Latest Issue:
Summer 2018

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  • 1. 弊社のeメールアドレス

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    すでにお気づきかとは思いますが、弊社のメールアドレスはタイトルに表示しておりますように、去年変更になりました。 現在、旧メールアドレスから一定期間は転送されますが、今後は新しいメールアドレスへご連絡ください。

  • 2. 6時間の “omnibus”英語ビジネススキル集中コース

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    最近、私は6日間の集中セッションの「オムニバス」シリーズを編集しました。一般のビジネススキルに焦点をあて、6ヶ月または1年で受講できます。スキルの内容は、基本的な会話、異文化コミュニケーション、プレゼンテーション(基礎と技術)、および会議&交渉術が含まれます。 ご興味がある方はこちらのサイトをご覧ください:
  • 3. 専門的なテクニカルライティングのスタイル:DRBFM

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    工業用資料では、顧客と工場のスタッフに配布される文書は標準化された文書であることは必須です。品質保証(QA)においての一般的なドキュメントはDRBFM:Design Review Based on Failure Mode(FEMA:Failure Mode and Effects Analysisと似ています)です。 簡単に言えば、これは問題点の原因を特定し、対策を提案し、その対策の期待される結果を説明するために使用されます。

    弊社ではグローバル展開で成功されているメーカーの一社であるお客様へこのDRBFMのレッスンを含んだテクニカルライティングの研修を行っております。「DRBFM Style」については下記サイトよりダウンロードできます:
  • 4. 団体とのコラボレーション:一緒に成長!

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    京阪神次世代グローバル研究リーダー育成コンソーシアム (K-CONNEX)は、関西圏の主要大学の若手研究者を中心に、次世代を担う研究室主宰者(PI)にふさわしい成長を支援する活動をされています。K-CONNEX様で今年実施したプレゼンテーションスキルプログラムは、大きなグループで行う講義とワークショップの半日(私は参加者の皆様との交流を非常に楽しみました!)ワークショップでは、数人の研究者に対し、個別のトレーニングを行いました。京阪神次世代グローバル研究リーダー育成コンソーシアム (K-CONNEX)のサイトは:
  • 5. 大阪エヴェッサバスケットボールチーム

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    当社の親会社であるHuman Holdings(は、おそらく、ヒューマンアカデミーで最も知られていると存じますが、外国人のための日本語講座など、さまざまな教育プログラムを運営していることで有名で、当グループは実際には非常に幅広い企業を有していて、私が特に関心をひいた事は新しくなった舞洲のアリーナで活躍する大阪エヴェサバスケットボールチームです。 エヴェッサの詳細はこちら:

  • 6. 言葉の起源がわかるウェブサイト

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    言語学(etymology /エティモロジー)は、言葉がどのように創造され、進化したかを研究する学問です。(時々エントモロジーと混同されますが、entomologyは昆虫学です) 私は子供のころから、言葉に魅了されています。 言葉の語源背景を調べることができる使い易いオンライン語学辞典のサイトはこちらです。

    たとえば、“seminar (n.)”の語源は:
    1887, "special group-study class for advanced students," from German Seminar "group of students working with a professor," from Latin seminarium "breeding ground, plant nursery" (see seminary). Sense of "meeting for discussion of a subject" first recorded 1944.

  • 1. Our current e-mail address:

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    As many of our clients now know, our main Kansai Branch e-mail has changed over the past year (see title). Although our e-mail to our old address will be transferred to the new one for a certain period of time, please start using the new one to ensure that you reach us!

    My own new e-mail address is
  • 2. Six-time ‘omnibus’ English business skills intensives

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    For many of our corporate clients, the traditional two-hour evening language class once or twice a week is just not practical, considering the actual work demands on their employees.

    A more feasible solution for many companies is to hold a single intensive session, or a series of intensives, for a whole or half day on specifically designated dates. Such an approach gives the trainees a bit of ‘separation’ from their workaday lives, and they often approach such training with more energy and focus.

    Recently, I assembled an ‘omnibus’ series of six full-day intensive sessions, focusing on common business skills, that can be taken over six months or a year. These skills include basic conversation, cross-cultural management, presentation (principles and training), and meetings & negotiations. Download a general scheme of this series here:
  • 3. Specialized tech writing style: DRBFM

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    In industrial documentation, providing customers and factory staff with good, standard documents is a must. A common document in the quality assurance (QA) field is DRBFM: Design Review Based on Failure Mode (similar to FEMA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis). Briefly, this is used to identify the cause of problems, propose countermeasures, and explain the expected results of the countermeasures.

    Every year we run a technical writing course for one of our great clients, a globally successful Japanese manufacturer, that includes a lesson on DRBFM. You can download a summary of ‘DRBFM Style’ here:
  • 4. Collaboration with associations: Growing together!

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    In our training programs, we really enjoy partnering with some of the greatest companies and universities throughout Japan. In recent years, however, we are also providing training services to important technical societies and organizations in Japan.

    For the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ, Kansai Branch), we have been holding, over about six years, yearly seminars in Technical Writing Fundamentals and in Presentation Skills for International Conferences. These are generally small-sized seminars that allow extensive interaction and detailed feedback on the trainees’ own writing or presentation efforts. The group atmosphere is always casual but intense. Get more information here:

    The Japan Society of English for Research (J-SER) promotes the study of English in all facets of research (writing, presentation, critical thinking, socializing, etc.) to develop the skills of its participants. The presentation skills program we conducted last year, in both Kobe and Tokyo, has two parts. On the first day, a large group took part in lecture and workshop activities (studies in a very wide field of disciplines were represented). Later, each of a few focal participants individually received intensive presentation training on a day that suited his or her schedule. Get more information here:

    K-CONNEX (The Keihanshin Consortium for Fostering the Next Generation of Global Leaders in Research) serves as a focal point for young researchers from among major Kansai-area universities, aiming to foster the next generation of principal investigators (PI). The presentation skills program we started this year has two parts. On the first half day, a very large group took part in lecture and workshop activities (I really had a lot of fun with the audience interaction!). On the second half day, intensive presentation training was given to a few people who had prepared full presentations. Get more information here:
  • 5. Osaka Evessa basketball team

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    Our parent company, Human Holdings (, is probably most famous for Human Academy, which runs many kinds of educational programs, such as Japanese courses for foreigners. But the Group actually has a very wide range of enterprises. One its operations that particularly interests me is the Osaka Evessa basketball team, which plays at an arena on newly renovated Maishima Island. Get more information on Evessa here:

    Although I really love watching basketball, I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t know so much about the team, or the pro league in Japan. Anyway, I’m determined to go to at least one game next season!
  • 6. Useful website for word origins

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    Etymology is the study of how words were created and evolved (sometimes confused with entomology, the study of insects). Since I was a kid, I’ve been fascinated with words. A user-friendly website for looking into the background of words is Online Etymology Dictionary:

    For example, the entry for “seminar (n.)” reads as follows:
    1887, "special group-study class for advanced students," from German Seminar "group of students working with a professor," from Latin seminarium "breeding ground, plant nursery" (see seminary). Sense of "meeting for discussion of a subject" first recorded 1944.

    I’d love to see you in a seminar soon!