデーの予想外の展開はアメリカ人の私にとっては驚きです。まず「義理チョコ」-- もしアメリカのボスが女性の部下からチョコレートをもらったら「彼女はいったいどういうつもりでこれをくれたんだろう」と彼は悩んでしまうかもしれません。それから世界中どこを探しても3月に「ホワイトデー」のある国なんて聞いたことがありません。これは日本のお菓子業界が作り出したものだと確信します!

    1. Rewriting on PowerPoint Slides
    2. Associate Introduction: Tim McKnight
    3. IBC 2003 Conference
    4. A Note about Figures and Tables
    5. St. Valentines Day

    1. Rewriting on PowerPoint Slides
    In the last year, we've done much rewriting work for our corporate and academic clients directly on PowerPoint slides, which is especially convenient if you're just about to fly overseas to an international conference and give a presentation. Let me explain briefly a few points about how we handle this kind of work. If you have included the script in PowerPoints lower-right script window, we will copy this into an MS-Word file so that you can clearly see our revisions and comments as usual--you will need to copy the corrected text back into the PowerPoint script window if that's where you'd like it. The slide text will be corrected directly on the PowerPoint slide. The charge for the script is our usual e-mail rate; if you want the lower fax rate, you could fax this to us (double-spaced, of course). Slides are charged are usual rate for figures (3 fig. pages = 1 billed page).

    Keep in mind that this service is for *rewriting*, not graphic design. You are responsible for ensuring that your pictures, diagrams, and charts all fit appropriately on the slides. Depending on how extensively the text on the slide is changed, you may need to do some final adjustment to your graphic elements.

    Also, if time and budget permit, I highly recommend that you use our presentation training service, which can be done either at our office or your site.

    2. Associate Introduction: Tim McKnight
    It's my pleasure to introduce the most recent person to become a Full Associate in our Kansai Branch. Tim McKnight has lived and worked in Osaka for three-and-a-half years. His education includes a Bachelor of Applied Science, majoring in metal science with a minor in management, and an RSA/Cambridge Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults. Other employment experience includes teaching business English and running a department in a supermarket in his home country, Australia. In his free time he enjoys skiing, travel, reading, cricket and playing his guitar.

    3. IBC 2003 Conference
    I'm involved in organizing the 10th Annual IBC Conference on Communication and Culture in the Workplace, which will be held March 22-23 at the Hikone Campus of Shiga University. IBC (International Business Communicators) was formed more than 12 years ago in Tokyo and Osaka to bring together professionals in the personnel development field, with particular emphasis on business skills training. In addition to presentations on cutting-edge approaches and training materials, there are many opportunities at the conference for professional and social networking. For more information, see the Kansai IBC web site at:

    4. A Note about Figures and Tables
    Almost all technical papers use figures and tables to efficiently show key data. However, authors often have problems in preparing these correctly. The most common error I see is placing a figure/table physically in the document before it is mentioned in the text. It is very strange for the reader to suddenly see a figure when he or she hasn't read about it yet!

    Also, the caption should always go below a figure but above a table. Keep the captions short--they should only describe WHAT is shown, not give lengthy explanation or analysis. Finally, try to keep your tables and figures as clean-looking as possible, with only the data that is necessary.

    5. St. Valentines Day
    As most people know, February 14 is St. Valentines Day, the day for lovers and lovers of chocolate. Like Christmas, celebration of this holiday has exploded in Japan, even though it doesn't have a long history here.

    St. Valentine was, according to tradition, a bishop who was martyred in third-century Rome. The holiday is not on the official Catholic calendar of saints days because most authorities doubt he ever lived. Supposedly, Emperor Claudius II decided that single men were preferable as soldiers and so outlawed marriage; in the legends, Valentine gave his life to help out young lovers. If you're really interested in the history of the tradition, some web sites to check out are:

    Japan has a couple of interesting twists on the holiday that surprised me as an American. First, we don't have "giri-choco"--if an American boss received a Valentines gift from a female employee he might really wonder about her intentions! Second, I don't know of any other place in the world that has "White Day" in March. I'm convinced by the theories that it's an invention of Japanese candy makers!

    By the way, February 14 is also the day that Oregon, my home state, joined the United States in 1859.
  • 2002 Fall

    Open or Close
    1. 「盛り合わせコース」が新登場
    2. スピーチ添削の特徴
    3. クリスマス&お正月の挨拶文の書き方
    4. シングルスペースは使用しないでください
    5. について
    6. 「顧客満足度調査」サービス
    7. 年末年始の英文添削ご依頼について




    Tel: 06-6338-1855の渡辺敦子にお問合せくださいませ。







    "Merry Christmas" といいます。( "Happy Christmas" "Joyful Christmas" とは言いません) そして、新年明けましておめでとうは、"Happy New Year" ("Merry New Year" "Wonderful New Year" とは言いません) 普段はあまり使われない決まり文句が多くの場合使用されます。他の表現として"Season's Greetings" "Happy Holidays" とも言えますが、これはグリーティングカードにプリントで書かれたように少し個人的ではない感じがします。


    "Dear Mr. Johnston-

    This is just to wish you and all of your colleagues a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for all of your help over the past year, and we look forward to working with you in 2003.

    Best regards,

    Mitsuko Suzuki"












    e-mail: ykuwa@whalesweb.comの桑原裕までお問い合わせくださいませ。



    1. A New "Moriawase" Course
    2. Special Features of Speech Rewriting
    3. Christmas and New Year's Greetings
    4. Please Don't Use Single-spacing!
    6. Customer/Employee Satisfaction Surveys
    7. New Year Holidays Service

    1. A New "Moriawase" Course

    Recently, we started up a very vigorous but fun "moriawase" course at a long-standing client. This half-year program (48 hours: 2 hours x 1/week) combines lessons covering the fundamentals of technical writing, business correspondence, presentation, discussion of current event topics, and international business culture. Whew! And there's still enough time for a few language games and short videos like current TV commercials.

    What impressed me about this program was how a lab manager took the initiative, discussed his needs with me, gathered appropriate class members, and obtained the funding from his company. This is in contrast to the old-fashioned, top-down approach of the administration or personnel department deciding what to offer in language training, with little or no input from the trainees themselves. My feeling is that this "bottom-up" approach of initiating training programs will become more commonplace in progressive, forward-thinking companies.

    For an outline of this course, please contact Atsuko Watanabe at 06-6338-1855.

    2. Special Features of Speech Rewriting

    Over the years, much of our work has involved rewriting various types of oral presentations, such as keynote speeches or technical presentations. This work is often, though not always, coupled with presentation training. Sometimes, a client will wonder whether the sentence structure or punctuation is a bit unusual. Yes, it probably is!

    Since our writing goal in this case is not a document to be read but sound to be heard, the writing style is much different. For example, where we place commas often reflects how people actually breathe rather than proper rules of punctuation. In general, writing for speeches should avoid passive voice, minimize relative clauses, use short and direct sentences, and above all keep the audience awake! Bear in mind that a speech script is not a document but a tool for an important job.

    By the way, if you need your presentation rewritten but don't have time for presentation training, we can make an audio recording of your speech by a native-English speaker at a nominal charge.

    3. Christmas and New Year's Greetings

    When the latter part of December comes, some people aren't quite sure how they should word their season's greetings. This is not a difficult problem, it just takes remembering a few key phrases. Generally, cultures in the West don't use 'set' phrases for given situations like "itadakimasu" or "tadaima." However, this is the case for holiday greetings in many European languages like French, Spanish and English.

    In English, we always say "Merry Christmas" (not "Happy Christmas," "Joyful Christmas," etc.) and "Happy New Year" (not "Merry New Year," "Wonderful New Year," etc.). Unlike most situations in which English is used, being "original" is not appropriate here. A couple other possibilities include "Season's Greetings" and "Happy Holidays," but these sound a bit impersonal, like greeting cards.

    Therefore, a sample e-mail around the holiday season might be:

    "Dear Mr. Johnston-

    This is just to wish you and all of your colleagues a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for all of your help over the past year, and we look forward to working with you in 2003.

    Best regards,

    Mitsuko Suzuki"

    4. Please Don't Use Single-spacing!

    For those of you sending us rewriting by fax, PLEASE keep the text at least double-spaced. This is important to allow our rewriters plenty of space to write corrections without squeezing them into tiny margins with lots of confusing lines. Also, keep in mind that the faxing process degrades the quality of documents. I have seen several second-rewrites of jobs that were tightly spaced, and in *almost every* case the author has made errors in transferring the faxed corrections to the document.

    Since we calculate billing based on the length and number of lines, the spacing on a page has NO effect on the final cost of a rewrite job. Also, this issue is expected to eventually disappear as we migrate the bulk of our rewriting services from a fax to an e-mail basis.


    As kind of a recreational hobby, I have started up a web site at:
    Right now, I've just included various links related to writing, especially technical writing. Eventually, I hope to make a database of common errors made by Japanese writers of technical English. It's my goal to make the site a valuable resource for our clients.

    6. Customer/Employee Satisfaction Surveys

    In an earlier Newsline I described our partner company,, which provides Internet-based correspondence courses. I should also mention that it provides scientifically designed customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction surveys that use the Internet. For more information, please contact Mr. Yutaka Kuwahara at

    7. New Year Holidays Service

    As usual, our rewriters will be doing work during the New Year's Holidays, although the office will be officially closed from December 28 to January 5. So feel free to send us work during the holidays, but we would appreciate it if you would contact us by the afternoon of Friday, December 27 and tell us when you will send your job, the approximate number of pages, and your deadline. We'll do our best to get your work to you!
  • 2002 Summer

    Open or Close
    1. 弊社社名(小さな)変更について
    2. 新アカデミックレートについて
    3. 新0.5ページEメール添削サービスについて
    4. スペルチェック機能について
    5. 私の履歴書
    6. ジョーク:地獄のWriter(作家、ライター)


    今年、平成14年4月1日より弊社の社名がF. J.クディラアンドアソシエイト㈱より 「クディラアンドアソシエイト㈱」に変更されました。この変更は、最初のカタカタ表記になりますF.J.部分を銀行事務手続き上などの関係で削除しただけの小さな変更であり、社長のフランシス(フランク)J.クディラをはじめスタッフ一同お客様にベストのサービスをご提供するよう努めております弊社の姿勢に変わりございません。




    最近ほとんどの方がEメールを使用し、多くの方が英語でのメールを書いておられると思いますが--もし、その英語のメッセージが受信者のネイティブに知らずに不快感を与えていたり、不確かで再度説明が必要なメッセージを送っていたとしたら--より多くの費用、時間、また人間関係にも影響を及します。そこで!皆様のEメールメッセージにより良い印象を与えることをお手伝いできるように添削サービスに0.5ページ料金を設定いたしました。(通常Eメール添削料金はミニマムとして1ページからご請求しております) つまり、ご依頼いただきました150 wordsまでの原稿は同じ日に納入致します!それもたった1,200円であなたのEメールメッセージを効果的に変身させれるなんて価値ある値段だと思われませんか?(注意:この0.5ページ料金はビジネス文書のみに適応され、論文などのabstractsには適応されません。ご了承くださいませ。)



    私は、多くのライティング受講者(と添削のご依頼者)がほんの少しの時間だというのに、Microsoft Wordなどのソフトの「スペルチェック機能」を使用しておられないことに驚いています。このような事柄を書くのは...私自身はスペルのチェックよりもライティングを添削することを好んでいるということはさておき...別にスペルチェックが面倒だから言ってるなんて思わないでください。このスペルのチェックを行うことはスペリングの知識をつけて、さらにあなたの語彙を増やすことがきると思ったからです。LaTexのようなプログラムを使用されている方はスペルチェックのシェアウエアもインターネットから見つけることができます。私はExcaliburを使っています。

    しかし!全てを「スペルチェック機能」に頼らないでください、ということを付け加えさせてください。例えば「スペルチェック」は "Their our to many errors inn this sentence."なんていうセンテンス内のスペルの間違いをチェックすることはできないからです。やはり最終的には貴方の目で見直される必要があることをお忘れなく。また「文法チェック機能」には決して!頼らないでください。(例外として、通常避けなければならない長いセンテンスや受動態でのセンテンスがテクニカルライティングでは有効になる場合はありますが。)とにかく「文法チェック機能」はお勧めしません!間違い例の写しがありますのでご興味のある方は件名にgramurchekと表記して までメールを送ってください。


    ご依頼者の方から時々私の経歴を尋ねられることがあります。簡単にご説明しますと、大学ではジャーナリズム、つまり、英文学のように英語を文学として楽しむというよりは実践的なライティングを行うタフなコースの方を専攻しました。アメリカでは政治と環境関係ニュースの編集の仕事を経験し、日本に来てからは、クディラアンドアソシエイト㈱で14年間に渡り、企業と大学からの全ての分野、と言っても過言ではないほどバラエティーに富んだ数々の技術ドキュメントの添削に携わってまいりました。私の経歴書をご必要であれば件名にSend Resumeと表記して へメールを送ってください。






    Hi, Id just like to send you a few quick mid-summer notes:
    1. New Company Name (small change)
    2. New Academic Rewriting Rate
    3. 0.5-page e-mail Rewriting Service
    4. Spell Checking
    5. My Resume
    6. Joke: Writer in Hell

    1. New Company Name (small change)

    As of April 1, 2002, our company
    s official name changed from F.J.
    Kurdyla and Associates Co., Ltd.
    to Kurdyla and Associates Co., Ltd.;
    in other words, the
    F.J. was chopped off. However, nothing substantial
    has changed at the company: Francis (Frank) J. Kurdyla is still the boss
    and we are still striving to provide our clients the best possible
    service. The
    F.J. just became somewhat of a nuisance to write in
    katakana for such official purposes as banking.

    2. New Academic Rewriting Rate

    Our academic rate for university clients has slightly increased to 1,950
    yen for rewrites by fax; rewrites by e-mail are the usual corporate rate
    (2,400 yen). After many years of keeping the 1,800 yen rate for
    universities, the need to recruit top people and keep up with
    professional trends has made this even small increase unavoidable.
    However, this price is still a great bargain, and we will still do our
    best to satisfy the documentation needs of our friends in the

    3. 0.5-page e-mail Rewriting Service

    These days, nearly everyone writes e-mail, and I know that many of you
    must sometimes do this in English. If you unintentionally anger your
    reader or send unclear messages that require further explanation, this
    has a cost: in time, money, and human relations. To help our clients
    make the best impression in their e-mail writing, we are offering
    half-page pricing (our usual minimum is one page) for e-mail messages.
    Simply e-mail us your text, up to 150 words, and we
    ll return it the
    same day! Isn
    t 1,200 yen a small price to pay for making a great
    impression? (Note: the half-page pricing only applies to business
    correspondence, not technical text such as abstracts.)

    Also, if you would like to organize an e-mail Writing Course for your
    company or department, don
    t hesitate to ask us. We can set up one- or
    two-day seminars as well as weekly two-hour classes for several weeks,
    whatever fits your needs.

    4. Spell Checking

    m amazed that so many of my writing students (and our rewriting
    clients) do not bother to take a few minutes to use the
    Spell Check
    function in their word processing programs like Microsoft Word. I
    m not
    just saying this because I
    m too lazy to correct others misspellings,
    although I do prefer to check writing rather than spelling. I also think
    s a good way to increase your spelling ability and learn about words
    in general. If you write in a program like LaTex, you can find
    spell-checking shareware on the Internet; I like using
    Excalibur for
    text documents.

    However, you should NOT rely on spell checkers. For example, the errors
    in this sentence would not be spotted by using the spell-checker:
    our to many errors inn this sentence.
    Your MUST still proofread your
    writing. Also, do NOT rely on grammar checkers: although in general you
    should avoid long or passive-voice sentences, sometimes these are
    appropriate in technical writing. Also, once in a while the grammar
    checkers are simply WRONG. For screenshots of faulty
    grammar checking,
    send an e-mail to:
    and write "gramurchek" in the subject line.

    5. My Resume

    Several customers have asked about my own background. Briefly, I studied
    journalism at university, which is a somewhat tough course in practical
    writing, as opposed to
    appreciating literature as taught in English
    departments. In the U.S., my main work was editing political and
    environmental news. As a Kurdyla Associate in Japan, I
    ve spent the past
    14 years editing technical documents from nearly every scientific field
    imaginable for major corporations and the country
    s leading
    universities. If you would like a copy of my resume, just send an e-mail
    and write "Send Resume" in the subject line.

    6. Joke: Writer in Hell

    I found this joke on the Internet:

    A writer died and St. Peter offered him the option of going to hell or
    to heaven. To help decide, he asked for a tour of each destination. St.
    Peter agreed and decided to take him to hell first. As he descended into
    the fiery pits, the writer saw row upon row of writers, chained to their
    desks in a steaming sweatshop. As they worked, they were repeatedly
    whipped with thorny lashes by demons. "Oh, my," the writer said, "let me
    see heaven."

    A few moments later, as they ascended into heaven, the writer saw row
    upon row of writers, chained to their desks in a steamy sweatshop. As
    they worked, they, too, were whipped with thorny lashes by demons.
    "Hey," the writer said, "this is just as bad as hell."

    "Oh, no it's not," St. Peter replied, "here your work gets published!"
  • 2001 Winter

    Open or Close
    1. 研修助成金 2. "24/7"について 3. クディラ関西の大学コース 4. クディラ関西スタッフ 5. ATRの皆様へのお知らせ
    1. 研修助成金
    現在、政府は合理化を目指し公共事業の見直案が進められているわけですが、ここに研修制度を サポートし、投資となりえる助成金制度がありますので、その中の下記2点をご紹介したいと存じます。
    *ビジネス研修の助成金 企業内における労働者のキャリア形成の効果的な促進のため、その雇用する労働者を対象として事業主 に対して助成金制度などがあります。詳細は下記、雇用・能力開発機構のホームページをご覧ください。
    *通信教育コースの受講料の返金 雇用保険一般被保険者期間5年以上などの支給条件を満たしている受講生が厚生労働大臣の指定する 教育訓練を受講し終了した場合、教育訓練施設に支払った訓練経費の80%に相当する額がハローワーク より支給されます。対象かどうかを確認されたい方はご本人が直接ハローワークに照会 することができます。弊社では下記5コースが指定通信講座となっております。指定講座や支給条件 などの詳細は厚生労働省のホームページ、教育訓練給付制度をご覧ください。 *ビジネスライティング-Basic Course (受講料36,000円) *ビジネスライティング-Advanced Course (受講料 36,000円) *社内メモと報告書 (受講料63,000円) *テクニカルレポートライティング (受講料40,950円) *技術者のためのライティング (受講料 40,950円)
    弊社関西支店のホームページをみられて、添削サービスが24時間、7日間いつでも受付可能、という印象 をおもちだと思います...これは基本的には事実です。多くのご依頼添削は深夜にかけて、また週末 にかけて行われており、事実、このサービスこそが弊社を日本でベストの添削会社に位置づける為の条件 であると思っております。しかしながら、緊急な納期でのご希望、例えば、営業外の原稿送付・納入のご 希望、または週末にかけてのご依頼の場合は、営業時間内(9:00-17:00, 月~金曜日)にまずは電話 にて渡辺まで事前にご連絡いただきますようお願い致します。(Tel: 06-6338-1855)
    弊社では、添削・翻訳のドキュメンテーションサービスに加えて、北海道から沖縄までの全国の大学を 対象に短期間のセミナーも開催しております。既に京都大学や名古屋大学では「論文の書き方」 「ポスターセッションの準備と進め方」コースを実施しております。なぜ大学が弊社のようなサービス会社 を使わなければならないかと疑問をもたれるかもしれませんが、これには下記のような良い点 があります。 *弊社のインストラクターは学術出版についてビジネスという観点からも理解できるプロのエディターです。 *大学とは係らない外部からのインストラクターが派遣されますので大学の文化、政策とは離れて、また 違う観点での新しいアプローチが可能です。 *スケジュールの柔軟性:セミナーは1日、2~3日、一日中、数時間などご希望に対応することが可能 です。 *ネイティブのインストラクターを雇う場合のビザ、TAX、住居などの手続きの心配をする必要 はありません。 *リーズナブルな価格で結果重視!
    *ヨシダが帰国しました:弊社人気の添削者・インストラクター・翻訳者でありましたテリーヨシダが12月、 ハワイへ帰りました。ヨシダは長きに渡り、皆様からのご依頼を担当させていただいておりましたので彼が 退社したことは大変残念なことでございます...Aloha!
    *2人の渡辺:何人かのお客様より、渡辺さんと何回か話しをしたけれど、なんだかそのつど違う人 みたいで迷ってしまった。2人いるみたいだ...という話をお聞きしました。はい、その通りです!渡辺敦子と 渡辺美鈴がおります。(親戚ではありません。)心配しないでください。どちらの渡辺と話していただいても 皆様にご提供するすばらしいサービスには変わりありませんので!
    ご承知のようにテリーヨシダが帰国しましたので、毎週木曜日の午後1時から5時までのライブラリーでの デスクサービスは、私、ロンリードが担当させていただきます。Stop by and say hello if you have a minute!
    1. Government funds for Training
    2. "24/7": What does this mean?
    3. University Courses by Kurdyla Kansai
    4. Kansai Staff Notes
    5. Note to our clients/authors at ATR

    1. Government funds for Training

    Currently, the government is searching for ways to cut waste, such as the several useless public works projects that have been proposed. However, one form of government spending that I'm sure will bring valuable return on investment is support for training programs. There are two programs I'd like to draw your attention to:

    * Subsidies for various business training:

    The Employment and Human Resources Development Organization of Japan, in a program related to the unemployment insurance system, will pay employers to build up the skills of their employees. For qualifications and application procedures, please go to this web site:

    * Refunded payment for distance learning courses:

    Up to 80% of tuition fees for approved distance learning courses can be refunded through a program established by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. You can check on your eligibility for this program by contacting a "Hello Work" office. Courses offered by Kurdyla and Associates that have been approved for this program include:
    *Business Writing (Basic) 36,000 yen
    *Business Writing (Advanced) 36,000 yen
    *Internal Memo & Report Writing 63,000 yen
    *Technical Report Writing 40,950 yen
    *Writing for Engineers 40,950 yen

    2. "24/7": What does this mean?

    From our web site, many people get the impression that our rewriters work 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Well, that's basically true. We do many jobs over the evenings and weekends, and in fact it's that kind of service that makes us the best documentation company in Japan. However, if you have a job with a tight deadline that you're going to send or want to receive in the evening or over the weekend, please give us NOTICE by phone (to Atsuko Watanabe, 06-6338-1855) during normal working hours (9:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday).

    3. University Courses by Kurdyla Kansai

    In addition to providing documentation services (rewriting and translation) to universities throughout the Japanese archipelago, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, we have also conducted short courses at universities, including Kyoto University and Nagoya University. These courses have included "How to Write a Scientific Paper" and "Preparing and Delivering a Poster Session." Now, why would a university hire a training contractor? Well, for several good reasons:
    *Our instructors are professional editors who understand the business side of academic publishing
    *We can provide instructors who are OUTSIDE the university's culture/politics: a fresh perspective
    *Total scheduling flexibility: seminars can be for one day or several weeks, all-day or a couple of hours
    *No need to worry about the foreign instructor's visa, taxes, housing/living needs, etc.
    *Competitive rates and an emphasis on RESULTS

    4. Kansai Staff Notes

    Here's some news about the Kurdyla Kansai staff:

    *Yoshida leaves Japan: Long-time Kurdyla Associate Terry Yoshida, a popular rewriter, instructor, and translator, leaves our office in December to return to his native Hawaii. He has provided excellent service to our clients for many years and will be missed by many. Aloha!

    *Two Watanabes: I've heard some confusion from clients who say that they've talked to a Ms. Watanabe a couple of times but it seemed like two different women. They're right! Our Kansai office staff consists of both ATSUKO Watanabe and MISUZU Watanabe (not related). Don't worry about the confusion: I can assure you that they both will give you excellent service!

    5. Note to our clients/authors at ATR

    Since Terry Yoshida is leaving Japan, I will be handling the ATR Desk myself (Thursday afternoons in the library) at least through the spring. Stop by and say hello if you have a minute!
  • 2001 Summer

    Open or Close
    1. 英文添削_電子メールでのご依頼が人気の兆し 2. ご要望にお応えできる実践的な「ミーティングコース」 3. テクニカルライティング URLs
    1. 英文添削_電子メールでのご依頼が人気の兆し
    1) スピード:返却されたFAXを見ながら添削箇所をタイプするのには非常に時間がかかります。私が思うのには、会社は貴方をタイピストにする為に雇ったのではないはずです!貴方にはしなければならないもっと重要な仕事があるはずです!また、他のスタッフに依頼されても、そのスタッフの時間とお給料がこの作業に費やされることは事実です。つまり、添削がFAXで返却された場合には、まだまだしなければならない処理が沢山あります。でも電子メールで返却された添削ファイルは、準備完了、すぐに次のステップに進むことができます!
    2) 正確さ:私が最初に行ったFAXでの添削を見ながら書き直された2回目の依頼を受けることがあるのですが、添削箇所をタイプし直した場合には、必ずと言っていいほど、少なくとも1_2箇所(それ以上の場合も!)のタイプミスを見つけます。電子メールでの添削タイプ済みの文書に関しましては弊社が全責任を負います。
    すでに、このようなお客様のご要望から社員のミーティングスキルを磨くプログラムを行い、大変ご好評を得ております。コースでは、国際会議で期待される事柄、会議の準備、参加態度についての実用的なアドバイスが行われると共に、弊社スキルコースの特徴である "learning by doing" _受講者が実際に行った経験から技術を学んでいただく考えに基づき、クラスではシュミレーション会議に多くの時間をかけていきます。会議は受講者が実際に携わっておられる仕事を基に、実際の会議に近い状況で進められます。インストラクターもメンバーの一員として加わり、参加者として、議長としての受講者のパフォーマンス評価が行われます。
    最新のテクニカルライティングに関する便利なホームページを見つけましたので下記にご紹介いたします。 Association of Teachers of Technical Writing: Society for Technical Communication: Technical Report Writing (official NASA publication): Technical Writing with Gary Conroy: RayComm, Inc.’s Technical Writing Page: Technical Writing Page: Inkspot’s Technical and Business Writer’s Corner:
    1. Rewriting through e-mail quickly gaining popularity
    2. Courses in "Meetings" fill practical need
    3. Technical Writing URLs

    1. Rewriting through e-mail quickly gaining popularity

    Over the last two years, many of our clients have changed from sending their work to us by fax to sending it by e-mail. This has provided quicker and cleaner document transfers as well as paperless document handling and storage.

    Generally, our client-authors have used the Microsoft Word program, which has functions to clearly show the changes the rewriter has made as well as the rewriter’s comments. After saving the completed file to a new file, it is very simple to delete the revision marks and comments before sending the document to a publication or conference.

    There are two strong reasons I encourage our clients to opt for rewriting by e-mail:

    1) Speed: it takes a lot of time to retype corrections from a returned fax. I would guess that your company or organization did not hire you to be a typist! You obviously have more important things to do. If you are using clerical staff for this job, you also must factor in their time and salary. When you get a fax rewrite back, you still have MUCH work to do. When you get an e-mail rewrite back, it’s ready to go!

    2) Accuracy: I’ve occasionally revised papers a second time after the author has incorporated my original rewriting. In 100% of these cases, the authors made at least one or two errors (sometimes MANY more) in revising from the faxed rewrite. With an e-mail rewrite, we take ALL of the responsibility for the finished (typed) document.

    For spending a bit more, you get a much more valuable service that actually saves you time and probably money. Please contact Atsuko Watanabe, Marketing Coordinator, for more information on our e-mail rewriting system.

    2. Courses in "Meetings" fill practical need

    One of the most demanding jobs of any businessperson is performing effectively in meetings. This challenge is made all the more difficult when the meeting is held in a language other than the participant’s native language. Also, those from other countries, particularly Americans, tend to be more aggressive and confrontational in meetings than their Japanese counterparts.

    We have helped some of our clients to handle this tough situation by training their employees in "Meetings Skills." These courses give practical advice on international expectations of meeting preparation and participation. However, as in all of our business skills courses, the emphasis is on "learning by doing," and much of the in-class time is devoted to simulated meetings on the trainees’ actual work issues. The meetings are conducted realistically with the instructor as a participant and followed up by thorough evaluation of each person’s performance as a meeting participant or leader.

    Specific skills that we work to build include being persuasive, politely interrupting someone, effectively disagreeing, summarizing, leading meetings, and techniques to ensure that talk turns into action. Such a course can be configured in a variety of ways, for example weekly over an extended time or concentrated into intensives of a few or even one day. A meetings program can also be combined into a "hybrid" business skills course such as "Meetings and Presentations."

    Please contact us to discuss how we can help make your people more effective in international meetings!

    3. Technical Writing URLs

    I have found the following homepages very useful for keeping up-to-date on current trends in technical writing:

    Association of Teachers of Technical Writing:
    Society for Technical Communication:
    Technical Report Writing (official NASA publication):
    Technical Writing with Gary Conroy:
    RayComm, Inc.’s Technical Writing Page: Technical Writing Page:
    Inkspot’s Technical and Business Writer’s Corner:

  • 2000 Winter

    Open or Close
    F. J. クディラアンドアソシエイトのロンリードです。


    1. 弊社メールアドレス変更について
    2. インターネット英語プログラムのお知らせ
    3. 短期間プログラム - NEW!
    4. 秋のスペシャルサービス:無料添削!

    1) 弊社メールアドレス変更について


    * Presentation Intensive: ビジネス/技術会議での効果的なプレゼンテーションの基礎を学びます。(各受講者スピーチ矯正付)
    * Poster Session Basics: 国際会議でのポスターセッションの準備方法とプレゼンテーション方法の基礎を学びます。(現在、大学での人気コースです!)
    * Cross-cultural Managing: 異文化を背景に上司と部下との関係について等、弊社マネージャークラスのネイティブと経験を話し合うユニークなコースです。
    * Web Surfing: インターネット上の情報は莫大な量です。この短期間セミナーでは英語で書かれたホームページから必要な情報を早く検索するコツを学びます。
    * Manual Writing: マニュアル・ユーザズガイドの構成・ライティングスタイルをも含めた基礎を学びます。

    1. 秋の特別サービス:無料添削!


    1. ご依頼者が弊社にお申込をされます時には必ず「Aさんからの紹介」と、貴方のお名前と所属(会社/研究所/大学名)を書いてもらって下さい。
    2. このキャンペーンはアカデミック価格の大学関係の皆様も対象となります。
    3. 有効対象となりますご紹介者数に限りはございませんので、キャンペーン期間中にご紹介者分の無料添削枚数を加算していただけます。
    4. 共同発表者間でのご紹介はご遠慮くださいませ。





    (尚、このメールを誤信された方、担当が変わられた、などで今後このニュースレター(3カ月に1回発信を予定)を受信されたくない方は “REMOVE” と書いてご返信くださいませ。)
    1) Changed e-mail address:
    Our new "eddress" is:
    If you have been using our old eddress, "," please switch to using the above new eddress. Service to "" will be phased out in the near future, but the Kansai Kurdyla web site will remain at:

    2) Internet distance learning:
    This year we are launching our Internet distance learning program for such courses as Business Writing and Technical Writing. For the immediate future, we are not offering such courses to the general public but to "partner" organizations. For more information, please see our company's main web site at:

    3) Short-term courses:
    Many people only think of language courses as being on-going, long-term programs. However, we regularly offer a variety of courses in many time formats, half-day, full-day, two-day, etc. Examples of such short courses:
    *Presentation Intensive: Fundamentals of business/technical presentations along with critique of trainee speeches.
    *Poster Session Basics: How to prepare and present "posters" for poster sessions at international conferences. This is a popular course with our university clients.
    *Cross-cultural Managing: Issues involved in multi-cultural manager-employee relations are explored. The instructor (a manager) and participants will share experiences.
    *Web Surfin: The vast majority of WWW info is in English. This short seminar gives some concrete hints for searching the web and finding info quickly from English-language web sites.
    *Manual Writing: The basics of preparing manuals and user guides, including organization and writing style.

    4) Special autumn offer--free rewriting!
    Now through March 15, 2001, earn up to 5 free rewriting pages! Introduce an associate, colleague or friend to our rewriting services and get up to 5 pages of free rewriting!

    You will get 5 free pages of "fax" rewriting or 3 free pages of "email" rewriting when the person you introduce sends us a paper of 10 or more pages. For papers of fewer than 10 pages, you will get 3 free pages of "fax" rewriting or 2 free pages of "email" rewriting. (Here, "pages" are based on our standard page count system. Ask for details if youre not familiar with our billing system for rewrite jobs.)

    * Introduced person must specifically mention your name and affiliation on the rewrite order form.
    * Orders from introduced people must be received by March 15, 2001.
    * Applies to academic discount customers.
    * You may make multiple introductions for greater benefits.
    * Introductions cannot be for co-authors.

    Although this offer is valid only for rewriting orders received before next March 15, you can use your accumulated free pages at any time in the future. So tell your friends today!

    For more information, please contact Ms. Atsuko Watanabe at: 06-6338-1855 or

    Again, thanks for depending on us for your documentation and training needs. We look forward to serving you in the near future!